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How to say twist in Russian

What's the Russian word for twist? Here's a list of translations.

Russian Translation


More Russian words for twist
твист noun
tvist twist
поворот noun
povorot turn, rotation, turning, swing, turnabout
крутить verb
krutit' spin, twirl, screw, twiddle, curl
выкручивать verb
vykruchivat' unscrew, wring
кручение noun
krucheniye torsion, twisting, cabling, twirl, doubling
покрутить verb
pokrutit' twist
скручивание noun
skruchivaniye curling, torsion, warping, wrench, wring
изгиб noun
izgib bend, curve, curvature, bent, flexure
крутка noun
krutka twist
скручивать verb
skruchivat' wring, convolve, twist up, strand, twine
искажение noun
iskazheniye distortion, misrepresentation, corruption, perversion, deformation
искривление noun
iskrivleniye curvature, distortion, contortion, deformation, flexure
вить verb
vit' build, twine, lay, strand
ход noun
khod progress, stroke, running, travel, process
вывих noun
vyvikh dislocation, luxation, wrench, contortion
кривить verb
krivit' bend, distort
изгибаться verb
izgibat'sya bend, curve, wriggle, sweep, wriggle oneself
поворачиваться verb
povorachivat'sya turn, swing, turn round, slew, wheel
обман noun
obman deception, deceit, fraud, trick, hype
вертеть verb
vertet' twirl, turn, spin, revolve, twiddle
отличительная черта noun
otlichitel'naya cherta distinctive feature, lineament, specialty, schtick, turn
поворачивать verb
povorachivat' turn, turn off, swing, tilt, bend
искажать verb
iskazhat' distort, misrepresent, deform, corrupt, skew
шнур noun
shnur cord, line, lacing, twine, tie
обманывать verb
obmanyvat' deceive, cheat, kid, fool, spoof
плетенка noun
pletenka network, sennit
закрутиться verb
zakrutit'sya begin to turn
сплетаться verb
spletat'sya weave, entwine, intertwine, interlace, intertwist
виться verb
vit'sya curl, wind, clamber, twine, creep
сучить verb
suchit' spin, span
изгибать verb
izgibat' bend, curve, sweep, crook
искривлять verb
iskrivlyat' bend, distort, contort, crook
танцевать твист verb
tantsevat' tvist twist
характерная особенность noun
kharakternaya osobennost' characteristic, character
выжимать verb
vyzhimat' squeeze, squeeze out, wring, wring out, press
шнурок noun
shnurok lace, string, cord, braid, tie
свить verb
svit' twine
сплетать verb
spletat' weave, entwine, intertwine, splice, interlace
извивать verb
izvivat' coil
свивать verb
svivat' swaddle, ball, wreathe, twine, lay
витой хлеб noun
vitoy khleb twist
шаг винтовой нарезки noun
shag vintovoy narezki twist
веревка noun
verevka rope, cord, string, line, tie
смешанный напиток noun
smeshannyy napitok twist
чудовищный аппетит noun
chudovishchnyy appetit twist
сучение noun
sucheniye doubling
кривизна noun
krivizna curvature, curve, camber, crookedness, tortuosity
хала noun
khala challah
что-либо свернутое noun
chto-libo svernutoye furl
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