Opposite of superlative for proportionately weighted on all dimensions and therefore unlikely to tip over
“There was no other way but to cross the river along an unbalanced tree trunk.”
Opposite of superlative for having different elements in the correct proportions
“The Yankees' star collapsed on a train and spent several weeks hospitalized with a mysterious ailment that gave rise to rumors about his excessive lifestyle.”
Opposite of superlative for harmoniously integrated or combined, especially of sound or melody
“The contrast between the disharmonic sounds of the ad-hoc choir and the organ piping out a wonderfully melodious piece of liturgical music cannot be more estranging.”
Opposite of superlative for objective or fair, after taking everything into account
“It was boastful of her to think so, but she'd seen nothing to alter her biased opinion of her kin.”
Opposite of superlative for mentally calm, having no emotion too strong or too weak
“It is in those of delicate health, neurotic disposition, and psychoneurotic tendencies, that reassurances are needed.”
Opposite of superlative for having healthy and sound mental faculties
“He's not nuts! He's crazy!”
Opposite of superlative for financially validated or settled according to accounting principles
“When the Hotel Ritz discovered that he had used the invalidated check to pay his restaurant bill, they went after his insurers, who in turn informed the police.”