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How to say new in Russian

What's the Russian word for new? Here's a list of translations.

Russian Translation


More Russian words for new
новый adjective
novyy fresh, novel, renewed, recent, modern
новое noun
novoye new
недавно adverb
nedavno recently, newly, latest, lately, freshly
заново adverb
zanovo newly, anew, freshly
новейший adjective
noveyshiy newest, neoteric, up-to-date, latter-day, way-out
свежий adjective
svezhiy fresh, cool, recent, crisp, breezy
обновленный adjective
obnovlennyy renewed, refurbished, innovated, newborn
другой adjective
drugoy other, another, different, second, otherwise
современный adjective
sovremennyy modern, present, contemporary, current, recent
иной adjective
inoy other, another, otherwise, diverse, either
новоявленный adjective
novoyavlennyy new
дополнительный adjective
dopolnitel'nyy additional, more, further, complementary, extra
недавний adjective
nedavniy recent, last, late, latter, young
незнакомый adjective
neznakomyy unfamiliar, strange, unacquainted
новомодный adjective
novomodnyy newfangled, upstart, neoteric, new-fashioned
неопытный adjective
neopytnyy inexperienced, sucking, unexperienced, green, fresh
передовой adjective
peredovoy advanced, forward, progressive, leading, foremost
непривычный adjective
neprivychnyy unwonted, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, strange, offbeat
недавно приобретенный adjective
nedavno priobretennyy new
вновь открытый adjective
vnov' otkrytyy new
только что adverb
tol'ko chto just, newly, freshly, scarcely, this moment
недавнего происхождения adjective
nedavnego proiskhozhdeniya new
вновь обнаруженный adjective
vnov' obnaruzhennyy new
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