Opposite of capable of causing harm, injury or death due to the presence of poison
Opposite of infected with a poisonous substance or disease
Opposite of adulterated with impurities
Opposite of past tense for to adulterate or contaminate with poison
“Special workers were called in to decontaminate the area after the oil spill.”
Opposite of past tense for to administer poison to (a person or animal)
“None of the very skilled physicians in the royal palace had been able to cure him of whatever had ailed him, or even find out what it was.”
Opposite of past tense for to tarnish with something undesirable
“They used a genetically altered strain of bacterium to clean the ocean of oil spills effectively.”
Opposite of past tense for to corrupt, or to prove harmful or destructive to
“These changes should improve the structure of your program and better support changes down the road.”
Opposite of past tense for to bring disrepute to, especially through aspersions
“Admirers of Columbus insisted that it should be called Colombia to honor the name of the admiral, but their claims were unsuccessful.”
Opposite of past tense for to kill or murder someone with poison
“She fed him the antidote and managed to save him in the nick of time.”
Related Words and Phrases