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How to use half asleep in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "half asleep"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
I was half asleep, standing out in the freezing cold with nothing but a flimsy coat to defend my racking bones from the frigid cold.
At his stop, half asleep, he fell more than rose from his seat but he untangled his legs and kept moving and smiled, too groggy to be up.
I may have gone if not for him calling me when I was still drowsy and half asleep.
Their drummer seemed to be half asleep because he missed a dozen beats key beats that were supposed to accent the vocals.
I asked quite silly and half asleep what he was doing home again when he sort of mouped that it was all closed and no one was there.
No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.
I had to go round the flat, half asleep, eyes barely open, looking for a likely candidate for a bulb replacement.
This morning when I got up heavy lidded and still half asleep he wondered what was the matter with me.
She would not lie down but stayed on her feet, half asleep, holding on to the bedposts.
A few guests were already mounted for the road, half asleep, bloat-faced and red-eyed, leaning to and fro in their saddles.
I was more than half asleep when I gave a small stretch and nuzzled deeper into Will's embrace.
Valia got up, still drowsy and half asleep with her hand on her hip.
Most of us, frankly, are half asleep a good deal of the time, because we don't have too many problems.
In the mid-seventies, the French pop scene was half asleep, unlike Britain, buffeted by the Punk storm that had hit it.
I was still half asleep but I was awake enough to hear the reproach in the nurse's voice and I interpreted it as her suggesting I had neglected Gerald.
So much half asleep that she does not even respond to her brother's mocking defence of the life of wild animals.
Stilled half asleep, he fumbled with the remote to turn it off.
Catherine was awake, half asleep, walking down her boss' hall.
So now you have three or four really tired individuals steaming back and forth in the night, falling half asleep, trying to stay awake.
Some see a translucent black mist when they first wake up, still half asleep and groggy.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The fat boy's mount, itself half asleep, suddenly humped its back, and with bunching feet leaped clear of the ground.
There, in a corner which huggy had not noticed before, lay a huge dog half asleep!
I was in that dozy state, half asleep, when nothing is quite clear.
I was indisposed to move, and my mind was half asleep still.
The other seemed to meditate, yet he was more than half asleep.
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