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What is the opposite of whoop?

Need antonyms for whoop? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of a loud cry or hoot, typically of joy or excitement or from an animal
Opposite of a long, loud, wavering cry or howl
“The crowd's jubilation after their championship triumph was deafening, but an experience worth savoring for a lifetime.”
Opposite of a loud, sharp cry of pain, distress, surprise, or delight
Opposite of a shout of encouragement, praise, or joy
“He walked out onto the field, and the boo of the crowd was quick in his ears.”
Opposite of a small, modest or trifling amount
“Don't you two dare sneak off by yourselves to see the forbidden tree, or there will be a world of hurt for the both of you.”
Opposite of a small part of something, usually of something written or spoken
Opposite of a very small amount or virtually nothing
“The club gave him a monster of a salary that he could not refuse.”
Opposite of to give or make a loud shout, cry or call
Opposite of to (excessively) boast about one's accomplishments, qualities, or possessions
Opposite of to shout, typically to express scorn or disapproval
Opposite of to pant or breathe, especially with difficulty
Opposite of to push air from the lungs in a quick, noisy explosion
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