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How to say touch in Spanish

What's the Spanish word for touch? Here's a list of translations.

Spanish Translation
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los toque noun
stroke, knock, blast, chime, lap
tocar verb
play, perform, contact, ring, feel
el contacto noun
contact, point
el tacto noun
feel, tact, finesse, savoir faire, osculation
tocarse verb
dab, flitch, impinge, lap, palp
rozar verb
rub, graze, skim, chafe, grate
alcanzar verb
reach, achieve, attain, accomplish, hit, catch up
afectar verb
affect, impact, influence, hit, assume
palpar verb
feel, palpate
conmover verb
move, shake, stir, affect, pierce
llegar a verb
arrive at, come to, hit, get at, attain, grow to
el roce noun
attrition, osculation
contactar verb
contact, reach, get on to
probar verb
try, test, prove, taste, try out, sample
coger verb
take, catch, get, pick, pick up
la pulsación noun
pulsation, pulse, beat, throbbing, beating
ponerse en contacto con verb
make contact with, get on to
agarrar verb
grab, grasp, grip, catch, hold, seize
llegar hasta verb
come up to
herir verb
hurt, injure, wound, strike, smite, offend
igualar verb
match, equalize, even, equate, level, balance
compararse con verb
asir verb
grab, grasp, grip, seize, take
enternecer verb
soften, tender, tenderize, affect
la pincelada noun
brushstroke, brushwork, painting
pegar verb
paste, stick, glue, hit, strike
pasar verb
pass, go, move, happen, get
tiento noun
la nota noun
note, notice, footnote, grade, mark
la conexión noun
connection, link, connexion, linkage, hookup
lindar verb
la pizca noun
pinch, whit, dash, shred, ounce, sprinkle
el poquito noun
trifle, dash, spot, thought
dar toques verb
hacer mella en verb
el toque ligero noun
snick, tap, dab, felloe
alargar verb
lengthen, extend, elongate, reach, draw out
estar contiguo verb
sobornar verb
bribe, buy, suborn, sweeten, buy over
venir hasta verb
venir a verb
come up to, grow to
arrebatar verb
snatch, take, grab, snatch away, carry away, enrapture
robar algo verb
take, take on, plunder
quedarse con verb
retain, hold on to, take on
dar de verb
bestow, back on to, tell off, fleer, tender
poner a prueba verb
test, try, try out, prove, put through his paces
someter a prueba verb
test, try out
ensayar verb
test, rehearse, try, assay, try out, try over
hacer efecto en verb
tener un encuentro verb
tener una cita verb
have an appointment
tocar al pasar verb
chocar ligeramente verb
pasar rozando verb
skim, skim over, shave
tecleo noun
click, tap
el amago noun
los touche noun
los ataque leve noun
el golpe ligero noun
dab, cann, tap, bunt
el nexo noun
nexus, relation
abarcar verb
encompass, include, embrace, span, comprise, reach
experimentar verb
experiment, undergo, feel, experiment with, test, suffer
encontrarse verb
meet, meet each other, be situated, stand, collide, clash
lograr verb
achieve, accomplish, get, attain, reach, obtain
tomar verb
take, have, drink, catch, take up
la relación noun
relationship, relation, connection, connexion, link, reference
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