The prisoners were also made to cook and wash for the militiamen, who are mostly from nomadic tribes and who travel by horse and camel. |
Namibia was originally inhabited by nomadic hunters, gatherers, and pastoralists, the ancestors of today's Bushman and Khoispeaking people. |
Shels' supporters have traditionally been drawn from all over Dublin, due mainly to the club's nomadic history. |
The Inca empire extended into northwest Argentina, further south the indigenous people were nomadic hunters. |
About 10,000 years ago, nomadic tribes began cultivating grains such as linkorn and emmer, the ancestors of wheat. |
Each year during harvest time, this rural community in Mali is host to two nomadic groups that come to graze their cattle or to work as herders. |
Their nomadic trait has led to the adjective gypsyish, for a person who may look like a gypsy or may be a wanderer. |
He felt a certain sense of dread slowly creep over him as he watched her move to sit with another group of the nomadic gypsies. |
Depending upon the circumstances, a gypsy may retain his nomadic habit of life even though he is not travelling for the time being. |
Balbridie is therefore a serious threat to the prevailing view of the Neolithic, in which nomadic gatherers practised just a little agriculture. |
The pampas were where the gauchos, nomadic half-Indian herdsmen, roamed and worked. |
Like most desert species, the dama gazelle is highly nomadic, ranging widely in order to obtain sufficient nutrition. |
The Arab tribes are typically nomadic, while the non-Arab blacks, such as the Fur, are mostly farmers. |
Among the nomadic Fulani, there are many stories pertaining to their cattle and migrations. |
The nomadic herdsmen of those times constructed stone mounds and stone-flagged graves of great size. |
By using photomurals to suggest the larger nomadic camp within the diorama, we could explore how gendered work organizes domestic life. |
The Fang migrated into their current area from the northeast in recent centuries as small groups or families of nomadic agriculturalists. |
It's a very similar demographic pattern to what is seen in patrilocal nomadic pastoralist cultures, the folks who invented warrior classes. |
Historically, Arabs in Sudan tend to practice nomadic pastoralism, and black Africans tend to subsist through sedentary agriculture. |
Sometime during the last ice age nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers from Asia first crossed the Bering Strait and entered the Western Hemisphere. |
The Aborigines were nomadic hunter-gatherers who did not have a concept of possessing territory or of deterring trespassers from it. |
To get an answer, one has to start with the beginning, the tens of thousands of years humans spent as nomadic hunter-gatherers. |
In the fourth century, the Huns, a nomadic people from central Asia, began attacking the German tribes. |
The Siberian Husky was bred by the nomadic Chukchi tribes of Northeast Asia. |
Here they lead a nomadic life, following the insect swarms which provide their principal diet. |
Men from the north in those days came from nomadic tribes and were supposed to be strong and brave. |
Traditionally, Eritreans lived rural lifestyles as farmers or nomadic herdsmen and women. |
Of the country's two and a half million people, nearly half remain nomadic livestock herders. |
The Sami, as a nomadic tribe, never concerned itself much with borders anyway as it herded reindeer across the region. |
Many Iraqis live a nomadic existence in tents, herding goats, sheep or cattle. |
Milk from camels, goats, and cows is a major food for Somali herdsmen and nomadic families. |
She had a nomadic upbringing courtesy of her father, a Mexican writer, and her mother, an American photographer. |
These nomadic people wander freely covering vast distances, oblivious to national borders. |
The court ruling means other gipsies may also argue that their nomadic lifestyles have been restricted in future planning cases. |
The sheer simplicity of camping in wild places has been a way of life for nomadic tribes for thousands of years. |
This remote and arid steppe, across which Ghengis Khan marched his vast army, was once the haunt of nomadic farmers. |
They led a nomadic life, moving to wherever they could find adequate grazing around the southern edge of the Air Mountains. |
The travellers had huge rows about using the internet before grudgingly accepting that email made their nomadic lives much easier. |
Artefacts include Roman pottery, bones and flints which show the town was the site of a camp used by nomadic hunters nearly 7,000 years ago. |
