Opposite of present participle for to argue or quibble over trivial matters
Opposite of present participle for to be reconciled after a quarrel
Opposite of present participle for to make up or be a part of a whole
Opposite of present participle for to state or claim too much
Opposite of present participle for to speak ambiguously, unclearly or doubtfully, especially with intent to deceive
Opposite of present participle for to contrive of (something) using skill or ingenuity
Opposite of present participle for to defy or rebel against
Opposite of present participle for to alter something from its true state, typically to deceive
Opposite of present participle for to conceal or disguise one's true feelings or beliefs
Opposite of present participle for to make a false show or pretense of
Opposite of present participle for to get away from something, especially with cunning or skill
Opposite of present participle for to put together using parts or materials
Opposite of present participle for to pretend to be someone or something that one is not
Opposite of present participle for to betray someone that has one's trust
Opposite of present participle for to create something, typically using ingenuity or creativity
Opposite of present participle for to hide or conceal, typically something incriminating
Opposite of present participle for to conceive of or envisage in the mind
Opposite of present participle for to create a (typically fraudulent) copy or imitation of something
Opposite of present participle for to tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner
Opposite of present participle for to make hurtful and untrue comments about
Opposite of present participle for to spread gossip or tell a supposed truth