To use Memorial Day to make up for a snow day is a slap in the face to every person in Alexandria who has lost someone to the perils of war. |
Three double-headers are scheduled for Kaohsiung and Tienmu over the weekend in order to make up for the time lost because of the rain. |
The building was a meek, red brick building with several extensions to make up for the growth in attendance every year. |
Heaven knows that black cinema has years of bad caricature to make up for, and I got a good laugh out of the switcheroo. |
They make up for that by attacking the ball and forcing 19.8 turnovers per game. |
Perhaps the vivid hues are supposed to make up for the blandness of what gets served. |
The Samba-Brazil nut and date cake, Brazilian pecan nut and cocoa parfait make up for the Latin American team's fans. |
Fortunately, the film does offer some stylish action scenes which almost make up for its two-dimensional characters. |
I suspected that the local gods, having delivered a lackluster landscape, decided to make up for it by blessing the land with colorful rivers. |
Burnley owe their home fans a sparkling performance this weekend to make up for their horror show at Gillingham. |
The kind with double flowers bloom a bit less but make up for it with so many extra petals they look like little roses. |
The sound is hollow and muffled throughout the film, and the bass has been cranked up to make up for the overall lack of punch. |
So he tries to make up for his shyness by being as open-minded as possible and accepting people for who they are. |
This council must make up for all the underspending or they will find themselves out at the council elections this year. |
So he said no, privately muttering that his team shouldn't have to compromise to make up for the mistakes of others. |
In his fury and humiliation at being unhorsed, he turned to meet the one who had brought him down, ready to make up for it. |
Granted, we have to do a bit more bookkeeping than before, but the savings more than make up for it. |
Does their work and data make up for the numerous impacts of many a well-turned ankle clad in contoured Dior bootees? |
Cork gave us an unmerciful hiding in the 2003 final and we'll be hoping to try and make up for that. |
He doesn't need to hint at bad-boy nefariousness to make up for shortfalls in the talent department. |
With the time investment required to become a PhD, we cannot now make up for the supply shortage in faculty. |
I'll do my best to pull my socks up, get my act together, and make up for the lost time. |
First you spend time seeing everything to make up for lost time, then you wind back a bit. |
It has since focused its attention on the local market, to make up for the lost export earnings. |
He was a nice old chap who tried desperately to make up for the uselessness of his subordinates. |
Great video and sound and tons of trailers might make up for a too short running time. |
We have her in special education programs to make up for the 16 months of little brain development. |
He scowled, pretending anger to make up for the insane urge to grin absurdly. |
There isn't a duff track, and while those lyrics are often too clever for their own good, the accompanying tunes usually make up for that. |
As if to make up for the sluggishness in his body, his mind was racing along at double speed. |
But mathematical progress is bursty, and a single breakthrough could more than make up for lost time. |
However, she feels that the job satisfaction will more than make up for any reservations she has. |
The movie itself might not be much on serious drama, but the bonus features make up for that. |
People are putting in long hours to make up for poor organisation and planning in the workplace. |
It's hardly a level playing field in terms of the personnel at each manager 's disposal, but the pitch itself might well make up for that. |
To make up for a rainout in June, they played at Shea Stadium in the afternoon, then at Yankee Stadium the same night. |
Aside from that, Jay-Z's not one of my favorite emcees, but a good beat does a lot to make up for that, and this album is a wonderful example. |
The eggheads in intelligence dropped the ball, but the warrior types are ready to make up for it. |
The show's whip-smart writing, bold frankness and exceptional acting more than make up for these minor stumbles. |
Now it was simply to spend a bit more time with her, to keep her company and just to make up for all the time she hadn't been there. |
These are financial instruments that rise in value as the market falls, enabling the holder to make up for losses on an orthodox share portfolio. |
The farmers are calling on the Government to pay compensation and make up for the so-called BSE tax. |
You swipe your finger on this scanner, and software then tries to make up for your mental woolliness. |
To make up for this seeming gap, he became a voracious reader, very eclectic in his taste. |
What is a challenge worth when there is no prize in the end to make up for the travails? |
Since the end of the sanctions, the Kurds have sought ways to make up for that lost income. |
What Kuwaiti fans lack in numbers, they plan to make up for in noise and enthusiasm when their team take on Australia in the Asian Cup. |
Her diction, her art of prosody, the amorous passion that he brings into her troubling singing make up for her hard and rather metallic tone. |
