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How to say upset in Spanish

What's the Spanish word for upset? Here's a list of translations.

Spanish Translation
More Spanish words for upset
el trastorno noun
disorder, disturbance, disruption, trouble, dislocation
alterar verb
alter, change, disturb
perturbar verb
disturb, perturb, faze, agitate, bewilder
el vuelco noun
alterarse verb
los contratiempo noun
setback, mishap, contretemps
preocuparse verb
worry, care, bother, trouble, mind
el revés noun
reverse, setback, backhand, back, backstroke, backhand stroke
perturbarse verb
acongojado adjective
volcar verb
tip over, turn over, knock over, overthrow, tip up, pull over
la indisposición noun
indisposition, illness, ailment, seediness, queerness
sentirse molesto verb
estorbar verb
hinder, interfere with, impede, disturb, hamper, obstruct
volcarse verb
tip over, keel over, tip up, lay out
derribar verb
bring down, overthrow, knock down, topple, demolish, pull down
estar perturbado verb
desconcertar verb
disconcert, puzzle, baffle, confuse, mystify
dar al traste con verb
disrupt, dislocate, pull to pieces
apurarse verb
hurry, hurry up, worry, fret, toil
mínimo adjective
minimum, least, minimal, rock-bottom
trastornar la cabeza verb
overturn, unhinge, tumble, subvert, disrupt
encabritar verb
pull up, rile
hacer daño verb
acongojar verb
wring, distress, grieve, wring out, anguish
estar preocupado verb
estar acongojado verb
derramar verb
shed, spill, pour, pour out, shower
el desarreglo noun
disorder, disarray
de salida adjective
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