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How to use describe in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word describe? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The fact that we can describe the motions of the world using Newtonian mechanics tells us nothing about the world.
Critics usually describe Hemingway's style as simple, spare, and journalistic.
He doesn't describe himself as a magician, a sorcerer, a psychic or indeed any of the labels that carry occult baggage.
It is therefore important that researchers both describe their methodology accurately and validate it using independent data.
Ask Americans today to define marriage, and they are likely to describe it as a private intimate relationship between two soulmates.
And it is this disdain for the other kind of ambition that has led observers to describe him as unserious.
Maybe there is some connection here, but its very odd to describe anyone as motivated by veniality.
The Notice of Voidance shall specify the cause for the voidance and describe the facts in support of the cause.
My sisters and I understood very little of the unspeakable reality he sought to describe.
I think back to the pastors and mentors who have made the most impact in my life and I would describe them as spiritual people.
The report can accurately describe violative conduct without resorting to personal assaults.
Potential mechanisms and clinical vignettes are included to describe the systemic processes that occur with trauma couples.
Yes, weak, that was the only word Adam could think of to describe what this strong, bullheaded teenager looked like at that particular moment.
Another week, they watch a bird for 5 minutes or so and describe its doings.
How would you describe the feeling when you were dancing at your best or dancing your favorite roles?
In fact, it would be fair to describe her as unromantic in her attitudes to love, marriage and compatibility.
In my view, it would be illogical and incorrect to describe these two buildings as a house.
It's almost impossible to describe their unforced exactness, their unrushed economy.
We describe the classification of del Pezzo surfaces of Picard rank one with smoothable quotient singularities.
If someone made me describe this wonderful view, I would be struck speechless with the beauty of it all.
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Examples from Classical Literature
To describe them properly I shall give a sketch of their forms and physiognomies.
A plumb line that is a little too long to reach the floor will, if swung so as just to touch the floor, describe a circle.
But a poetess must have experienced all feelings, or she could not describe them.
With one prong of a compass in the centre of Hudson Bay, describe a circle.
We proceed now to describe from the Gathas the work and teaching of Zarathustra.
How shall we adequately describe the extreme minuteness of the parallactic ellipses in the case of even the nearest stars?
Others, again, went so far as to describe our action merely as the starting point of a preventive war against Russia.
Thus to describe an uncle as a parent is an error not uncommon in palaeontology, and it was treated leniently by Huxley.
It is as impossible to describe the passion play as it is to describe a song.
Although I describe him as a Dutch pearler I am somewhat uncertain as to his exact nationality.
We must now describe the more important of the remaining structures of Palenque.
But this comparison is not satisfactory, because there is a penetrant metallic quality in the twang, impossible to describe.
The word has persisted, and is still used throughout the Inca country, to describe a post house on a highroad.
I shall describe a device which gives a continuous record of photic variation for the whole day.
I shall now describe the phototropic effect of unilateral light in pulvinated, and in growing organs.
I am at a loss for fitting terms to describe such a public policy.
Who shall describe that wondrous spread, or the heroes that partook of it?
Now, he advocates a new vocabulary to describe a state of hairlessness in a more positive way.
They amply describe cadmia produced in copper furnaces, and pompholyx.
Positively I will not describe wedding-dresses, or a procession to church.
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