Mr O'Brien told investigators in 1975 that on the day Hoffa vanished, he borrowed a car belonging to Giacolone's son to run some errands. |
You just need to do a couple of short errands, so you don't feel it is necessary to buckle up. |
Busy people don't want to go on fool's errands, which includes fighting the good fight only to lose. |
Bigger houses on bigger lots mean neighborhoods stretch beyond walking distance for doing errands. |
It was the excuse that he had been using more and more lately to explain his mysterious foreign errands. |
Two work-experience girls have been brought in to make the mood boards and run the errands. |
There is no office secretary to answer calls or take messages, no student assistants to run errands. |
So she got out of her car and went about her errands as though nothing untoward was happening. |
Street vendors displayed colourful wares of fruits to crowds of people out for walks or errands. |
Using your bike for errands is a great way to do your little part to save the world. |
In between filling out forms and running pointless errands, I struggled to keep a social life. |
You take me on errands to the bank, the cleaners, the pharmacy, and everyone on the street knows you. |
But there are also stories of students who run errands, make photocopies and play computer games, only to later pad their resumes. |
The comedown was horrible because I wanted to sleep and instead I had to be running around doing errands. |
Most of the time I just answer the phones and file papers and run small errands. |
You run errands for a couple of people, and these errands let you be a delivery boy most of the time. |
Children are expected to help carry water, collect firewood, and run errands for their mothers. |
Daily errands will include providing meals, responding to calls for attention and overseeing visits by relatives. |
Often when I've finished my errands and am heading home I drive through the park just to the east of our townhouse. |
It's amazing how relaxed I feel once my room is clean and errands have been run and deadlines have been met and checkbooks have been balanced. |
I soon go look after the errands and I will try to see if I can post before I flash out of here for Tobago tomorrow. |
Use this forgotten vacation time to finish last-minute details and errands. |
She had the house to herself since Mariana went out to catch a movie with Jeremy and her parents were running errands. |
Yesterday my list of errands included a stop at the store to buy DVD-Rs on sale. |
Despite the prevailing situation, Fiwale Rural Health Centre has not relented in its errands of mercy. |
With all the errands your father sends him to fetch, it is quite easy for him to send word to me. |
They can run errands worth various numbers of points, but they must make time for these errands by feeding their meter. |
Dwarves, all wearing brightly coloured pointy hats, hurried pass on all manner of errands. |
Tom makes himself handy to the couple, running errands and serving as a de facto gofer. |
I got home mid-morning from my errands to discover that the water lily has opened its first flower. |
She went from running errands to running his life, convincing him that she should manage his affairs and business matters. |
She sticks out in my mind because my mother used to have me run errands for her since she was our neighbor. |
All variety of servants bustled about in the sunlight, busy with errands and chores. |
I was out running last-minute errands this afternoon and ran into a guy I used to work with who I haven't seen in a dog's age. |
They acted as a kind of police force, doing errands for the king, executing his justice and collecting his taxes. |
Indeed, excluding those people who undertook air travel for its snob or novelty value, flying was only for quick errands or visits. |
While running errands the other day I pulled up behind a vintage, red, convertible Cadillac land yacht. |
Later that afternoon, after he'd run all his errands, Clay walked back to the boarding house. |
I ran menial errands, tasted everything, and feigned indifference towards the whole process. |
People walked by on the sidewalks, running errands, trying to get home before the storm broke. |
But you'll find yourself admired, too, if you wear one while in your sweats and sneaks while out running errands. |
The first fish appears on April Fool's Day, a day of practical jokes on which people are sent on fool's errands. |
The first few days were filled with errands to run in a precise order, but now we are getting settled in our neighborhood. |
These national chains typically carry popular dairy basics like milk, cheese, sour cream, ice cream, and butter for consumers running errands or between supermarket trips. |
If the answer is yes, try to combine several errands in one trip. |
Leave the car at home, walk for short errands or use your bike. |
No servants were sent down with messages or errands, and no one went up. |
Spacing out your errands will help ease the pressure and reduce the likelihood of last-minute panic situations. |
The apprentice, in a manufacturing outfit, became a kind of gofer, responsible for secondary tasks, errands and housework. |
Every now and then, a change in atmosphere is good for your baby and it allows you time to rejuvenate, run errands, or take a nap. |
A courier handles the errands that overlap with dinnertime or the end of the day. |
If you have errands to run, think ahead and plan your route to avoid backtracking or sitting in traffic jams at rush hour. |
Therefore those that live there will require cars to get about, even for essential short journeys and shopping errands. |
Half soldier, half indentured servant, Michael goes on murderous errands whose purpose he never questions. |
Howard softens his voice — he almost croons — and his Harvey moves catlike through the city, attended by a posse of boys who run errands for him. |
You should bring your teenagers along with you when you go shopping or run errands. |
