Opposite of required as a prior condition
Opposite of required or commanded by authority
“All donations are voluntary and tax-deductible.”
Opposite of very important or essential in nature
Opposite of representing an essential element
“The cup-holder is an inessential component of the car.”
Opposite of a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist
Opposite of condition of agreement
Opposite of something that is formally or legally required or obligatory
“There appears to be a nonnecessity to adhere to court etiquette as children of all ages ran amok.”
Opposite of a necessary or essential item for a given task
“As long as the supply of methionine is adequate, cysteine is considered as a nonessential.”
Opposite of a supplementary amendment or clause added to a document
Opposite of a central cohesive source of stability and security
Opposite of a prerequisite that must be fulfilled before an agreement or contract can be enforced
Related Words and Phrases