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How to use habitation in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word habitation? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
He had more than 100 convictions dating back to the 1970s concerning the letting of properties unfit for human habitation.
The plaintiffs were required to carry out certain repairs by the local council in order to render houses fit for human habitation.
We go into the danger zones and clear the beach, make it safe for habitation, then they send us to the next place.
The KMVN rest house is the only habitation around, apart from a forest dak bungalow further up the hill.
The living environment of the school is not at all conducive to human habitation.
It was further agreed that no person is expected to continue living in conditions unfit for human habitation.
Twenty years ago its soaring cliff faces and base was free of human habitation, and the tower stood tall.
Snow, one of the features of the chinoiserie here, is frequently associated in Prynne's work with the limits of survival and habitation.
Banff National Park is steeped in history dating back to traces of human habitation in the Bow Valley more than 11,000 years ago.
This is not simply a great ethical warning against capitalistic exploitation, or against a merely utilitarian conception of habitation.
We had been walking for perhaps ten hours already, and there had been no sign of any human habitation.
From the air it looks a wild island, with hardly a sign of human habitation.
For mile after mile, there was nothing but wide-open spaces, with almost no signs of human habitation.
Many live either in accommodation not fit for human habitation or are without housing entirely and have to make do living on the streets.
We could only wonder, for there is a lot of landscape out there and not too many signs of human habitation.
No road was to be seen leading to the right or to the left, no sign of human habitation in the vicinity.
Only about 100 of the islands are inhabited or capable of human habitation.
The cars and houses, while occasionally showing signs of human habitation, look unreal, like toy models set against a colored background.
The only signs of human habitation are the couple of luxury hotels nestled discreetly between groups of trees.
Other than this one image, the book contains no sign of human habitation, presenting the natural world as a space of leisure, not of labor.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The tinkling of a cowbell warned them that they were approaching a human habitation.
The habitation deposit consists of loose, ashy dark soil charged with clam and abalone shells, and mammal and bird bones.
It was evident that neither fire nor clothing would, in an habitation like that, attemper the chilling blasts.
Of which lesson her own history is a part, and her habitation by the Avernus lake.
Blagoveshchensk has a pretty situation, and I should greatly prefer it to Nicolayevsk for permanent habitation.
Our habitation was now the open field, drenched in a dust storm that blew constantly.
The grackle is a tame and familiar bird, and will sometimes build its nest close to the habitation of man.
Nothing of the kind was ever seen before in the habitation of a Quaker farmer.
Still the comforts, and even the luxuries of life distinguished our habitation.
Our shanty is the habitation of some half-dozen of us, year out and year in.
Its subaqueous nest is in fact a sort of diving-bell, and constitutes a secure and most ingenious habitation.
I went into the city, and easily got a person to show me the kotwal's habitation.
It was a wild and very sequestered dell in Tweeddale, surrounded by high hills, and far remote from human habitation.
Nor call I devise what Apion would have said, had their habitation been at necropolis?
The country grew wilder and wilder, and since we had passed a water mill, we had lost all trace of human habitation.
If this be the habitation of a thief, it makes good the old proverb, The nearer the church the farther from God.
He reared it as a habitation for his queen, and he called it by her name.
The moorfowl does not cry there, the coney has no habitation.
Nowhere could he discover a trace of human habitation, of tent or kibitka.
My heart was a habitation large enough for many guests, but lonely and chill, and without a household fire.
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