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How to say fine in Russian

What's the Russian word for fine? Here's a list of translations.

Russian Translation


More Russian words for fine
штраф noun
shtraf penalty, forfeit, surcharge, penalization, mulct
оштрафовать verb
oshtrafovat' fine
штрафовать verb
shtrafovat' penalize, amerce, estreat, sconce, surcharge
ХОРОШО adverb
KHOROSHO good, well, OK, okay, nicely
прекрасно adverb
prekrasno goodly, nobly, A1, first-rate
прекрасный adjective
prekrasnyy beautiful, great, glorious, lovely, beauteous
отлично adverb
otlichno perfectly, well, perfectly well, splendidly, famously
мелкий adjective
melkiy small, shallow, petty, potty, minute
тонкий adjective
tonkiy thin, subtle, small, slim, delicate
хороший adjective
khoroshiy good, well, nice, pretty, satisfactory
превосходно adverb
prevoskhodno ideally, primely, swimmingly, nobly, capitally
превосходный adjective
prevoskhodnyy excellent, superb, superior, superlative, beautiful
пеня noun
penya surcharge
изящный adjective
izyashchnyy elegant, graceful, delicate, neat, refined
ясный adjective
yasnyy clear, bright, lucid, plain, obvious
изящно adverb
izyashchno gracefully, smart, stylishly
высококачественный adjective
vysokokachestvennyy quality, high-grade, hi-fi, high-end
высокий adjective
vysokiy high, tall, lofty, big, elevated
утонченный adjective
utonchennyy refined, sophisticated, subtle, exquisite, delicate
высокого качества adjective
vysokogo kachestva fine
утонченно adverb
utonchenno fine
блестящий adjective
blestyashchiy brilliant, shiny, shining, bright, glossy
крупный adjective
krupnyy large, major, big, coarse, massive
ладный adjective
ladnyy harmonious
очищать verb
ochishchat' clean, purify, cleanse, clear, peel
очищенный adjective
ochishchennyy purified, refined, cleaned, cleansed, hulled
высокопробный adjective
vysokoprobnyy fine
нарядный adjective
naryadnyy smart, chic, gay, spruce, dinky
возвышенный adjective
vozvyshennyy exalted, sublime, elevated, lofty, high
очищаться verb
ochishchat'sya clean, purify, clear, refine, defecate
сухой adjective
sukhoy dry, dried, arid, dead, desiccated
налагать штраф verb
nalagat' shtraf fine
делать прозрачным verb
delat' prozrachnym clarify, fine down
внушительный adjective
vnushitel'nyy imposing, formidable, commanding
рафинированный adjective
rafinirovannyy refined
делаться прозрачным verb
delat'sya prozrachnym clarify
налагать пеню verb
nalagat' penyu fine
претенциозный adjective
pretentsioznyy ambitious, flatulent, grandiose, brassy, orotund
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