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How to say table in Spanish

What's the Spanish word for table? Here's a list of translations.

Spanish Translation
More Spanish words for table
la mesa noun
board, bureau, drawing table
la tabla noun
chart, board, panel, plank, tablet
el cuadro noun
picture, frame, painting, chart, square, cadre
la lista noun
list, roster, schedule, roll, register
el tablero noun
board, panel
el índice noun
index, rating, indication, card index, leading
presentar verb
present, submit, introduce, show, display, exhibit
las clasificación noun
classification, rating, sorting, label, assortment
la meseta noun
plateau, tableland, staircase landing
posponer verb
postpone, put off, carry over, leave over, hold over
la liga noun
league, garter, birdlime
aplazar verb
postpone, defer, delay, put off, adjourn, hold over
poner sobre la mesa verb
archivar verb
file, store, pigeonhole
ordenar verb
order, sort, arrange, command, ordain, rank
poner en la tabla verb
dar largas a verb
el escalafón noun
scale, promotion ladder, salary scale, promotion list, list of officials
la tarifa noun
rate, tariff, fare
disponer verb
provide, dispose, arrange, order, prepare
dar carpetazo a verb
shelve, lay aside, pigeonhole
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