As the door opened, he pulled one hand out, his thin, downturned mouth lifting into a charming smile that revealed a slight overbite. |
He held his hand out to help her up, Hikari took it, her clouded leopard tail flicking lightly to and fro in an agitated manner. |
Damon's mother and father were at the awards night on Saturday to see their son hand out the medals. |
I envision a course where professors hand out programs written by other students in previous semesters. |
The Communist Party countered by hiring topless women to hand out their campaign literature. |
Scientists have found that, even in the animal kingdom, males hand out so-called nuptial gifts that seem to be worthless. |
He frowned again, reaching a hand out and sliding the pads of his fingers down her face. |
This year, for the first time, the local Girl Scout troops will hand out a special badge for participation in Waterway Cleanup. |
Classroom monitors hand out the pastels and Manila paper for the warm-up exercises. |
Pharmacies are to hand out free morning-after pills to under 16s in a bid to help stop an increase in teenage pregnancies. |
For example, the Gibbs team used to make motor mounts by hand out of steel. |
Yes, I hand out parking tickets, but if I've nabbed you, you can bet it was fair and square. |
I slipped my hand out of his and sniffling back tears I didn't even know I had, I rushed away. |
They provide help to any racer in need, and they hand out cold water and sno-cones to racers in the lanes. |
In an attempt to break her fall she put her hand out and it hit the wall, breaking a bone in her wrist. |
The filly's head whirled around and she nickered softly before fumbling toward me, nudging my palm as I held my hand out. |
It would also be an opportunity to sell in-car cup holders or hand out bumper stickers for some free advertising. |
Under this practice, the college bursar was compelled to hand out as much money as students might request at the beginning of the semester. |
He walked with his chin tucked under his overcoat collar, his hand out to hail a taxi. |
Instead he put on a big grin and put his hand out toward Mitch to signal for a handshake. |
I throw my right hand out instinctively and whack it hard against the side of the door. |
She shook her head and placed a strand of hair behind her ear before sticking her hand out. |
The more ads they run, the more sweepstakes prizes they will have available to hand out to consumers. |
They risk arrest and six months imprisonment if they hand out how-to-vote cards on election day. |
In the bigger missions such as in London or Dublin, party activists are planning to hand out how-to-vote cards. |
He would hand out cutting boards, shaped like either pigs or fish, to the customers, then paring knives. |
Aid workers trying to hand out food were mobbed by hungry people, some of whom haven't eaten in five days. |
Then she started with a loud gasp, pulled her hand out of his, and tried to sit up while clapping her hand against her forehead at the same time. |
By tradition on her name day, she would be expected to hand out gifts of cakes, sweets and pastries to villagers. |
I yank my hand out of his grasp and pathetically punch him in the shoulder. |
The TV coverage shows a helper dancing around to hand out the feedbags to his team. |
Marc, get the air hammers plugged into the compressor and hand out ear plugs to everyone. |
Fighting against her grip, I pull my hand out of the innards, and struggle against the urge to vomit. |
International aid workers launch a blitz to hand out a million insecticide treated mosquito nets. |
Officers were visiting homes and where they find windows and doors insecure they will hand out crime prevention advice to residents. |
I desperately tried to hand out the pocketful of coupons as the frenzy grew and the kids ignored the pleas of their teachers to stop crushing me. |
Mattel plans to hand out one Convention Barbie doll to each delegate at both the Republican and Democratic convocations. |
I walked over to the door, opened it a crack, and stuck my hand out holding the flare gun. |
When your bulbs arrive, or you buy them from the garden center, gather everyone together, hand out garden tools and start digging. |
Drive-through tellers hand out dog biscuits to customers who travel with their pooches. |
They are extremely accommodating and helpful, with no big hand out for tips. |
It also runs education programmes and staff hand out information pamphlets. |
Will, who walked in front of her, reaching his hand out, suddenly blocked her view. |
Why not just hand out talking points to these guys instead of cash on the barrel? |
Unconsciously, she slowly began to lean forward, reaching her hand out towards his face. |
Christopher took a step forward, reaching his hand out for her before he could catch himself. |
He reaches his hand out to me and invites me to sit in the spa room with him away from the noise of the video. |
He reached his hand out to me and stretched his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. |
I walked towards it, slowly, reaching my hand out to grasp onto the brass doorknob. |
He nodded and reached his hand out as I sat down between his outstretched legs and leaned back against his chest. |
He moved closer, reaching his hand out to move the branches aside to see if anyone was hiding in the bush. |
For this purpose let me hand out an aide-memoire as to the decision-making task ahead of you. |
Remsi, who was dying a piece of cloth red, wiped his hands clean, though they remained stained, stood up, and held his hand out. |
I was positioned on a polling station with a wodge of leaflets to hand out. |
I just had to sit there looking alert and hand out extra writing paper when it was needed. |
Of course, you can't just hand out a bunch of bananas and a cup of cafe au lait and expect a standing ovation. |
The crew member would be important in an accident situation because, you know, you might need two people to hand out life preservers. |
You need someone who will hand out rollockings, pull people about and get them into shape. |
Police hand out safety advice and shriek alarms but call for calm in the community amid fears that a serial attacker is on the loose. |
