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How to use blink in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word blink? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The man didn't blink an eye at her faux pas, however, and merely got into the car after being handed the keys and drove away.
He regularly humiliates dinner-party guests and makes out that his cellphone is on the blink to end dull conversations.
Sure, sometimes the days crawl by, but before you know it, two months will have breezed past in the blink of an eye.
Poor old Rod's telly was on the blink, and he understandably felt there was nothing for it but to scamper up for a fiddle around with the aerial.
I voiced my opinion after an hour of internal deliberation, but it was shot down and ignored faster than I could blink.
Its full frontal nudity is unlikely to cause the blink of a Gallic eyelid when the French see it this Christmas.
She shot an ice-charged projectile down at the scimitars, but the whirling cutters diced it to ribbons in the blink of an eye.
Readers will be intrigued by the idea that in the blink of an eye one can make a valid and justifiable decision.
Either mechanical tapping or electrical stimulation of the supraorbital regions may evoke the blink reflex.
When she appeared the first time I said good afternoon to her and then in the blink of an eye she was gone.
In the blink of an eye, her fingernails and toenails were painted a shade of blue to match her dress.
And the use of the infinitive for coming events is so common we hardly blink.
Until a week ago, he was demented, rigid, incontinent, unable to talk, swallow or blink his eyes.
Following the western cultural practice of ladies first, the entire session of formal introductions was completed in a blink of the eye.
Her eyes opened slowly and she had to blink a few times to adjust her eyes to the lights that were still on around her in the room.
In a blink of an eye, the point of her blade was protruding from the back of his armor.
Unfortunately, she was gone in a blink of an eye and the opportunity to speak was lost.
Voters are seen as a strange and volatile lot, who could turn bad at the blink of an eye.
The role is uncredited, and, like the rest of the film, blink and you may miss it.
It is a strange feeling to work on this project for a whole year, only for it to be over and done with in what feels like the blink of an eye.
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Examples from Classical Literature
It had lain so long in some darkened cellar that it seemed to blink in the candlelight.
Then with a quick, shuddery blink her eyes came flashing back wetly and wistfully to the unsolved, inscrutable face before her.
Then he pushed the gas-bracket so that the light came through the large crystal sphere, and made the mayoress blink.
A piece of my nametag, now shrapnel, strikes Dan in the forehead, causing him to blink.
Strike a daisy, but if you're not off like a blink o' lightnin', you Shanna go, you s'll sleep separate.
It was a hesitating face, which seemed to blink doubtfully in the daylight.
She used those very words, without a blink, and Pignaver swallowed the flattery as a dog bolts a gobbet of meat.
On top of each listening post will be a red light which will blink like a beacon at night.
The city could have erected an 800-space parking lot on Oread Street with a drive-thru meth lab and no one would blink.
I never seen people look so helpless and tangled up, and I hain't ever seen eyes bug out and gaze without a blink the way theirn did.
A shooting-star to northward filled the sky with the green blink of a meteorite dissipating itself in our atmosphere.
I spoke looking her straight in the face and I made that exquisite, aristocratic old woman positively blink by my directness.
But the survivor could not forget that his name was still in the newspapers, nor blink the fact that he was an unworthy hero of the passing hour.
Already a mood of much daylight was making him blink and shrink.
No sunlight ever made her blink, or screw her face into wrinkles.
That tint is what we call the blink of open water, said Johnson.
So the port lost dozens of boats after its ice machine went on the blink in 2004, and with them, a piece of Florence's identity.
And the splitten fry are salted dry by the blink of the morning star.
Grose's dazed blink across to where I pointed struck me as a sovereign sign that she too at last saw, just as it carried my own eyes precipitately to the child.
She was so confounded that she could do nothing but blink for a long time.
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