In 1911-14 he led a nomadic life, sometimes living in a caravan and camping with gypsies. |
The nomadic life as led by a Bedouin in the desert may have some romantic appeal, but I can't see what is attractive about it here. |
The lightweight goat hair tents of the nomadic Bedouin, for instance, can be pitched under a tree for shade, or to catch prevailing breezes. |
It is a land of endless bush, villages, nomadic cattle herdsmen and subsistence farmers. |
The people of the period were nomadic hunter-gatherers which means that they have left little trace for the modern archaeologist. |
But Atuat is promised to Oki, a particularly nasty, brutish and short member of their small nomadic community. |
Only a few nomadic tribesmen with their herds of reindeer were witnesses to a mystery that goes unsolved to this day. |
The stubbornly nomadic ones among them went back to their former, Mongolian lifestyle, where they could continue to roam at will. |
These mobile homes have been used for thousands of years by nomadic Mongolian tribesmen on the steppes of Asia. |
Mongolia in Genghis Khan's day was inhabited by a mosaic of nomadic tribes, some speaking Mongolian, others various forms of Turkish. |
The Festival grew out of an organic need for the nomadic Tuareg tribes to meet regularly and do the things that their society required. |
There are also nomadic Tuaregs, who spend many months moving from place to place. |
The site is also a meeting place for Tuaregs, nomadic people known for their blue robes. |
A few species of Emberizids are migratory, but most are permanent residents or make only short-distance migrations or nomadic wanderings. |
Women of nomadic tribes wore pants under one or more belted dresses of printed cotton. |
There are large towns in Cyrenaica, but until recently the nomadic Bedouins dominated the countryside. |
Legend has it that his ancestors used to make these signs for fun and merriment around the nomadic village. |
These swifts are not migratory, although they will make local nomadic trips or shift seasonally. |
Aboriginal culture is nomadic, whereas Maoris tended to settle in fixed communities. |
The Native American tipi was used mainly by nomadic Indians of the Great Plains. |
Historians say the Tanguts are a branch of nomadic Qiang people, related to the Tibetans. |
The poorest schools in Kenya are found in the semiarid areas occupied by the nomadic communities like the Maasai, Samburu, Turkana, and Somali. |
The traditional inhabitants of the region, the nomadic, cattle-herding Maasai, have lived alongside elephants for centuries. |
For centuries the nomadic Tsaatan people have roamed the taiga of northern Mongolia, raising the reindeer that provide their livelihood. |
For thousands of years nomadic tribes of the Middle East have bred a hunting hound called the saluki. |
Among those added to the list is the saiga, a nomadic antelope inhabiting the steppes and semi-arid deserts of central Asia. |
The Aryans were a nomadic people who may have come to India from the areas around southern Russia and the Baltic. |
True gypsies, or Romanies, were perceived and defined as a separate nomadic people possessing their own language, customs, and beliefs. |
Less than 10 per cent of the world's eight million Romanies remain nomadic. |
Because origin could not be ascertained, both species were classified as resident as well as nomadic. |
At one time, the nomadic Kazaks lived in yurts, cone-shaped tents of white felt stretched over a framework of wooden poles. |
It was only after the Mongols tamed horses, yaks and camels that they took to a nomadic herding lifestyle. |
Lawrence's nomadic life supplied him with material for much of his writing and he wrote four travel books of a very personal kind. |
The Figbird is a locally nomadic bird which roams in search of native and cultivated fruits and figs. |
The ancient Kyrgyz were part of strong nomadic tribal unions, which proved to be a serious distress to China. |
It's about a nomadic storyteller in India named Bram who's preoccupied with Dracula. |
The Afars are mostly nomadic pastoralists whose grazing area extends from eastern and southern Eritrea into Ethiopia. |
The Kamilaroi were nomadic hunters and gatherers with a band-level social organization. |
This nomadic improvisation troupe takes its ad-lib comedy to movie theatres and bars. |
My father's family are descended from the Wends, a nomadic people from the Slav lands who were gypsies, musicians and physicians. |
