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How to use nomadic in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word nomadic? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The prisoners were also made to cook and wash for the militiamen, who are mostly from nomadic tribes and who travel by horse and camel.
Namibia was originally inhabited by nomadic hunters, gatherers, and pastoralists, the ancestors of today's Bushman and Khoispeaking people.
Shels' supporters have traditionally been drawn from all over Dublin, due mainly to the club's nomadic history.
The Inca empire extended into northwest Argentina, further south the indigenous people were nomadic hunters.
About 10,000 years ago, nomadic tribes began cultivating grains such as linkorn and emmer, the ancestors of wheat.
Each year during harvest time, this rural community in Mali is host to two nomadic groups that come to graze their cattle or to work as herders.
Their nomadic trait has led to the adjective gypsyish, for a person who may look like a gypsy or may be a wanderer.
He felt a certain sense of dread slowly creep over him as he watched her move to sit with another group of the nomadic gypsies.
Depending upon the circumstances, a gypsy may retain his nomadic habit of life even though he is not travelling for the time being.
Balbridie is therefore a serious threat to the prevailing view of the Neolithic, in which nomadic gatherers practised just a little agriculture.
The pampas were where the gauchos, nomadic half-Indian herdsmen, roamed and worked.
Like most desert species, the dama gazelle is highly nomadic, ranging widely in order to obtain sufficient nutrition.
The Arab tribes are typically nomadic, while the non-Arab blacks, such as the Fur, are mostly farmers.
Among the nomadic Fulani, there are many stories pertaining to their cattle and migrations.
The nomadic herdsmen of those times constructed stone mounds and stone-flagged graves of great size.
By using photomurals to suggest the larger nomadic camp within the diorama, we could explore how gendered work organizes domestic life.
The Fang migrated into their current area from the northeast in recent centuries as small groups or families of nomadic agriculturalists.
It's a very similar demographic pattern to what is seen in patrilocal nomadic pastoralist cultures, the folks who invented warrior classes.
Historically, Arabs in Sudan tend to practice nomadic pastoralism, and black Africans tend to subsist through sedentary agriculture.
Sometime during the last ice age nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers from Asia first crossed the Bering Strait and entered the Western Hemisphere.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Across long centuries the life of your far-gone nomadic ancestors calls to you.
The usual life of the nomadic laplander is about as wretched as can well be imagined.
The place was a great rendezvous for nomadic Lapps, and I found many of them.
There were bands, also, of the nomadic tribes, the short broad-faced Calmuck and the Nogai Tartars.
During the Roman period the Beja were much what they are to-day, nomadic and aggressive, and were constantly at war.
Several alcoholic drinks made from milk, such as kefir and koumiss, have been originated among the nomadic tribes of Western Asia.
Besides these there are several nomadic dwellings, such as tents, bush humpies, and drays.
He was a nomadic Lapp, but had come to visit his sister, who had married a Sea Lapp.
Abram's nomadic existence once again intersects with God's promises, leaving a sense that God is always on the journey with Sarai and Abram.
The geography of Asia and of Africa necessitated a nomadic life.
During the summer their reindeer are taken care of by the nomadic Lapps.
A tent of a nomadic Lapp was a model of cleanliness compared with this!
He visits Amritsar, receives an invitation to eat with a maharajah and meets the Nihang, an order of nomadic Sikh warriors.
That nomadic lifestyle added layers of diversity to the cuisine's rich broths, salty preserved vegetables, and robust Cantonese flavors.
But this nomadic, hand-to-mouth life could not go on indefinitely.
The feudal ownership of land did bring dignity, whereas the modern ownership of movables is reducing us again to a nomadic horde.
But gers also contribute to Mongolian culture and to an understanding of this historically nomadic people.
He visits Amritsar during the festival of Diwali, receives an exclusive invitation to eat and cook with a maharajah and meets the Nihang, an order of nomadic Sikh warriors.
The nomadic nature of the Asturians in these two stories calls to mind a particular notion of space described by Deleuze and Guattari in A Thousand Plateus.
My impression is, that our wonderfully increased and still increasing facilities of locomotion are destined to bring us around again to the nomadic state.
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