The man didn't blink an eye at her faux pas, however, and merely got into the car after being handed the keys and drove away. |
He regularly humiliates dinner-party guests and makes out that his cellphone is on the blink to end dull conversations. |
Sure, sometimes the days crawl by, but before you know it, two months will have breezed past in the blink of an eye. |
Poor old Rod's telly was on the blink, and he understandably felt there was nothing for it but to scamper up for a fiddle around with the aerial. |
I voiced my opinion after an hour of internal deliberation, but it was shot down and ignored faster than I could blink. |
Its full frontal nudity is unlikely to cause the blink of a Gallic eyelid when the French see it this Christmas. |
She shot an ice-charged projectile down at the scimitars, but the whirling cutters diced it to ribbons in the blink of an eye. |
Readers will be intrigued by the idea that in the blink of an eye one can make a valid and justifiable decision. |
Either mechanical tapping or electrical stimulation of the supraorbital regions may evoke the blink reflex. |
When she appeared the first time I said good afternoon to her and then in the blink of an eye she was gone. |
In the blink of an eye, her fingernails and toenails were painted a shade of blue to match her dress. |
And the use of the infinitive for coming events is so common we hardly blink. |
Until a week ago, he was demented, rigid, incontinent, unable to talk, swallow or blink his eyes. |
Following the western cultural practice of ladies first, the entire session of formal introductions was completed in a blink of the eye. |
Her eyes opened slowly and she had to blink a few times to adjust her eyes to the lights that were still on around her in the room. |
In a blink of an eye, the point of her blade was protruding from the back of his armor. |
Unfortunately, she was gone in a blink of an eye and the opportunity to speak was lost. |
Voters are seen as a strange and volatile lot, who could turn bad at the blink of an eye. |
The role is uncredited, and, like the rest of the film, blink and you may miss it. |
It is a strange feeling to work on this project for a whole year, only for it to be over and done with in what feels like the blink of an eye. |
A frown appeared on his face, as he desperately tried to blink his tears back. |
At night all the lights blink and flash, and you can hear waves of screams from the rides. |
With most cameras the correct-focus indicator light will blink rapidly and the shutter release won't fire. |
But she watched her mother blink in surprise and take an involuntary step back away from her. |
Rachel and Annette both halted and turned, Rachel giving a blink of surprise at the tall and handsome man approaching. |
Michael brushed his hand across his sleepy eyes and gave a heavy blink and then looked again. |
Vicki caught his blink of shock and silently began to pray that he could help them. |
The blue eyes closed, staying shut longer and tighter than a blink would require. |
It is now well-known that in order to observe a blink, the first target must be masked. |
With a startled blink, Ana looked behind her to find none other then the orange pig-tailed little girl. |
So far as the vehicles go, colors can be changed in what amounts to a physical blink of an eye. |
The maids were well paid, well fed, well rested, well clothed and if some emergency cropped up they were given leave without the blink of an eye. |
Without a blink she marched to the trapdoor and began the descent, doing her best not to look Jorte in the eyes. |
If I would get the chance I would fight them tomorrow without a blink of my eye. |
It was of similar shape as a fighter and had a flashing red light similar to passenger jet's blink. |
It should come as no surprise that, when the slightest blink of yellow light came into view, I recklessly sped towards it. |
Yesterday we had rain, rain and more rain, a little blink of sunshine and then thick mist! |
Then there it was again, a blink of light in the grass about three yards away. |
But a blink of sunlight was a harbinger of hope for the Edinburgh team as they gradually but determinedly fought their way back into this game. |
Through the veil she saw the blink of gold, the flash of a silver ring on a pale wraith's finger. |
Richard was a little shocked to see her go from shy and demure to forthright and direct in the blink of an eye. |
Dinner went by reasonably quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they were fast asleep, except for one. |
The ball began to grow and then, suddenly, in the blink of an eye, it disappeared. |
Without a care in the world, he has negotiated hairpin bends at gravity-defying angles and roared past rivals in the blink of an eye. |
He had come this close to death in the blink of an eye, and just as quickly it was taken away. |
At only 55 minutes, the album's twelve tracks go by in the blink of an eye. |
The point is that the character's gay but the audience doesn't blink an eye. |
We don't blink an eye today when we see women doing what would once be considered jobs for the boys. |
Emma, Jeff, Tina and Darcy don't blink an eye and raise their glasses along with me. |
When his boss brought him the new assignment last fall, he didn't blink an eye. |
He didn't blink an eye when purchasing a pair of Italian loafers for more than a thousand US dollars. |
If the washing machine goes on the blink it has to be winched on to the ferry and it's gone for a fortnight. |
The chip fat filtering machine went on the blink and a manager decided to cut corners. |
Nowadays when your solid-state, instant-on color TV goes on the blink, you phone the TV repairman for an appointment. |
It also had the effect of making visitors think their monitor was on the blink. |