Like waxwings, fieldfares are nomadic and show no allegiance to regular wintering areas. |
The nomadic peoples of the region, such as the Bedouins, have long possessed rich narrative traditions of their own, not least among them the great hilali epic cycles. |
In reality, the Iraqi borders had been arbitrarily drawn and disregarded 2,000 years of tribal, sectarian, and nomadic occupation. |
So, he approached his nomadic friends to gauge their interest in the collaboration. |
As an entire nation prays for more rain, a group of nomadic women performs a rain dance, but even they know that a country cannot survive on hope alone. |
Raiding nomadic herders forced the populations to live in walled cities for defense and to entrust their protection to an aristocratic class of leaders. |
His research helped debunk earlier notions that the Monacans and other Siouan groups were largely nomadic hunters and gatherers who occasionally raided coastal Algonquians. |
Some, like Pete, who McKell has become quite close with, have migrated to and from other types of nomadic communities. |
But this is of greater concern to the bureaucrats than to the Lapps, who have abandoned their nomadic existence in favour of full-fledged membership in the welfare state. |
They learned to play while exiled in the refugee camps of Libya, at a time when the nomadic Tamashek people were in armed revolt against the Malian authorities. |
The arid land of this autonomous republic supports a nomadic lifestyle. |
His wistful brand of traditional American roots music is deeply embedded in mysticism and keenly embodies the stature of the early 20th century's lonely, nomadic soul. |
Their regional rivals are the nomadic Missiriya tribe, who come down from the north into Abyei so their cattle can graze. |
Vital to the Tsaatan nomadic lifestyle, reindeer populations in taiga just south of Siberia are decreasing significantly, posing a serious threat to the Tsaatan. |
Its autochthonous Berber population was nomadic and so did not cultivate. |
The converts among the merchants and nomadic rulers built temples, pagodas and cave sanctuaries carved into the canyon cliffs and mountains along the Yellow River. |
She and Jeannie were planning a trip to the Arctic Circle to follow some nomadic reindeer herders. |
I'm a 22nd century paleontologist, not a 13th century nomadic bowyer. |
A central exploration of these situations has been the creation of nomadic habitations, which are designed to be worn, slept, stored and sheltered in. |
For centuries the nomadic Tuaregs of the Sahara, warned off by legends of diabolical fumes and flames, have avoided camping in the dry lake beds around Timbuktu, Mall. |
Sheikh Hilal was unbendingly proud of his nomadic way of life. |
Unfortunately, hedgehogs are nomadic and difficult to attract into a garden, but a pile of logs and dense native hedging will give them somewhere to hide. |
It's an impromptu exercise in unsupervised reconciliation, as well as an exploration of the evolving consequences of nomadic life in a sedentary society. |
Eventually, the Urartians were decimated when nomadic tribes came through the Caucasian passes in the north and wiped the Urartian cities off the map. |
While most of the Bedouin tribesman of the Wadi Rum area have now given up a nomadic lifestyle, camels are still valuable currency in a country not enriched by oil. |
In ancient times, the people of Asir were able to take advantage of the damp climate and abandoned the nomadic way of life essential for survival in the rest of Arabia. |
Such is the nomadic existence of the international press corps. |
Peyroux's nomadic life and folksy, natural style of singing also hark back to a simpler era, when a teenager could run away from home and join a band of street musicians. |
In the past, nomadic Roma always kept a stewpot simmering in the camp. |
A more nomadic and warlike group of Arawaks called the Caribs was present on a small portion of the island and are said to have shot arrows at Columbus upon his arrival. |
The species is desired by nomadic livestock herders for harvesting. |
Like their predecessors, the Himyarites used the nomadic Arabs as auxiliaries in their armies, Robin adds, particularly from the 3rd century AD onwards. |
The circus, the nomadic tent show of breathtaking performances, is on. |
There were serious revolts during the course of the seventeenth-century, and raiding by the nomadic hunter-gatherers from the eastern parts of the region. |
The two books reviewed here examine Spanish-native interactions and efforts to establish missions among groups of largely nomadic hunter-gatherers. |
