The album continues in that vein, reminding listeners that aggressive, well-produced rock doesn't have to sound like Top 40 pabulum. |
At least they make you think – unlike the simplistic pabulum issuing from the mouths of Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. |
In the lead-off essay, she served up a heaping portion of sweet pabulum. |
Conference regulars compare the corporate pabulum that they are served at Davos with the intellectual sustenance they receive at TED. Businesses now hire it to run their in-house conferences. |
Even as we shouldn't hesitate to forcefully denounce the pabulum we're so often served, we should proudly celebrate our successes when they occur. |
When political leaders go rotten, voters must take notice, wake up from their complacency and stop believing all the pabulum they are fed that everything on Parliament Hill is just okay. |
The mouths or lacteals of roots take their pabulum, being fine particles of earth, from the superficies of the pores or cavities, wherein their roots are included. |
As this was largely a traditionally crafted speech, there were some painful cliches and political pabulum to which a typical politician might be prone, of course. |