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How to use dowel in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word dowel? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
In marking off days and lunations on lengths of dowel, the eleven day disparity between the solar year and the lunar year is found directly.
Now simply grasp the dowel with both hands, hold it out at arm's length and alternately wind and unwind the cord.
A drop cloth is a 3-by 3-foot piece of muslin or plastic with dowel rods attached to each side.
Among the tasks they took part in was the challenge to construct a giant pyramid out of wooden dowel and elastic bands.
From the dowel rod attach enough heavy fabric to make a privacy screen around where your guest will camp out.
Buy a flat sheet, cut a slit on each side of the top hem and slide a dowel rod through it.
Then at either end of the dowel, a small split is started, into which a small wedge is also driven.
Wrap a padding material around a stick or dowel, then wrap sandpaper over it to use on inward curves.
Line the mark on your stock up with the doweling jig that corresponds to the size of the dowel you are using.
The bodies and instruments were formed out of paper, tinfoil, foil-backed paper and dowel rods.
When they were to be used, they were removed from the dowel and smoothed with the smoothing iron when the linen was slightly damp.
He made his own mahlsticks, and now I do the same with a thin dowel, a scrap of smooth leather and some string and stuffing.
Work the screwdriver around to increase the diameter of the hole until it is slightly smaller than the wooden dowel.
Make sure the dowel holes are aligned by using a dowel jig or a horizontal boring tool.
Drill dowel holes according to the plans, using a dowel jig or a horizontal boring machine.
To dowel the top prepare to drill the dowel holes using a horizontal boring tool or a doweling jig and centers.
The tumbler dowel is the traditional cavity fixing for intermediate ceilings and walls with large cavities.
When the glue has dried, trim the dowel off flush with the cabinet, drill a small pilot hole into the end of the dowel, and reinstall the door with the original screws.
Explain the function of the prepared coordinate marker, inserting only one piece of dowel at a time.
If you do not dowel the top the joints will separate and warp over time.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The chimney top with the dowel attached to it below is made to revolve so that the hygroscope may be adjusted.
The dowel should be dipped in glue and inserted when the glue is applied to the joint.
The ends of the dowel are cut at a slope to conform to the pitch of the runners.
Be sure that each end is perfectly square, then glue and dowel the 2-in.
In Figure 159, P represents a small cylinder of wood, possibly a dowel.
Loosen the two boards at the centre and place them close to the dowel.
Find the mid-point of the two sections of each dowel and cut a small slit into the kite, large enough to pull string through it.
Hammer in the dowel plug spawn flush to the bark of the wood, in all of the drilled holes.
Cut the wooden dowel to the width of the window frame allowing a small gap for the hooks and eyes.
Duledge was also used for dowel, the wooden pin connecting the felloes.
Bore the holes in the posts and the railing for the dowel pins.
I cut and drill a wooden dowel for each student, which they paint to coordinate with their pinwheel.
Loop string through the rubber bands and tie it to the dowel.
To hold the shaft while beading, I have often use a two foot arrow shaft or dowel rod and cut the key fobs as I bead and usually get 8-10 key fobs out if it.
Fold down the top edge of the fabric, and sew a casing for the dowel rod.
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