As for the nomadic spirit of the poet, I remember wresting my partner away from an accountant inamorato, donkeys ago, telling her she'd live the romantic rover's life with me. |
Since most Fulbe are nomadic cattle herdsmen, the logical explanation for their migration eastward is the search for water and good grazing for their cattle. |
In common with other plains peoples, the Dakota were nomadic buffalo hunters, who gathered in tribes during the summer, and dispersed into family groups during the winter. |
The Conference would not allow the club to groundshare for longer than five seasons without having some definitive end in sight to their nomadic life. |
The Neolithic Revolution was characterized by people moving from nomadic lifestyles to agricultural lifestyles. |
The Han army regularly policed the trade route against nomadic bandit forces generally identified as Xiongnu. |
Some sites were defended by ditches and banks, structures thought to have been built to defend against nomadic tribes from the steppe. |
Earlier, quite large land areas had been either unclaimed or uninhabited, or inhabited by nomadic peoples who were not organised as states. |
I have even read in a book of criminology that the tramp is an atavism, a throw-back to the nomadic stage of humanity. |
During their nomadic phase, the Lombards primarily created art that was easily carried with them, like arms and jewellery. |
Raids from the nomadic Berber people of the desert were of constant concern to those living on the edge of the desert. |
Pastoralists live a nomadic life, moving their herds from one pasture to another. |
This practice not only reinforced the negative, nomadic image of RV travelers, it was a detriment to expanding the trailer market. |
In nomadic pastoralism, herds of livestock are moved from place to place in search of pasture, fodder, and water. |
This meant a nomadic existence, and for Laurence's first few years, he never lived in one place long enough to make friends. |
They generally lived in small nomadic groups known as band societies, often in caves. |
Many large pelagic fish are oceanic nomadic species which undertake long offshore migrations. |
The nomadic migrations that were the central feature of Arctic life had become a much smaller part of life in the North. |
Consisting mostly of mollusc shells, they are interpreted as being the waste products of meals eaten by nomadic groups or hunting parties. |
In North Africa, Uromastyx species are considered dhaab or 'fish of the desert' and eaten by nomadic tribes. |
It frequently prefers wetter habitats than the house sparrow, and it is often colonial and nomadic. |
They were seasonally occupied by nomadic groups of people during the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods. |
With the brief exception of the Mongol invasions in the 13th century, major nomadic incursions ceased. |
Between 1977 and 1989 Home was Governor of I Zingari, the nomadic cricket team. |
As agriculture advanced, most humans transitioned from a nomadic to a settled lifestyle as farmers in permanent settlements. |
The kingdom of the Medes helped to destroy the Assyrian Empire in tandem with the nomadic Scythians and the Babylonians. |
Can the polysemic and nomadic meanings of a text such as the Qur'an overcome the unbewised efforts to reduce it to monologic decree? |
These groups were warlike, semi nomadic and did not practice significant agriculture, nor did they construct cities. |
Evidence of these nomadic tribes has been found in limestone caves located on the Nottinghamshire border. |
Initially they spent their time learning the languages of the warlike, nomadic Tatar, Kalmyk, and other tribespeople. |
Horse blood was once used as food by the Mongols and other nomadic tribes, who found it a convenient source of nutrition when traveling. |
The classical dance form of Kathak traces its origins to the nomadic bards of ancient northern India, known as Kathaks, or storytellers. |
Major military campaigns were launched to weaken the nomadic Xiongnu Empire, limiting their influence north of the Great Wall. |
The environment has traditionally been deeply respected by Buryats due to the nomadic way of life and religious culture. |
Its debating chamber, in timber, is an abstract version of a lavvo, the traditional tent used by the nomadic Sami people. |
Buryats share many customs with other Mongols, including nomadic herding, and erecting gers for shelter. |
He sailed up Lena until it became too rocky and shallow, and then journeyed westward through the steppes inhabited by nomadic Buryats. |
