To display or exhibit something
“The museum's exhibition shows paintings by Matisse and Picasso.”
Opposite of to report on in published media
“Instead of promoting justice in the case, his reaction, along with a group of newspaper editors, has been to suppress information about the case.”
(a feeling or quality) Opposite of to present oneself in a particular way by an action or series of actions
“He pretended to be somebody he wasn't, in order to mask his insecurities.”
Opposite of to expose or bring to light
“To intentionally suppress important information that would be difficult or impossible for the contractor to obtain is a crime against the public.”
Opposite of to spread information or news
“He acknowledged that he had an immediate gut reaction to government requests for the media to withhold information.”
(often in simple past form "posted") Opposite of to make acquainted with the details of a subject
“He chose to conceal the information and had to live with the decision.”
Opposite of to reveal or make public (information)