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How to say off in Turkish

What's the Turkish word for off? Here's a list of translations.

Turkish Translation
More Turkish words for off
kapalı adverb
closed, cloudily, indoor, shut, covered, enclosed
devre dışı adjective
uzakta adverb
away, far, far away, far off, afar
dışında preposition
outside, out of, besides, without, beside
uzak adverb
away, remote, far, far away, distant, faraway, aloof, far off, outlying
tamamen adverb
completely, fully, entirely, all, quite
kötü adjective
bad, poor, worse, evil, ill
izinli preposition
başlangıç noun
start, beginning, onset, inception, origin
çıkmış adverb
out, up
kesik adverb
uzağa adverb
away, far, apart, afield, far afield
çıkarılmış adjective
bozuk adjective
damaged, broken, bad, distorted, faulty
öldürmek verb
kill, murder, slay, kill off, destroy
geçersiz adverb
haricinde preposition
except, beyond, save, saving, out of
sapa adjective
off the beaten track, remote, devious, out of the way
kopuk adverb
olası preposition
possible, potential, like, likely, probable, prospective
ters adjective
reverse, opposite, inverse, adverse, contrary
yorgun adjective
tired, weary, jaded, worn, bushed
baş noun
head, beginning, chief, top, bow
sağdaki adjective
dexter, the one on the right, right-hand
öteki adjective
other, the other, far, that, remaining
-den preposition
from, out of, of
-dan preposition
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