Nasa boffins have declared their intention to hand over control of three satellites to artificial intelligence software. |
This has something to do with the new servers Halo boffins are presently introducing. |
Network security breaches and virus attacks are not the realm of only a few teched-up boffins. |
One of the main aims of this Trail is to open the world of archaeology to people beyond the boffins. |
Northern hemisphere boffins are clearing their desks ahead of the summer holidays. |
No, plant and science boffins needn't drop everything and arrive in Allen to seek out the rare blue daffodils. |
What role did he and the intelligence boffins play in compiling the deceitful dossiers last September and February? |
Some of the initial results of the 2001 Census certainly startled the mathematical boffins. |
Some motoring boffins lauded the design, describing it as confident, unapologetic and revolutionary. |
He leads an excellent ensemble cast as they battle the elements, politicians and US boffins who think they know better. |
The boffins in white coats talk as if this huge, multi-million dollar machine is the mother of all video games. |
In groundbreaking research Leeds University boffins discovered that men relax in pubs. |
So to the boffins who might think otherwise, rest on your oars and watch it happen. |
To me it looked more like a large dust devil than a tornado but the weather boffins know so I have no argument. |
Few cricket players or administrators are drawn from the ranks of scientific boffins. |
The beach boffins came up with a formula to work out the quality of the grains of sand and its cohesive powers. |
Its readership embraces university boffins as much as gurriers out in the bog. |
Avid readers and transport boffins will notice that this is the old sign from Melbourne Train Doors. |
Analysts and IT boffins are confident that the technology is going to be mainstream before very long. |
The boffins work it out by comparing government tax take with national income. |
Just when you thought there was little else to invent in the world, scores of boffins in the south have proved there is plenty of homebred ingenuity out there. |
Indeed, many boffins are irked by how hale and hearty the venerable model is proving. |
It is already in use by more than 50 local authorities across the country, and has been given the thumbs-up by boffins at the Transport Research Laboratory. |
Computer boffins working for a Glasgow architect have produced a CD which lets you explore the location and take a peek into the apartments, before a brick has been laid. |
Using a highly scientific personality test, the boffins behind this genius idea will match you up with one of six potential mates who will then romance you via email. |
In March, boffins at the Transport Research Laboratory in Berkshire found that using a mobile phone while driving was more dangerous than being drunk behind the wheel. |
The MIT boffins created a physical one-way function by connecting cryptography with mesoscopics, the study of how waves travel in disordered materials. |
He has set his sights on featuring in an inventors and boffins special. |
Now, that's quite a brief for a pack of boffins playing with computers. |
Children are being turned off chemistry and physics by the mad professors and pointy-headed boffins of popular mythology, according to a new study of attitudes to science. |
The boffins also came to the conclusion that the armour was made in a low temperature bush fire and not in a blacksmith's forge as originally thought. |
It is not just that a Chinese boffin in Beijing reads papers written by Chinese boffins in America. |
Or of course, you could just search the internet for some boffins to assist you! |
Its independent-minded boffins have flourished under the company's famously laid-back approach to research and development. |
To insidery boffins, it counted as doing it with his bare hands. |
The company's boffins have essentially developed a material substrate into which magnetic elements made of cobalt, cobalt alloys, or nickel compounds can be embedded. |
Now, though, the boffins have seemingly invented a super salmon which is immune to diseases such as ISA and grows six times faster than the rate of normal farmed fish. |
The company's acoustic boffins tuned the engine to introduce a throatier sounding note, so the all enveloping deep bass throb rising to spine tingling wail exists. |
He is also trying to change the perception of spin-outs, which are more commonly associated with university boffins trying to commercialise blue-sky research. |
And while such diligent pursuit of knowledge usually goes unremarked and unrewarded, next week the world's barmy boffins get their moment of glory. |
Since then, the boffins have institutionalized his holistic approach. |
With the exception of cereals, we can offer systems for using them all, and, as technology boffins, it is only natural for us that we are never satisfied and are constantly looking for new options. |
There is nothing to be gained from shooting the messenger, but this most recent ICES report once again highlights the vital importance of listening to the advice of the fishermen as well as to the boffins. |
This is why the krayzee boffins are so fond of making those whacky discoveries so beloved of tabloids and deejays the world over. |
The concept of road trains has been around for a while but European boffins are on the verge of a breakthrough. |
Plenty of boffins are no doubt beavering away. |
A special genetic code inside the animals and other sea sponges has been discovered by boffins St Andrews University. |
The boffins found that, measured by heart attacks and survival rates, the cheaper option was just as good as the expensive and invasive one. That all sounds promising, but snags abound. |
Nicknamed Wheezers and Dodgers, the DMWD recruits were boffins led by Commander Sir Charles Goodeve, formed to research, test and develop ideas for unconventional weapons. |
Beauty boffins claim that men are pre-programmed to find certain female traits attractive, so my outfit made the most of my super sexual releasers. |
Eccentric scientist Rick Marshall goes into a downward spiral after his theories about interdimensional travel are ridiculed by his fellow boffins. |
The British engine boffins achieved this transformation by remapping the engine management system to squirt more fuel into the cylinders for preignition. |
The boffins predict this could occur anytime in the next 100,000 years, so if you are planning a visit to the Big Apple remember to pack a bucket and waterwings. |
Its American inventors picked boffins at Queen's University's QUESTOR centre to help on research that is set to put the portable wonder schnozzle on the map for industry. |