Brighten up your everyday errands with this warm, wonderful, colorful long-sleeve top. |
Ask the nurse or a Child Life Specialist for a volunteer to stay with your child while you run errands or take a break. |
When running errands, plan ahead: avoid rush hour traffic, combine errands into one trip, etc. |
A durable and stylish carrier bag for everyday errands, the Wilma bag could also easily hold a couple of bottles of wine, or lunch. |
As we walk through town on some errands, there's always somebody remembering Kirk. |
Between running the house, running errands and running the kids all over town, it's easy to run yourself right into the ground. |
If possible, stay home from work or school and do not run errands when you are sick. |
You are paying an excessive amount for rent or in exchange for small errands run by those close to you. |
Offer transportation to medical appointments, offer to run errands, pick up their mail, and walk their dog. |
While the grandmother supervises the children, the mother can take care of various errands. |
They must not be expected to undertake added special errands for these offices. |
A servant working alone was often responsible for the cleaning, cooking, errands, kitchen, garden and children. |
Perfect with leggings or skinny jeans while running errands around town, these stylish kicks cleverly add the height of heels without the pain or discomfort. |
There were elaborate errands, chores, and routines to securing drugs and disposing of paraphernalia. |
Zack and I went home and spent the morning doing yardwork, raking up the wet leaves that littered our backyard, and the afternoon running errands and grocery shopping. |
I sat for a good long time over my skinny Grande Americano, sipping the strongly restorative liquid and watching the world go by as Graham went about his errands. |
Three dogs trotted around the house throughout the day, hopping in the car with Mr. and Mrs. Russell on occasion to do errands. |
Is life just a string of errands, dinner dates, emails, meetings, and to-do lists, she wonders? |
The former VP candidate looked rail thin as she ran errands with her daughter willow in Studio City. |
A Brooklynite whose family is split between Idaho and Atlanta, the single 30-year-old doesn't have a daily planner brimming with errands for others. |
What employers find is that if workers are allowed to schedule in that time, many will do those errands on personal rather than company time. |
Be prepared to assist carvers by attending to small errands. |
In preparation for an upcoming trip, I had many errands to run. |
Offer to do some errands for the person or the family. |
Should you need to leave the hospital to run errands, or should you not be able to be with a child, the hospital has volunteers who can stay with your child. |
Dolphins were also the messengers of Poseidon and sometimes did errands for him as well. |
They were assisted by 'little tenters', children on a fixed wage who ran errands and did small tasks. |
These excellent shoppers, made from re-used sugar, grain or coffee bags, are very practical for running everyday errands and helping to carry home the groceries. |
Not only would she be at their bedside offering words of encouragement, she would also take them for walks and run errands for them while they were convalescing. |
Morris, a black Labrador retriever, walks obediently beside her as she goes on her errands at the market and post office in Toluca Lake. |
The young Artful Dodgers were said to have been trafficked to Britain by criminal gangs, who sent them on pickpocketing errands in the posher bits of London. That is now less sure. |
I mean, it's a bit of a waste of money paying me eighteen grand to run errands, isn't it? Come on. I'm supposed to be the brains of this outfit. |
Cool Tip: When running errands, do your grocery shopping last. |
He would send Chuck Traynor out on errands to get him away from the set. |
Some offer respite care and ad hoc assistance, supplement the healthcare system by loaning equipment, provide transportation, make friendly visits, as well as run errands and deliver meals. |
And please, would you mind taking care of our errands and bills? |
For me, Glass can find in three repeated notes something of the strange rapture of sameness that Woolf discovered in a woman named Clarissa Dalloway doing errands on an ordinary summer morning. |
She served me bowls of tapioca pudding and enthusiastic recaps of errands she had run, her face like that of a female Yoda. |
As he has a very flexible job, he does most of the housework and errands. |
Make that extended family dinner youre hosting a potluck, enlist children to help out with gift wrapping or leave your partner in charge of running those pesky errands while you finish up the seasonal shopping. |
Wherever possible, once girls reached an age at which they could help their mother they were called on to babysit, to run errands, and to clean, sew, and cook. |
Wow! Laundry, dishes, and errands, all in one day? You've been a busy beaver. |
One morning, on their way to the village to run errands, John and Mary happened to pass the small hut of a very poor couple, Bill and Jane, who were quarreling and shouting at each other. |
Example: A car or van owned by your business is used throughout the day by you or your employees to visit clients or run errands for the business, and is left on the premises at night. |
Servants preparing food and running errands were depicted along the margins of the manuscript to emphasize that they played a major role both socially and economically. |
It is he whose hoarse whispers sound sepulchrally through the tubes, who rings the mysterious bell, and by such complex means despatches his 'shadows' upon their errands. |
That is, even if traffic congestion is initially shifted from local streets to a new or widened freeway, people will begin to run errands and commute to more remote locations. |
Their duties included cleaning, cooking, and running errands. |