Opposite of plural for a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances
“Even in the face of adversity, he was filled with calm and clarity of mind.”
Opposite of plural for pressure or tension exerted on a material object
“The release of air from my vehicle's tire would be required after an excess of it was pumped in.”
Opposite of plural for particular emphasis or importance
“Jacob declared that there should be a greater de-emphasis on unemployment, and a greater focus on tax reform.”
Opposite of to emphasize, stress, or indicate the importance of
“To say he was disappointed by the revelation would be to understate his reaction.”
Opposite of to cause mental or emotional strain or tension in
“It would de-stress me greatly if I achieve the results that I have been working so hard to achieve.”
(usually of an object) Opposite of to physically strain, or to apply force as to cause strain
“My new shoes would gradually begin to give after several hours of being worn.”
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