He had more than 100 convictions dating back to the 1970s concerning the letting of properties unfit for human habitation. |
The plaintiffs were required to carry out certain repairs by the local council in order to render houses fit for human habitation. |
We go into the danger zones and clear the beach, make it safe for habitation, then they send us to the next place. |
The KMVN rest house is the only habitation around, apart from a forest dak bungalow further up the hill. |
The living environment of the school is not at all conducive to human habitation. |
It was further agreed that no person is expected to continue living in conditions unfit for human habitation. |
Twenty years ago its soaring cliff faces and base was free of human habitation, and the tower stood tall. |
Snow, one of the features of the chinoiserie here, is frequently associated in Prynne's work with the limits of survival and habitation. |
Banff National Park is steeped in history dating back to traces of human habitation in the Bow Valley more than 11,000 years ago. |
This is not simply a great ethical warning against capitalistic exploitation, or against a merely utilitarian conception of habitation. |
We had been walking for perhaps ten hours already, and there had been no sign of any human habitation. |
From the air it looks a wild island, with hardly a sign of human habitation. |
For mile after mile, there was nothing but wide-open spaces, with almost no signs of human habitation. |
Many live either in accommodation not fit for human habitation or are without housing entirely and have to make do living on the streets. |
We could only wonder, for there is a lot of landscape out there and not too many signs of human habitation. |
No road was to be seen leading to the right or to the left, no sign of human habitation in the vicinity. |
Only about 100 of the islands are inhabited or capable of human habitation. |
The cars and houses, while occasionally showing signs of human habitation, look unreal, like toy models set against a colored background. |
The only signs of human habitation are the couple of luxury hotels nestled discreetly between groups of trees. |
Other than this one image, the book contains no sign of human habitation, presenting the natural world as a space of leisure, not of labor. |
But due to fragmentation and increased human habitation, the big cat's habitat has shrunk further. |
The first signs of human habitation date back 11,000 years, and granite wheelclamps have been found from the Mesolithic era. |
Rodenticides control rats, mice, gophers, and other rodent pests of human habitation and agriculture. |
He says that the property is not fit for human habitation and is in serious disrepair. |
Vic representatives visited the Southern Cross shortly after Easter and found the first and second floors fit for habitation. |
Regulations requiring that the houses be deemed fit for habitation have been waived so that they can move in. |
Thus, it is possible that the habitation area tested in 1991 and the mortuary area excavated in the 1960s were at least partly contemporaneous. |
There was evidence of mouse habitation in two cupboards and on top of the washing machine. |
The Inuit homeland is one of the regions of the world least hospitable to human habitation. |
We need to bring a new formula for habitation closer to 500 m from the seacoast for which a positive view is necessary. |
There has been fishing in Scottish waters as long as there has been coastal habitation. |
The gardener is like an early form of a terraformer, as he restores the landscape back to land suited for habitation. |
The nodes are elements interconnecting laboratory and habitation modules of the International Space Station. |
Without the damp course the house, when completed, is not fit for human habitation because of rising damp. |
Unlike the blackbird, the ring ouzel is usually wary and wild, shunning the neighbourhood of human habitation. |
Instead, due to less intensive agriculture, such plantations are confined to the areas around habitation and in some of the more accessible valleys. |
These comprise the means of subsistence, habitation, clothing and defense. |
The recent Cancerian theme of creativity bleeds into the domestic sector, opening the door on imaginative modes of habitation. |
This docking pod is at the end of one of the station's long habitation arms, which radiate from a central hub with a glass roof, through which you can observe the universe. |
Condemning our houses as unfit for human habitation is a surefire way of clearing this area and making the area which they required for the Academy available. |
The English found the island uninhabited when they landed in 1625, although archaeological findings have documented prior habitation by Carib and Arawak Native Americans. |
Pre-industrial peoples generally considered their habitation as part of a total system that was essentially closed, much like images of the earth in an armillary sphere. |
In this edition of How Stuff Will Work, you will find out why Mars is the ideal candidate for colonization, and how we plan to terraform the red planet for human habitation. |
He describes the troglodytes as living a communal life, even through the caves were divided into separate units of habitation for individual families. |
In August, the landlord removed the entire stairwell, prompting City of Montreal building inspectors to declare her apartment unfit for habitation. |
An estimated 60,000 children in Yorkshire and Humberside are living in homes classified as being unfit for human habitation, a leading housing charity has warned. |
The Roadmen's cottages have been used for no more than rough storage for some years and would require considerable work before they were fit for habitation. |
Those who live with the traditional leaders or those who have travelled to rural areas will agree that some of the dwellings cannot pass for human habitation. |
For as far as the eye could see, there was no sign of human habitation. |
Lakes are important to human habitation as they address certain hydrological factors, provide a biotic environment, and are useful temperature comforts. |
I used to live opposite a pristine tract of natural vegetation that turned into a housing development with the accompanying sounds of human habitation. |
Four hours had passed, and barren mountain after barren mountain still lay ahead, the only sign of human habitation being a couple of tiny isolated dwellings. |