It seems he's decided to make up for lost time by backing up his first proposal with several very public declarations of his intentions. |
The regular size was huge, what they miss in quality they try to make up for in quantity. |
We have the occasional sighting of a bluejay or a cardinal, but that doesn't make up for the lower class of birds who hang out in my yard. |
Smokers who think the soothing effects of tobacco make up for the risks may be deceiving themselves badly, according to a new theory. |
After all, he needed something to make up for the fact that in general, his mind was as much use as a milkshake with no milk. |
However, he agrees that Shanghai has some pluses that help to make up for this, citing the city's internationalism as an example. |
That was a short but sappy chapter to make up for some of the gruesome chapters I made y'all go through! |
My hanging baskets and planters will have to make up for the lack of flower borders for the time being. |
Do staff members try to make up for the lack of rampaging aliens by occasionally running amok themselves? |
Here you go my dearies, it's the best I could do for now, but I promise you that dinner will make up for it a hundred times over. |
All the amplification in world can't make up for a lack of soul, providing more proof that some genres just don't rock. |
Now that prices are kicking booty, let's crank open the oil spigots and make up for lost time! |
But we're only human, and we feel the need to make up for our lack of physical presence in other ways. |
They were preparing to work through the holidays to make up for a missed deadline for completion of the work. |
We try to make up for our rebellious feelings by behaving in artificially loving ways toward others. |
It also made them keen to make up for lost opportunity and learn more about where they came from. |
Over typical intercity distances in the US, train travel would have to be free of charge to make up for the value of the extra travel time. |
But Reagan realized immediately that no amount of budget cutting could make up for the shortfall in revenues. |
My work has taken me away a great deal and I want to make up for lost time whilst I am still hopefully young and fit enough to do so. |
Whether the partnership can move quickly enough to make up for lost time, however, remains to be seen. |
To make up for this, the runner beans got off to a great start and are already showing their first beans. |
Consumers could start to save more of their income in an effort to make up for stock losses, causing a cutback in spending. |
We all work long hours these days, but many men try to make up for it when they get home. |
Asiatic lilies make up for having little or no scent with the beauty of their huge upturned flowers in luminous colours. |
We spent so much time searching for the bra that would make up for the sag. |
The satisfying feel of the keys beneath my fingers make up for its larger-than-necessary form factor. |
They exchange books and movies and are doing their best to make up for all the lost years. |
To make up for the lost sleep, he sleeps to the full on weekends, getting up after noon. |
At 28 he knows he is supposed to be in his prime and he knows there is a lot of lost time to make up for. |
Did this mean, he asked, that the disabled were being taxed to make up for the city's lost revenue? |
Like many who switched employers before pension portability, I now have to make up for those 'lost years' of early career moves. |
The very stylish decor and layout could unfortunately not make up for the very expensive bar prices and the rude and insolent staff. |
Roddick and Federer were put to the test on Thursday when both competitors had to play twice to make up for a near-washout on Tuesday. |
There is plenty of power to make up for a lack of real head-turning looks, and but testers have raised questions about its driving dynamics. |
It's to make up for the tons of paper we use up photocopying the thousands of pages' worth of readings he assigns. |
Or put another way, it's stealing from tomorrow to make up for the improvident ways of today. |
I thought they were especially good that night, perhaps putting the extra effort to make up for their MIA bandmate. |
Clearly he was saying that, as we seek a color-blind society, we must make up for what we have done to those of color. |
As a result, they had to leave quite early to beat the evening traffic jam and to make up for their drummer's driving. |
Gee, I hope all those explosions make up for the battalions of bland, sexless ciphers filling the screen. |
It's not going to make up for fundamental flaws in your business plan or training. |
But its polish and refined gameplay make up for what it lacks in innovation, and render it one of the best light gun games ever. |
Some commercial fisheries do this to make up for the lack of anglers bait during the colder months so that growth rates are maintained. |
He said there would be need to make up for the three weeks that had been lost following the premature closure of the institution. |
However, the traditional turkey and desserts, draught beer, and mocktails will make up for it. |
Against all odds, we, the drowsy and starving passengers who had to forego refreshment stops along the way to make up for lost time, entered the city of Durban. |
What he lacks in big daddy empathy skills he just has to make up for in raw politics. |
