Plural for something recurring across a genre or type of art or literature
“The depiction of her as a temptress echoes the trope of woman as Eve, the seducer of men.”
Plural for an expression that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful
Plural for the use of a word or phrase to refer to something that it isn’t, invoking a direct similarity between the word or phrase used and the thing described
Plural for a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
Plural for an element that forms part of a complex whole
Plural for musical or rhythmic markings used in the reading of religious texts
To use, or embellish something with, a trope
“The specific outcome of that story-telling largely derives from how managers figure their world, how they trope, or figuratively turn meanings.”
Related Words and Phrases