Turn them on, and they blink, flicker, strobe, hum, plink, buzz, and occasionally go bang. |
In the blink of an eye, he leaped towards the table and heaved the sword in a mighty slash that cut the vase in two halves. |
It doesn't hurt that he gets plenty of face time on the highlights with home runs that exit ballparks in the blink of an eye. |
Only when it started slopping into the overflow did I blink back to awareness and shut it off. |
Even if he is used sparingly as a substitute, such a player can always unlock doors and turn tides in the blink of an eye. |
Give him a six row figure containing both additions and subtractions and he will come up with the answer within the blink of an eye. |
The blink reflex was characterized by an initial triphasic wave on the ipsilateral stimulus side, followed by a polyphasic wave on both sides. |
Few people blink these days when some Chicken Little somewhere announces that the virtual sky is falling. |
Electrical stimulation of the supraorbital nerve in the supraorbital foramen was used to evoke the blink reflex. |
The PC was fast, programs loaded in the blink of an eye, and Internet surfing was a breeze. |
Well, Katherine Graham didn't blink, and the rest, as they say, is history. |
The ancient British art of industrial brinkmanship is risky for managements and unions that try to force each other to blink first. |
He looks like a picture, frozen in time, one instant that happened in the blink of an eye, unnoticed and uncared for by the rest of the universe. |
He was not one of those people one should take lightly, for he could become terribly serious in the blink of an eye. |
She had to blink to readapt to the natural light when the track came into view. |
He lifted his sword and to his dismay, his sword had disappeared from his hand at the blink of an eye. |
My night vision is very good and getting better as I blink the film from my eyes. |
A blue mist swept through the room, but in the blink of an eye, it was gone, leaving nothing in its wake but a feeling of divineness. |
My mind has a vivid picture of it. do, since it happens in the blink of an eye. |
It made my entire desktop blink on each ring, with a centered popup showing who was calling and what number they were using. |
The drops are instilled to locally anesthetize the surgical eye and reduce the blink reflex in both eyes. |
Will you blink an eye for them if the banderlats tear them to pieces or will you drown your guilt in petty self righteous doubletalk? |
Using state-of-the-art technology in animatronics and engineering, these life-size dinosaurs are able to move, roar and blink their eyes. |
Suddenly, unwanted mental images assailed her, forcing her to swallow hard and blink to keep from reacting. |
Shifting from gritty and fervid to soft and wet in the blink of an eye, she flicks away all competitors with effortless facility. |
By means of this algebraic method of thinking, objects are grasped spatially, in the blink of an eye. |
When I did no more than dumbly blink back he straightened and gave me a rather speculative look before finally breaking into a slow smirk. |
Although her brain was intact, she could just about blink and could barely speak. |
As spittle from her mouth hit his face, his reflexes made him blink at the sudden feelings of the droplets falling onto his skin. |
The canoe slides into the water in the blink of an eye and before you can say Jack Robinson it's twenty yards off shore. |
And then you surface with a splosh and for a few brief seconds, everything's still blurry as you blink the water from your eyes. |
The light inside the building blasted into her eyes, making her have to blink many times to get used to it. |
In today's high-speed networked computing environment, both inadvertent damage and malicious attacks can cripple a system in the blink of an eye. |
Computers generate heat, dehumidifying the air, and you blink less when you concentrate on work. |
With a blink, his eyes adjusted and decided it was either a wild dog or a wolf or a coyote. |
It gives me a pointed blink then bends its long, slender neck down and laps up some water with a snaking, scarlet tongue, making delicate ripples in the glassy water. |
Another area where enterprise customers blink is multiple sources. |
She gave Sasha a short blink from her light and heard the car motor start. |
In a single blink, Justine had analyzed him and the situation she was in. |
He was unable to speak, and the woman asked him to blink once for yes, twice for no in reply to some questions. |
Remember, women's fashion trends come and go in the blink of an eye. |
For most of the morning the air conditioner was on the blink. |
Neither of them would blink an eye at my check stubs or grocery lists. |
She is almost always overdressed, and in ways that make people blink. |
His watery eyes blink at me and his mouth works without speech. |
It was all in the eyes, unmoving, not even a single blink, aimed at a faraway distance only he could see. |
Believe what your post-hard-work-day brain will allow, but the enmity went from entrenched to fleeting in a blink of an eye. |
Tying a balloon at the gate to the zoo, he catches the blink of a cashier before she rings up another fee, hungers for the moment a turtle slips into water. |
The child smirked, morphing in a blink to a tall dark-haired man. |
But Hansen got back onto his feet in the blink of an eye, somehow got downfield, and dove to make a game-saving, shoestring tackle at the seven-yard line. |
My eyes began flooding with tears, but I tried to blink them back. |
Robinson picked up the ball almost from a standing start and in the blink of an eye, he rounded six players before scoring between the posts without anyone touching him. |
On the next pitch, he slammed a screaming line drive right at and caught by second baseman Bobby Richardson, and in the blink of an eye, the World Series was over. |