Getting up I went to my sideways closet and pulled out a light civilian chlamys, cursing the lack of rotation in the habitation section all the way. |
Animal pelts have probably been exchanged in North America since the beginning of human habitation, but large-scale fur trade began only after the arrival of Europeans. |
On one side the North Atlantic, the metallic colour of frozen-to-death, smashes and grabs at the impertinence of human habitation with corpse-white fists. |
Quick-growing wattles and eucalypts spread through the country for a multitude of uses on farms, mines, and railways and became a mark of habitation. |
During the thousands of years of native habitation on the continent, cultures changed and shifted. |
In the third and late fourth millennia BCE, the whole of Flanders shows relatively little evidence of human habitation. |
Evidence of human habitation in the Alps goes back to the Palaeolithic era. |
According to archaeological and genetic evidence, North and South America were the last continents in the world to gain human habitation. |
This isolated building, 3 miles from roads or other habitation, was once a shepherd's bothy. |
South of the lake, the only habitation is the occasional hill farm around Steel End. |
To the east of the group there are fewer facilities, particularly since the demise of habitation within Mardale. |
The larger towers provided space for habitation to make up for the loss of the donjon. |
My present habitation was a bivouac, rigged up out of a rick-cloth and some posts, which I shared with eleven other troopers. |
Evidence of the first human habitation of the area by Neanderthals dates back to 125,000 years ago. |
Withdrawment from the place of their legal habitation has been regarded as a sort of crime in the poor. |
Widespread habitation of the Americas occurred during the late glacial maximum, from 16,000 to 13,000 years ago. |
There is evidence that human habitation in the Arabian Peninsula dates back to about 125,000 years ago. |
Stone age tools found in the Greater Bengal region indicate human habitation for over 20,000 years. |
The Manned spacecraft will consist of 3 habitation modules, 3 docking ports, and two ferry vehicles. |
Human habitation in Newfoundland and Labrador can be traced back about 9000 years to the people of the Maritime Archaic Tradition. |
Napoleon confined himself for months on end in his damp and wretched habitation of Longwood. |
The house sparrow is closely associated with human habitation and cultivation. |
Much of these forests and shrublands have been altered beyond recognition by thousands of years of human habitation. |
The site has provided evidence of habitation during various phases right up until Viking times. |
Wong Tei Tung and Three Fathoms Cove are the earliest sites of human habitation in Hong Kong during the Paleolithic Period. |
Although the early history of habitation in the area is limited, the Romans called the settlement Caletum. |
Since prehistory humans have chosen certain spit formations as sites for human habitation. |
Human habitation in Newfoundland and Labrador can be traced back about 9,000 years. |
Abundant natural resources in and around the Menai Straits enabled human habitation in prehistoric Britain. |
These features are thought to be burnt tree stumps such that the fire was likely away from a habitation site. |
Now, however, the windows in the houses began one by one to be lit up, giving a greater sense of habitation and humanity. |
There is evidence that human habitation in the Arabian Peninsula dates back to about 106,000 to 130,000 years ago. |
The earliest evidence of habitation in the area dates back to ancient graves found near the Kype Water to the south of the district. |
There is evidence of human habitation living off the river along its length dating back to Neolithic times. |
However, the forests of the smaller, and more densely populated Java, have largely been removed for human habitation and agriculture. |
The Baikal area, sometimes known as Baikalia, has a long history of human habitation. |
The history of the Arabian Peninsula goes back to the beginnings of human habitation in Arabia up to 130,000 years ago. |
The small habitation on Little Diomede Island is centered on the west side of the island at the village of Diomede. |
Some Basque surnames were adapted from old baserri or habitation names. |
Evidence suggests that they were not merely decorations of living areas since the caves in which they have been found do not have signs of ongoing habitation. |
Similar to coral reefs, oyster beds provide key habitat for a variety of different species by creating hard substrate for attachment and habitation. |
So far, it has found evidence of planter habitation since the late 17th century and of trade with Spain through Bilbao, including a Spanish coin minted in Peru. |
Remains of human habitation have been found from the prehistoric, Roman and Saxon eras, showing that humans retreated towards progressively higher ground over these periods. |
Repeated glaciations, which covered the entire land mass of modern Scotland, destroyed any traces of human habitation that may have existed before the Mesolithic period. |
Many processes associated with human habitation of an area cause loss of this area and decrease the carrying capacity of the land for that species. |
The cylindrical structure will also provide space for habitation modules with docking ports, manipulator arms, and propellant farms to refuel an interplanetary spacecraft. |
Despite improvements made by the city council to build new accommodation, a survey made in 1955 concluded that 7000 houses in Portsmouth were unfit for human habitation. |
The excavations at Yuanmou and later Lantian show early habitation. |
The valley has evidence of habitation going back to roughly 4000 BC, when the valley and surrounding hillsides were almost entirely covered with forest. |
Mountains are generally less preferable for human habitation than lowlands, because of harsh weather and little level ground suitable for agriculture. |
People believed that the werewolves, or werehyenas, which they called buda, were too strong in those places to permit safe habitation by human beings. |
Archaeological findings in the Tischofer Cave in Kaisertal denote a settlement of the area more than 30,000 years ago, the oldest traces of human habitation in Tyrol. |
The thus miserably cruciated spirit must needs quit its unfit habitation. |
Many believe human habitation on the island dates to as early as 50,000 BC, and first settlement possibly dating back to 60,000 years ago has been proposed. |