Ball normalizer: Turns the ball to it's normal size after it has hit a minimizer of maximizer. |
The model portfolio, which has to be tailored to each investor's risk tolerance and situation, is a risk minimizer, not a profit maximizer. |
This is a loudness maximizer, allowing you to significantly raise the perceived loudness without risking clipping distortion. |
A variety of output effects, such as a maximizer or equalizer, can be applied to achieve the desired sound quality. |
The six processors in Ozone 3 are paragraphic equalizer, multiband dynamics, multiband harmonic exciter, multiband stereo imaging, loudness maximizer and mastering reverb. |
Reagle is something of a maximizer, too, in his approach to his subject, in the sense that he has a tendency to offer us a lengthy succession of illustrations of the specific kind of commentary he is discussing. |
Their new collection includes an exfoliator, a color maximizer, a sunless tanning spray and lotion, and a tan extender. |
The Annuity Estate Maximizer Concept: Ideal for those with excess annuity income that they plan to leave behind for their loved ones. |
Yours can, too, with Dior Pore Minimizer Primer and Dior Glow Maximizer Primer. |