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How to say trouble in French

What's the French word for trouble? Here's a list of translations.

French Translation
More French words for trouble
la difficulté noun
difficulty, problem, hardness, quandary, toughness
la peine noun
penalty, sentence, pain, sorrow, grief
le problème noun
problem, issue, question, snag, headache
le mal noun
evil, wrong, ill, harm, hurt
le trouble noun
disorder, disturbance, upset, confusion, turmoil
le dérangement noun
disturbance, inconvenience, disruption, failure, annoyance
le ennui noun
boredom, ennui, annoyance, tedium, nuisance
troubler verb
disturb, disrupt, cloud, unsettle, muddy
les embarras noun
embarrassment, confusion, perplexity, spot, quandary
le souci noun
worry, care, anxiety, marigold, trial
le malheur noun
misfortune, woe, bad luck, adversity, grief
les tracas noun
la gêne noun
discomfort, inconvenience, bother, hindrance, straits
déranger verb
disturb, upset, disrupt, annoy, derange
las angoisse noun
anguish, anxiety, distress, tribulation
inquiéter verb
worry, alarm, disturb, bother, distress
la maladie noun
disease, illness, sickness, malady, ailment
ennuyer verb
bore, annoy, bother, weary, upset
le grabuge noun
mayhem, stink, ruction
la souffrance noun
suffering, pain, misery, anguish, hardship
tourmenter verb
torment, plague, harass, tease, agonize
les accident noun
accident, casualty, wreck, smash, accidence
la corvée noun
corvee, drudgery, fatigue, bore, fatigue party
tracasser verb
bother, worry, fret, harass, plague
le embêtement noun
nuisance, problem
le fléau noun
scourge, plague, evil, bane, curse
le dérèglement noun
disturbance, derangement, maladjustment
harceler verb
harass, nag, pester, badger, harry
faire mal à verb
le cafouillage noun
mess, muddle, shambles, slip-up
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