There are around 20 parking attendants employed in Bolton who hand out 28,000 tickets a year. |
They grab tickets en masse for scalpers, lurk in chat rooms to hand out ads, skew recommendation systems, and scrape pricing data. |
Ruth himself used to hand out nicknames to teammates, mainly because he was terrible at remembering people's real names. |
The brown-haired man stood, scraping the chair back, and held his hand out to her across the desk. |
They hand out awards to members of the impressive squad of Altrincham ballgirls and boys. |
On the day, police officers, marshals and garage attendants will hand out flyers identifying alternative routes to motorists. |
There is nothing like the thought of baring all in a bikini to keep your hand out of the biscuit barrel. |
A tall, heavy-set man with a thick accent then reached his hand out toward us. |
They were among 13 arrests made during the visit which saw the Queen hand out Maundy coins to 158 pensioners. |
Today the Queen will hand out Maundy money to 78 male and 78 female pensioners at Liverpool Cathedral. |
Too bad the NHL doesn't hand out the Stanley Cup in the fall, or the Coyotes would have three-peated by now. |
Danby reached for it, but Nikola stretched his hand out toward the device and threw a switch. |
She threw one of the boomerangs at Al who was standing with his hand out. |
You hand out Euros the way we handed out pesetas some years ago. |
It establishes a slush fund to hand out goodies to people who can swank around producing programmes at a cost far in excess of normal commercial rates. |
Iodine collects in the thyroid, so this little capsule, tipped into my hand out of a canister so no-one else would have to touch it, targets that gland and destroys it. |
For one performance, because I felt the audience might not be familiar with what I was doing, I decided to hand out a handbill that cited my sources. |
But suppose your friend wanted to show up for the movie drunk as a skunk, or wearing a rebel flag on her jacket, or she planned to hand out religious tracts during the show? |
Rather than a pass-fail system of approving financials, auditors should hand out report-card grades that reflect the quality of a client's accounting. |
Then they hand out little circular mirrors to each member of the plenum. |
They will be visiting problem areas to hand out literature and advice to people on how best to secure their vehicles, and offering support to victims. |
If Helen had said she was facing the next election with confidence because she was going to hand out truckloads of election year bribes, then I would be more worried. |
Just a smattering of grooms and judges and the salmon-hatted wives of supermarket sponsors waiting to hand out rosettes watch with a wake-like reverence. |
The Social Network writer and West Wing creator used to dress up as a moose to hand out pamphlets in a mall. |
It is not for you to make judgements of guilt or hand out punishments. |
She winced at the sight of them, holding onto his hand out of fear that they would grab her and lead her into their world of hookers and prostitutes. |
Ray's image blanked out and he held his hand out to me on last time. |
He put his hand out and watched the snowflakes melt on his fingers. |
As he was pulling his hand out of the armrest, Mrs. Lovett saw the gun and it immediately discharged into his left knee. |
He wipes beads of sweat from his brow, and extends his hand out towards the crowd. |
Gracie smiled a genuine smile, reaching her hand out for a handshake. |
Continuing to smile, Rosalyn held a hand out to me in greeting. |
I think you described very accurately the process people have to go through to hand out flyers, to produce youth radio, to start writing, to become an editor. |
Then Tanjabar put his right hand out in front of him, splayed his fingers and, lo, green light issued out of his fingers joining together to form a horizontal green line. |
I walked towards the tiger, reaching my hand out to touch it. |
Here they would hand out judgement on outstanding cases and remind people that the law ruled their lives and wrongdoing could result in the death sentence. |
He even helped hand out gifts during the gift exchange, surprising her with a card which contained a gift certificate to one of her favorite stores. |
On arrival, each dater will be given calling cards, a badge and a mission to hand out as many cards as possible to those they fancy, and hopefully they'll get some cards back. |
Millions of other Americans will lament they live in cities with strapped budgets that throw piddling BBQs and hand out sparklers. |
Teachers who hand out misleading grades thereby allow some students, already let down by a school system that has failed to prepare them adequately, to be blindsided. |
As a part of an interactive show he wanted to hand out fortune cookies filled with a section of a hand written haiku. |
Whenever there was an appropriations bill, he always had his hand out for his guys. |
Outside polling places supporters of candidates and parties hand out how-to-vote cards to electors. |
If there had been more Southern victories, and a lot more, the North simply would have brought that other hand out from behind its back. |
To hand out Purple Hearts for PTSD would cheapen what our first president meant the medal to represent. |
Aerin Lauder visited the classroom to read with the children and hand out brand-new books, bookplates, and stickers to take home and keep. |
Special officers are appointed to ensure that no foreigner was harmed, and judges hand out harsh punishment to those who took unfair advantage of the foreigners. |
I wrote the amount on each ang pow. When Chinese New Year came, just after the Alzheimer's diagnosis, I thought all Ma could do was hand out the ang pows. |
But according to reports, most private set ups have obnoxiously established fake laboratories and resultantly hand out fake reports to the patients. |
Health officials could use mass distribution centers such as the fairgrounds to hand out drugs because anthrax is not known to spread from one person to another. |
With bright red Chinese lanterns displayed at the front of the store, the top-notch department store is ready to hand out red envelope discounts to Chinese tourists. |