Opposite of a state in which one is not observed or disturbed by other people
Opposite of the state of being secluded or shut out, as from company, society, the world, etc.
Opposite of the state or situation of being alone
“She appears to enjoy herself here, for there is a number of us and she likes company.”
Opposite of the state or characteristic of being separate or isolated from others
Opposite of the state or quality of being solitary or isolated
Opposite of an act or state of being isolated from others
Opposite of the state or characteristic of being secretive
Opposite of the state or characteristic of being separate or isolated from others
Opposite of the state or quality of being clandestine
Opposite of freedom from contact with any person
“I am in constant contact with my friends and family.”
(figurative) Opposite of freedom from interference or bother
“Excuse the intrusion, but may I ask you a few questions?”
Opposite of the quality or state of being anonymous, nameless or unknown
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