Historically, raising livestock was part of a nomadic or pastoral form of material culture. |
These have yielded evidence of how prehistoric human populations lived as nomadic hunters and traders. |
These conquests complicated the migration of the aggressive nomadic hordes from Asia to Europe through Volga. |
Agricultural life afforded securities that pastoral life could not, and sedentary farming populations grew faster than nomadic. |
For most of the early history of the settlements in the Persian Gulf, the southern shores were ruled by a series of nomadic tribes. |
The route was defined around the 1st century BCE when Han Wudi put an end to harassment by nomadic tribes. |
The second group are the Juhayna, who are nomadic and seminomadic nationalitites. |
Initially there were few formal places of worship because of the nomadic lifestyle. |
These nomadic hunter tribes brought with them patrifocal mythology that included the worship of a sky god, Zeus. |
The Ming adopted a new strategy to keep the nomadic tribes out by constructing walls along the northern border of China. |
Yasa permitted the institutions of polygamy and concubinage so characteristic of southerly nomadic peoples. |
The Bafours were primarily agricultural, and among the first Saharan people to abandon their historically nomadic lifestyle. |
They shifted to a nomadic lifestyle, as opposed to agriculture, based on hunting bison on horseback and moved down to the Great Plains. |
For instance, the nomadic steppe peoples north of the Black Sea, including the Pechenegs and the Kipchaks, were called barbarians by Byzantines. |
Boers often referred to the settled European farmers or nomadic cattle herders. |
These diverse strategies for survival amongst the migratory herds could also provide an evolutionary route towards nomadic pastoralism. |
King Stephen converted the nomadic barbarian tribes of the Hungarians and induced them to sedentary culture. |
Omara Moctar, aka Bombino, belongs to the nomadic Tuareg community of Agadez, Niger's largest city. |
The Tuaregs are nomadic pastoral people in North Africa and are from Berber descent. |
Storytelling was once a profession in Tuva, as well as an avocation practiced by both men and women living as nomadic herders. |
Pastoralism is similar to nomadic movement because all of them go to places season to season. |
The arrival of the nomadic Huns along the Black Sea corridor in AD 375 further accelerated the Goth's exodus across the Roman border. |
In the Sahara, the distinction between sedentary oasis inhabitants and nomadic Bedouins and Tuaregs is particularly marked. |
There are very few discovered settlements, which led to the traditional view of this culture as exclusively nomadic pastoralists. |
Some archaeologists believed it sprang from central Europe while others saw an influence from nomadic pastoral societies of the steppes. |
Scholars have connected the Alans to the nomadic state of Yancai mentioned in Chinese sources. |
Strabo treats the Hermunduri as a nomadic Suebian people, living east of the Elbe. |
The nomadic population swelled with the influx of bedouins from Najd, in the Arabian Peninsula. |
An example of a largely nomadic ethnic group in Europe is the Roma, pejoratively known as Gypsies. |
Yet we live in an era when political boundaries, not the lives of nomadic pastoralists, are sacrosanct. |
The Horn region alone has the largest concentration of camels in the world, where the dromedaries constitute an important part of local nomadic life. |
For preserving racial superiority as the conqueror and ruling class, traditional nomadic customs and heritage from the Mongolian steppe were held in high regard. |
In prehistoric times, Alsace was inhabited by nomadic hunters. |
In 979, the Song dynasty reunified most of the China proper, while large swaths of the outer territories were occupied by sinicized nomadic empires. |
The tectiforms reproduce in a remarkable manner the simple shelters, tents, and huts in use today among primitive and nomadic races in various parts of the world. |
The Medes warred constantly with the Assyrians and were finally brought down in 549 BC by Cyrus the Great, the head of the Achaemenids, another nomadic Persian people. |
Based on Chinese historical texts the ancestry of the Mongolic peoples can be traced back to the Donghu, a nomadic confederation occupying eastern Mongolia and Manchuria. |
His ancestors intermarried with sinicized nomadic aristocrats. |
Shelta, the language of the nomadic Irish Travellers is native to Ireland. |