Low-income work was a necessity, either to make up for the absence of a man or to bolster his own low-income paycheck. |
They knew that as much as they tried to make up for it with brute force, their cultural power was nil. |
In his portrait of a castrato, Andrea Sacchi let a well-hung Apollo make up for the singer's loss. |
Food aid from abroad must now make up for these lost harvests. |
It uses rubber rings and to make up for their lack of shape, one side is coloured black, the other white and any quoit which falls black side up, doesn't score. |
The magic of compound interest means that it's always hard to make up for lost time. |
But whatever we may lack in hygiene, we make up for in ecological smarts. |
But before we organise a whip-round to make up for his shortfall, spare a thought for those who are having to cope with below-inflation pay rises. |
To make up for the day off, Saturday December 11 is to be a working day. |
Does that increasing skill set make up for the diminishment of a rags-to-riches mythology? |
As such, black owners have to reduce prices in order to make up for this disadvantage. |
Debt relief would barely make up for the fall in commodity prices such as coffee and cotton on which many developing nations' economies are reliant. |
For me the benefits of being more creative, better at lateral thought and problem-solving, and all that gubbins more than make more than make up for it. |
What their characters lack in flamboyance the writers make up for in the raw power of their stories. |
He relied on the principles of control and movement to make up for his lack of velocity, but it was his lionhearted approach that won him the most praise. |
I guess when you're thrown in with a group of people for a relatively short period of time, you make up for lost time by getting to know each other quickly. |
The asterisked figures are for periods a little longer than the others, as they include time added on at the ends of the two halves to make up for stoppages. |
But we had a great auld night and we will make up for it again. |
The smog will return quickly as factories try to double their production to make up for lost time. |
The majority of these power-hungry leaders are trying to make up for sins in their own lives or for the past traumas and hurts they have experienced. |
What companies lose on the hardware they make up for by requiring all software vendors to pay stiff licensing fees to release compatible software titles. |
Is it to make up for the things we went without, or is it our guilt about the fact that we are too busy enjoying ourselves to devote time to them? |
This, however, did not always make up for my often feeling out of place, unhip, and unnoticed at the magazine where I worked. |
Let's hope that what we clearly lack in wits, curiosity, and worldliness we can make up for with a mother lode of dexterity and hand-eye coordination. |
But with a bit of imagination and a brass neck, we could make up for the lost opportunity now by reinventing ourselves as a series of weird and wonderful characters. |
Yet what these smaller blooms lack in breadth they make up for in volume. |
But I'll try to make up for it in speediness with other chapters. |
To make up for it, Bulgarians are the largest bread eaters in the region. |
Formed in the dark days after Dunkirk, the Local Defence Volunteers, later the Home Guard, were expected to make up for lack of weapons with bulldog spirit. |
In the 2000 ceremony, to make up for lost time, the Church created 860 additional saints, making this by far the biggest cannonade of saints ever set off in Russia. |
To make up for missing caroling, we all sang together on the way there. |
They hoped this act would stir a feeling, prompting the practitioners to serve in modesty to make up for the inadequate medical technology they had. |
And what the songs lack in structural certainty or melodic eloquence they usually make up for in the remarkable depth and vibrancy of their textures. |
In fact, Williams was chagrined that Acuff-Rose bought the songwriting credits from Mulligan and throughout his life, Williams aided Mulligan financially to make up for it. |
History has shown that the Blackhawks lose players because they won't pay fair market value, then overpay others with lesser talent to make up for their gaffes. |
These centers were founded chiefly to make up for the appalling lack of art teaching in the conventional curriculum of black schools at that time. |
Merchants are hoping for a crush of last minute shoppers today, and bargain hunters after Christmas to make up for disappointing sales up until now. |
Our main treatments for youngsters are manicures and pedicures but we also do mini facials and makeovers and special occasion make up for weddings. |
He also was a vigorous member of many school organizations, and this youthful clubbability probably helped make up for his lack of scholastic prowess. |
As always, extreme makeover or not, if you're not happy with who you are on the inside, cosmetically changing the outside will never make up for it. |
The generous portioning of excellent salmon, prawns, clams and squid didn't really make up for the disappointing sauce and over-cooked vermicelli. |
In short, he could make up for a forgettable season with a memorable postseason, if only the light comes on in time to help the underachieving Seahawks. |