Within the blink of an eye, the sword hilt had been lowered upon the back of her head, and she crumpled neatly into a pile unconscious without so much as a snivel. |
Also, blink and you'll miss Michael Caine in an uncredited bit part. |
She'll start acting coy, and then suddenly blink, stammer, turn red, and hurry off quickly or, if we're in our room, she buries her nose in a book. |
It looks like they're playing chicken to see who's going to blink first. |
We don't even blink at these expressions of violence any more. |
I could blink and move my head, but everything else was uncontrollable. |
In the blink of an eye, her ring collections jetted from the showrooms into the gleaming display cases of the world class retail merchants like Bloomingdales. |
She nearly screamed, causing him to set the stick aside and blink at her, a confused expression crossing his face, giving him a boyish appearance. |
I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink. |
A demonstration of vulnerability can become, in the blink of an eye, an indulgence or exercise in self-regard and, soon after that, an entrapment in fraudulence. |
The car responds with a blink of its lights and a short shriek. |
The film leaps from cityscapes to stages and back without a blink. |
Human freedom has already vanished from his world, in the blink of an eye. |
In the blink of an eye, the hipster has turned into a catch-all scapegoat, guilty for everything from expensive beer to bad music. |
The traffic lights operated correctly last week but come Sunday morning they were dangerously on the blink again, changing colour with bewildering rapidity. |
They're looking for the indicator light to blink on, then off. |
I blink in surprise and Sam and Ben burst into gales of laughter. |
The activity LED will blink twice which indicates Speed Boost is enabled. |
They are writing complex computer codes that can dig down into the so-called Deep Web and scour the most obscure corners of the internet in the blink of an electronic eye. |
One survivor said the building came down in the blink of an eye. |
This whole process happens as fast as the blink of an eye and is transparent to the customer. |
A satire on greed caused by Eire's economic boom, the film swerves recklessly from comedy to tragedy in the blink of an eye. |
With a brain the size of a salt grain, a fruit fly can do Top Gun maneuvers in about one-fiftieth of the time it takes to blink a human eye. |
We never know what the future can hold for us as our life can change at any age in the blink of an eye. |
We search for God and feel Him near at hand, only then to blink and find Him gone. |
In the blink of an eye a neologism was formed, half Turkish, half English. |
The superprogrammer of the 1960s was that person who could make the lights blink fastest on the system console. |
So when ours went on the blink last week I set out to find some budget washing-up liquid. |
Most television sets are built to last about eight years, so if yours is on the blink you should seriously think about widescreen. |
He was a quick-change artist who could, in the blink of an eye, switch between abandoning himself to a fantasy and sending up his own abandon. |
They could wave a rainbow flag in a pride march and nobody would blink. |
Picking the ball up in his own half, Januzaj threaded a 40-yard pass into the path of Rooney to slice Southampton open in the blink of an eye. |
It can include micrographia, hypomimia, hypophonia as well as decreased blink rate. |
The most important one is that they have small eyes with eyelids that, like other lizards, blink. |
It began unremarkably but in the blink of an eye, the courtroom had witnessed the deaths of six people. |
The human eye takes about 50 milliseconds to blink, but it takes the brain around 100 milliseconds longer to process what can be seen. |
Efron, in a blink, went from shy concealment to peacock-ish display. |
Look quickly, though, because if you blink you'll miss the single cave painting slide and, along with it, the next 10 millennia of human culture. |
My toaster is on the blink, making either charcoal or cold bread. |
They do nottend not to blink if they receive a sore one in the fizzog. |
Meanwhile, Garner vamps it up as the ambitious social climber whose bullying father doesn''t blink twice when Arthur accidentally shoots him with a nail gun. |
From time to time we have suggested that short term traders might want to take a breather from this market but long term investors shouldn't even blink an eye. |
One stepover turned into six, Middlesbrough's defence was bamboozled and, in the blink of an eye, Everton had effectively reached the Capital One Cup semi-finals. |
A November hunting trip in the extreme North turned into a lifesaving opportunity in the blink of an eye for two master sergeants from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. |
But when hit with a flash of bluish light like that produced by headlight fish, they turn on skin pigments, called chromatophores, to become red in the blink of an eye. |
Then, after a smoky-burnout to warm up the tires, you're lined up next to another competitor and the Christmas tree lights blink down... yellow, yellow, yellow, green! |
Don't animate your visuals to blink ad infinitum. Set a small-file blinkie to turn off after no more than three passes at whatever it is your blinkie does. |
I can think of no good reason to use blink because blinking text and images are annoying, they mark the creator as an amateur, and they have poor browser support. |
Before she could blink, she was sprawled a few feet back, her ears still ringing from the force of the blow. |
We'd barely unpacked the tree when a call came through and before I could blink, they were all armouring themselves up and heading out the door. |