Hassaniya, a bedouin Arabic dialect that derives its name from the Beni Hassan, became the dominant language among the largely nomadic population. |
In traditional nomadic herding, reindeer herders migrate with their herds between coast and inland areas according to an annual migration route and herds are keenly tended. |
With an original home base at North Parade, Bath then led a nomadic existence during the 1800s playing at Claverton Down, Lambridge Meadows, Taylor's Field and Henrietta Park. |
The Tocharians were a nomadic group of people living in Central Asia whose origins were thought to be from Eastern Europe and Western Asia, better known as the Ural Mountains. |
In the north, the last of the Sixteen Kingdoms was extinguished in 439 by the Northern Wei, a kingdom founded by the Xianbei, a nomadic people who unified northern China. |
Handoga, dated to the fourth millennium BP, has in turn yielded obsidian microliths and plain ceramics used by early nomadic pastoralists with domesticated cattle. |
The floating waterhouses allow residents to live a nomadic life. |
Their encounters with the nomadic Nama tribes were largely peaceful. |
The Sami of Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula of Russia and other nomadic peoples of northern Asia use reindeer for food, clothing, and transport. |
The Arsacids were in an almost perpetual state of war to defend the Persian territories against the Roman Empire in the west and nomadic tribes in the east. |
This was most likely due to low body fat, infanticide, women regularly engaging in intense endurance exercise, late weaning of infants, and a nomadic lifestyle. |
No official dates pinpoint when these mysterious figures were carved, but it is estimated that sometime between 900 and 1400 AD nomadic Algonkians discovered the marble slab. |
Arabs, in particular peninsular Arabs and nomadic Bedouins, are largely organized in tribes, many of whom have official representatives in governments. |
During the annual Sukkot holiday, devout families recreate the nomadic experience of their ancestors by erecting sukkahs in back gardens and on balconies. |
To their north and east were the Vyatichi, and to their south was forested land settled by Slav farmers, giving way to steppelands populated by nomadic herdsmen. |
Like other settled, agrarian societies in history, those in the Indian subcontinent have been attacked by nomadic tribes throughout its long history. |
Because the Mongols came to control the trade routes, trade circulated throughout the region, though they never abandoned their nomadic lifestyle. |
It also made possible nomadic pastoralism in semi arid areas, along the margins of deserts, and eventually led to the domestication of both the dromedary and Bactrian camel. |
As a result, Germanic tribes and other nomadic peoples launched raids south and west across Rome's northern border, particularly into Gaul and across the Danube. |
The impact of this change on society was enormous and is often compared to the Neolithic revolution, when mankind developed agriculture and gave up its nomadic lifestyle. |
These nomadic indigenous groups are generically referred to as Chichimeca, but in reality they were a variety of ethnicities such as the Guachichiles, Pames and Zacatecos. |
This was followed by the nomadic people who settled around the modern town around 4,500 BC as farmers clearing the area of woodland and building monuments. |
The nomadic Antlers Gallery opened in 2010, moving into empty spaces on Park Street, on Whiteladies Road and in the Purifier House on Bristol's Harbourside. |
Mandan tradition states that the Hidatsa were a nomadic tribe until their encounter with the Mandan, who taught them to build stationary villages and cultivate agriculture. |
The older view of Mesolithic Britons as nomadic is now being replaced with a more complex picture of seasonal occupation or, in some cases, permanent occupation. |
Some ducks, particularly in Australia where rainfall is patchy and erratic, are nomadic, seeking out the temporary lakes and pools that form after localised heavy rain. |
Yet, we cannot rule out the possibility that more mobile and nomadic individuals exist in our study population, as documented in other desert granivorous bird assemblages. |
The wolf holds great importance in the cultures and religions of the nomadic peoples, both of the Eurasian steppe and of the North American Plains. |
An advancement of agricultural settlement began forcing the Cossacks to give up their traditional nomadic ways and to adopt new forms of government. |