Elaborating on the Braille chessboard, he said, the black squares on the board were slightly more raised than the white ones. |
Since it opened I went along with a visually impaired member of the committee to sample the notice board in Braille. |
Currently, materials are available in Braille or by listening to talking books on audio playback machines. |
Through her tireless energy, the blind of half a continent are now served from Grahamstown with books in Braille and moon type and talking books. |
And so she likes to follow what happens to Hermione, but she prefers to read it in Braille, not listen to it on audio tape. |
You will also be able to order copies of the booklet in audio tape, large print, and Braille formats. |
In addition, there are no reference books about the exam written in Braille. |
The 37-year-old mother-of-three, from Limes Avenues, Pinehurst, studied for her access course using Braille and audiotapes. |
This would be of advantage to fast Braille readers who are able to read two-handedly. |
A Braille printer and labelling machine help, for example, to identify foodstuffs in the kitchen or deep-freeze, or to catalogue a CD library. |
Despite being blind, he is a major social activist in Odisha and is the compiler of this Braille calendar in Odia. |
And so she likes to follow what happens to Hermione, but she prefers to read it in Braille and not listen to it on audiotape. |
But, as she reads the Braille inscription on it there is no mistaking her pride. |
But, pursuing higher education proves to be a challenging task for them due to the acute shortage of textbooks in Braille. |
Important municipal information must also be available in Braille format for the visually impaired. |
Most of the classics are available in Braille, but the more obscure texts are not, and all the class handouts had to be scanned for me. |
But then I look at the book more closely and spot the raised dots of Braille. |
He was faced with the challenge of learning a new way of writing and reading in Braille and had to cope with his visual impairment emotionally. |
Drivers will draw lots and be assigned a navigator who will be handed over a map with the route in Braille. |
About the functioning of the machine, he said the thermoforming machine would print pictures, graphs, maps etc. in Braille. |
He read in Braille, mainly textbooks translated into finger-touch words by prisoners in Arbour Hill jail. |
Reading matter is transcribed into Braille for her, and she also uses audiotapes. |
It's so richly textured that it almost resembles Braille, and I imagine he goes through tubes of paint by the truckload. |
Since the process of printing pictures in Braille involves heating special paper is required. |
The internet guide will show whether a cinema offers hearing loops, a hotel offers adapted rooms, and a restaurant offers menus in large print or Braille. |
Braille is read by touch, usually using the first finger on one or both hands. |
The site now includes parking, special access gates, wide and clearly visible footpaths, reinforced grass areas and an interpretation board with Braille panel. |
When the spacecraft Deep Space 1 flew past the asteroid Braille in July 1999, it was too far away from earth for ground control to direct all its movements. |
A Braille embosser, also called a Braille printer, uses Braille translation software to convert regular text to Braille and produce a Braille document. |
Passport application forms are also available in Braille and in electronic format for those with impaired vision. |
Braille has been adapted to every language and dialect, even the complex Chinese ideogram. |
If our interview were in person, she would ask me to type out questions on a Braille display. |
Kandynce went to Braille school so she could keep up her passion for reading, history in particular. |
Quebec had never changed its way of writing numbers, we were still using the numbers that had been suggested by Louis Braille. |
Ordinary Braille displays show only one line, or a fraction of it, because of the expense of actuating the characters. |
Making every document available in Braille or large print is not practical. |
These include: computer diskette or electronic copy, large print, audio tape, Braille, captioned video, sign language video and described video. |
It was adapted to be used with a Braille display, and was also completely vocalized using intelligent vocal synthesis. |
Clients with visual impairment may, upon request, choose to use the Braille test. |
LargeÂprint and Braille application forms are also available for use by the visually impaired. |
Some learn to transcribe print into Braille and to record books and papers to help high school and university students who are blind. |
His college offered to train him as a piano tuner, a lathe operator or a Braille shorthand typist. |
There are many modes of communication from communicating in sign language to using tactile forms of communication such as Braille. |
I now have screen capture software and a Braille console that transcribes the screen content for me. |
Many practical testings have already shown that this innovation can achieve perfect Braille embossing results on corrugated board. |
Artifact descriptions are etched in Braille into glass lecterns in the National Museum of Colombia, and photosensor-activated handrails trigger audio narrations. |
Included in the display are both Braille and jumbo-sized playing cards, as well as other classic games which have been retextured, enlarged or recreated in Braille. |
The Visually Impaired National Library for the Blind loans books written in Braille to blind people and also runs a beginner's programme in Braille or Moon. |
The software is installed in a Braille Lite-a small, portable Braille note taker that is equipped with synthetic speech and a refreshable Brailled display. |
This book is available in English in print, Braille, and through audiobook formats from the CNIB library. |
For example, they are offering large print cheques or bank statements printed in Braille. |
It is possible to borrow up to 10 audiobooks on cassette and up to three books in Braille for a three-month period. |
He noted that Braille is being used less frequently in favour of audiobooks or electronic materials. |
The Blind Post Rate which was originally intended for Braille material has been extended to all materials for the blind, including audiobooks. |
Blind readers across Latin America would have access to Braille or audiobooks produced by the organization for the blind in Spain. |
This policy is available in various accessible formats including Braille, audio tape and large print. |
Grade I Braille shall be used for single words, and a locator shall be incorporated. |
The National Braille Press, an American charity, has developed a prototype Braille tablet. |
Échiquier Braille is a meeting-place for visually handicapped chess players. |
Roland Galarneau invented a printer that could produce Braille writing for books and personal communication. |
Braille text should be placed so that it can be easily reached and in a consistent position at the bottom of the sign. |
For example all signs are in Braille and widespread station lift and ramp access for the less physically able. |
