Sentence Examples
Yes, I've been told that I look like I am doing a Carl Sagan impression, but that was simply the way I spoke, mon ami. |
Then, Les Trois Accords pick up the baton with Dans mon corps, back after their resounding success at the MONTREAL HIGH LIGHTS Festival. |
C'est mon show, above all, is the dynamics that bring together and set at loggerheads two fast friends, Dominic Sillon and Martin Cloutier. |
French police raided the offices of Closer mon Tuesday in an attempt to track the man down. |
The duo started out crooning Je pense à toi mon amour a good ten years ago, recounting their extraordinary destiny somewhere between the lines. |
Following in the wake of a string of hit singles including Living Room, Moi, mon âme et ma conscience and, of course, Irénée, Paris Combo vamp up their repertoire with a new album release, Motifs. |
Dans mon corps is their latest album with the unlikely cover, featuring hard-hitting hooky melodies and lyrics of surprising depth, and presented here in a Montreal premiere. |
The Tosa water chestnut leaf mon was then drawn as a rhombus or diamond shape in the Mitsubishi logo. |
For heom ne may halter ne bridel Bringe from here wode wyse, Ne mon mid stele ne mid ire. |
En contemplant mon temps passe Et le passe temps de Michaut, J'ay mon temps perdu compasse Duquel a present bien m'y chault. |
The cherry blossom was in use in Heian times...For obvious reasons it become the mon of the Sakurai family. |
Thai is a tonal language, and its alphabet is derived from Mon and Khmer scripts. |
Subsequently he undertook five missions to Myanmar, visiting Shan, Kachin, Kayin, Mon States, and Bago and Yangon Divisions. |
But less often heard are the voices, the ethnic national minority groups, such as the Karen, the Karenni, the Mon, the Shan, the Chin, the Kachin and so on. |
The niches on its terraces are filled with images in a deliberately archaistic revival of the old Mon style. |
The Group is participating in the reconstruction of four villages located near the cement plant: Mon Kkeun, Lamkruet, Weu Raya and Lampaya. |
Examples include Bhutanese in south-east Nepal, Chakma in Bangladesh or Rohingya, Mon or Karen in Burma. |
Piscinas Mon de Pra, a company with extensive experience in the polyester sector, supplies 47 models of pool in a wide range of shapes and sizes for you to choose the design you like best. |
Patricia, who was joined on stage by five brilliant musicians including her loyal pianist Fred Helbert, launched into her Kabaret performance by belting out a song that has become her signature tune: Mon mec à moi. |
Due to run until 2010, the project targets the households in the most impoverished villages in the 26 townships of the five border states of Chin, Kachin, Kayin, Mon and Rakhine. |
Mon Mome has made the joint long price winner in the National's history. |
Examples from Classical Literature
This paper was my contract, and mon petit dame explained that she was not my mother. |
Sur mon ame, I never yet knew money fail with any man who was both worldly and dependent. |
I will explain it to you after, mon amie, when this anger shall have passed away. |
Why, mon petit, it was years ago in Limousin, and how can I bear in mind what was the cause of it? |
You remember, mon caporal, that splendid thing that he did five years ago at Sabasasta? |
And now, said Hilda, leaning forward and smiling at him, you have heard me filer mon chapelet. |
When the child once saw her uncle with a lorgnon around his neck she said, Cest le bon Dieu de mon oncle. |
Sais-tu, mon garcon, although you are a tutor, you ought to have been born a prince. |
And, 'fore God, you are a better man than I take you for if you can lay me on my back, mon garcon. |
Dat is where mon onc' 'Lias he bring in de King's ship and de privator. |
My mon's been a sober mon all his life, and he never negleckit his wark. |
Perhaps mon Americain won't think so much of his peseta bills. |
Flirtation is a crooked business, and you are straight, mon amie. |
You shall have them, not that you 'll need them long, mon cher. |
Non, mon ami, Ve haVe enough of ze peine to attraper you again. |
Thof he's such a friend at a pinch, he's a rale mon of business. |
He does not even remember why O Richard, O mon ROI was so dear to us. |
Pluck's pluck, yo' see, whether yo're for a mon or agen him. |
But with you, mon ami, I know very well that I waste my time. |
At that time I had no secretary, but mon petit dame served me as such. |
In return you must pardon ME, mon cher Marquis, and tell me what you have to do with it. |
Oh, mon fils, thou wilt write often, and I must know all the news. |
Urbain knelt down by the bed and said softly, 'Mon pere, mon pere. |
Mon Dieu, what a beauty it gives you, and that placing of the tulle is ravissant. |