And there are plenty of laughs along the way to make up for it. |
What the French lack in reason they make up for in sheer gall. |
Scientists believe the normally docile beasts are eating the baby birds to make up for deficiencies in their diet on Rum, or even using them as a form of medicine. |
Leather jackets and ducktails make up for any sense of direction or motivation among these characters as they meander through high school, girls, and the soda shop. |
No amount of rugged scenery can make up for such a patronising portrait of islanders as a bunch of couthie, crafty stereotypes. |
Some earlier Latin poets tried to make up for this deficiency by creating new compound words, as the Greeks had done. |
And ice hockey's fired-up Scots-born defenceman admitted he cannot wait to make up for lost time. |
Though she's superficial to the point of noxiousness and obsessed with amassing cultural cache, her ridiculous affectations make up for it. |
One solution to this problem is to make up for the lost sleep by taking short power naps. |
In Quebec itself, the francization of allophones is too sparse to make up for the deficit incurred by inadequate francophone fertility. |
But he is determined to play as the Cats aim to make up for the disappointment of losing the last two deciders. |
Throughout the battle, the Luftwaffe had to use numerous reconnaissance sorties to make up for the poor intelligence. |
Perez is desperate to make up for a trophyless season last year and Rooney could be the next Galactico. |
Relying on enthusiasm and resourcefulness to make up for their lack of verticality, the duo uses critical thinking instead of brawn. |
Instead, a documentary film directed by Julien Temple was released to make up for the lack of a festival. |
To make up for it, I drowned my lean tuna sushi in soya sauce and wasabi and huffed and huffed as my brain flooded with dopamine. |
Does this hunk of glass make up for his untenable relationships? |
Male field crickets that take big risks for love seem to make up for their folly by hiding a lot. |
And, by not being questioned for this survey, did they in fact make up for the one in three shortfall of bedtime story readers? |
Don't kid yourself that a lie-in at the weekend can make up for going without sleep in the week. |
Early in the season, even if tackles were missed, any number of players maniacally chased to a ballcarrier to make up for a lapse. |
To make up for this loss, the Portuguese captured and commandeered five ships from Gujarat that were sailing between Malacca and Sumatra. |
A fan tweeted at the Knicks power forward that he needed to make up for last season's poor performance. |
Mongol soldiers were more lightly armored than many of the armies they faced but were able to make up for it with maneuverability. |
The larger towers provided space for habitation to make up for the loss of the donjon. |
The corn ration was drastically reduced, and it was announced that an extra potato ration would be issued to make up for it. |
His many charitable donations are beside the point. They do not make up for the fact that he stole the money to begin with. |
This they had to do in order to make up for the parsimony of nature, and out of it all came their high civilization. |
Taxicab companies claimed they increased fares in order to make up for lost competition resulting from the increased supply of taxis. |
But what they lack in size, they more than make up for in cuteness and feistiness. |
It could not be expected that even for a brief period our Air Force could make up for our lack of naval supremacy. |
Some training units were mobilised to make up for the bulk of the Jagdwaffe being absent in the Soviet Union. |
Technology is also being developed to store excess energy, which can then make up for any deficits in supplies. |
The waveform shapes are necessary to make up for the distance variations from the electron beam source and the screen surface. |
In this regard, the minister citied GCC decision to raise production to make up for the stop of the flow of Libyan oil due to the political unrest. |
This lacks the gut-punch of miced-up bass but hopefully the player can rise to the challenge and give his or her take extra energy to make up for it. |
Disappointingly there were none of the pork and beef Greek burgers, which I was looking forward to trying, but I was promised extra souvlaki and gyros to make up for it. |
To make up for past suppression, the authorities of Norway, Sweden and Finland now make an effort to build up Sami cultural institutions and promote Sami culture and language. |
Although in the 1950s British colonial officials attempted, through various administrative development efforts, to make up for past neglect, the protectorate stagnated. |
Part of the reason for its inclusion seems less to expand the scope of the work than to make up for the severe limitations of the Orvietan sources. |
Although it was only a friendly, Kozak's feistiness when he was denied a penalty and in a late altercation with his marker highlighted a desire to make up for lost time. |
But the crashing and euphoric blast that introduces Blue Bird here suggests the band are both determined to make up for lost time and leave a lasting impression. |
When properly designed and operated, a Solvay plant can reclaim almost all its ammonia, and consumes only small amounts of additional ammonia to make up for losses. |