Children with severe visual impairments, for example, will need Braille books and teachers trained to teach them to read. |
Our application forms are also available to the visually impaired in large-print or Braille format. |
Also Braille texts can be produced from computer text-file format and printed out using a Braille printer. |
According to the American Foundation for the Blind, Dufau eventually relented and the Braille code spread throughout the world. |
Secondly, you could always send your lady to school to learn English, so that you both have some other way of communicating other than by Braille. |
Supernova from Dolphin Software offers full screen reading in speech and Braille with integrated magnification and works on any of the supported Windows platforms. |
To a sighted person, reading Braille seems to be difficult and laborious, yet, intriguingly, Kleege describes it as natural and pain-free, and even skim reading is possible. |
Wordenwood now plans to start a special foundation for the blind that will push for the use of Braille on lures to help sightless fishermen around the world. |
Also on the anvil are a Braille slate, abacus for mathematics, geometry set with raised numbers and an alphabet plate to enable the visually impaired to learn to write. |
The four-volume 512-page book has been brought out in Braille after its success in several Indian languages and a few foreign languages like Chinese and Korean. |
The code is also available in Braille versions. |
We can also make referrals for Braille and American Sign Language. |
In particular, the manual for electors was adapted to alternative media such as Braille, audio-cassette and large print, as well as video cassettes in Quebec Sign Language and American Sign Language. |
Tables of contents at the beginning of books must be more thorough than in texts for sighted readers, because Braille readers can't flick through the pages to find what they're looking for. |
The visually impaired and the blind students have the right to necessary education in Braille and training in the use of necessary technical equipment. |
Both emboss Braille by using an alloy that changes shape according to temperature. In the longer term, built-in cameras could take photos to be etched on screens. |
No one doubts that The New York Times has the right to reprint its issues in Braille, in a foreign language or in microform, even though such revisions might look and feel quite different from the original. |
I took a year off to regroup and reskill, including learning Braille. |
The main component of the project is the introduction of the 'virtual classroom' concept, including the graphic screen reader system in Braille for English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi and Urdu languages. |
Screen reader utilities take the information displayed on the screen and make it available through alternative media, such as synthesized speech or a refreshable Braille display. |
A remarkable woman, Mrs. Morris has also dedicated 15 years of service to the Montreal Association for the Blind as a Braille proofreader and transcriptionist. |
Henri Blin, teacher at the Royal Institute for the Young Blind, meets the young Louis Braille. The latter reveals to him that the Army covets his brand new system of writing for the blind. |
Merkel cells, which are stimulated by angles, points and curves, provide the spatial characteristics of the Braille symbols, while Meissner corpuscles supply the temporal information. |
Vendor of wide range of products and services for speech, large print, Braille, optical character recognition, Braille transcription, and support and training. |
Braille books, including Bibles and hymnals, take up a lot of space, so some congregations keep the pages in loose-leaf binders and remove only the ones needed for a particular service. |
Find out if the person has adaptive computer technology, such as a Braille computer display, speech synthesizer, or enlarged text software that enable them to read documents. |
Viet Nam is developing an integrated education model, converting textbooks into Braille, developing a system of sign languages and unified the writing system for the blind. |
Gifted with sharp memory and dedication, the 21-year-old has created history of sorts by memorising the entire Holy Qur'an in Braille. |
The handicap of being shut off from ordinary reading matter has been met by a number of devices, the most widely used being Braille, Talking Book records, and tape recordings. |
Braille improved this system, devising an alphabetical code made form 2 vertical columns of 3 points in relief, enabling also the transcription of mathematics and musical notation. |
Individuals who have read Braille since childhood will often prefer this format, as they can skim through a document just as a sighted individual can a print document. |
The complex has completed required studies to prepare a Braille copy of the Holy Qur'an to cater to the increasing demand from blind readers. |
Braille was created using a Perkins Brailler on 3-by-5 index cards with the top right corner removed. |
In 1829, Louis Braille invented a six-dot musical notation system and published his first book in braille, Method of Writing Words, Music, and Plain Songs by Means of Dots, for Use by the Blind and Arranged for Them. |
In partnership with specialized associations, SFR provides appropriate offerings and services, vocalization and character enlargement software, Braille translation of contractual documents, and preferential rates. |
For persons with disabilities, barriers such as lack of access ramps or means of communication such as Braille are often greater obstacles to participation in the labour market and society than the disabilities as such. |
The OAS brochure was changed in light of recommendations in the representatives' survey for plainer language and the prominent display of information indicating the brochure is available in Braille and as an audiocassette. |
Mention may also be made of the documentation in Braille, in large print or on cassette intended for persons with a visual impairment or the teletype service intended for persons who are deaf. |
But, while one could wax on poetically about the compelling new aesthetics of the 2010 Outlander's nose job, the reality is this: The Car Guide is not available in Braille, so I'll let you be the judge. |
Luis Braille contributed towards literacy, the Braille system being the only medium through which children with profound or total loss of sight can learn to read and write. |
Today she makes do with audio books for leisure, and text-to-speech programs and huge computer fonts for work. Those who master Braille can reap big benefits. |
Additionally, given the number and type of errors found in the documents, there do not appear to be guidelines regarding the proofreading of documents in Braille. |
This can mean substitute media in Braille for the blind, audio cassettes for the hearing impaired, or a companion for the intellectually challenged. |
Though many blind people memorise the Qur'an, even faster than those with clear vision, learning through the Braille script is said to be very rare. |