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How to say direct in Latin

What's the Latin word for direct? Here's a list of translations.

Latin Translation
More Latin words for direct
directus adjective
straight, perpendicular, straightforward, plain, vertical
rectus adjective
righteous, correct, straight, upright, virtuous
moderor verb
control, moderate, bound, check, stint
pergo verb
proceed, go on, continue, advance, pass on
derigo verb
aim, steer, set straight, arrange, put into line
torqueo verb
torture, twist, turn, distort, curl
obversor verb
go about, move, show before
flecto verb
bend, turn, twist, curve, crook
tendo verb
tend, try, stretch, aim, extend
intendo verb
intend, aim, aim at, fix, stretch out
jacto verb
cast, boast, throw, toss, make quiver
iacto verb
boast, throw, cast, hurl, brag
suspendo verb
suspend, hang, support, consecrate, devote
peto verb
ask, beg, seek, request, desire
administro verb
administer, administrate, manage, regulate, superintend
rego verb
rule, decree, govern, administer, administrate
praesideo verb
preside, sit, sit before, be in the chair, be a head of
dirigo verb
guide, steer, aim, regulate, set straight
praesum verb
defend, be before, be in front, be at the head of, command
praemonstro verb
guide, conduct, warn, portend, admonish
praemostro verb
guide, conduct, warn, portend, admonish
perducto verb
lead, conduct, escort
habeo verb
have, accept, hold, keep, take
jubeo verb
command, bid, order, tell, decree
iubeo verb
bid, command, order, tell, decree
praecipio verb
instruct, get in advance, receive in advance, seize beforehand, take
adjicio verb
add, add to, throw, throw in, move toward
adicio verb
add, apply, add to, throw, throw in
adverso verb
advorso verb
amministro verb
administer, manage, assist, operate, conduct
collimo verb
glance sidelong
conlimo verb
glance sidelong
e regione adverb
directly, straight, straight on, endlong, bluntly
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See Also in English
foreign direct investment
aliena dirige obsideri
direct marketing
recta ipsum
direct deposit
dirige depositum
direct current
vena recta
direct flight
fuga recta
direct speech
vivam vocem;
direct object
direct object
direct debit
debitum directum
direct mail
mail recta
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