Opposite of the state or quality of having a great weight
Opposite of the state or fact of being fat
Opposite of the state or quality of being slothful
Opposite of dampness, especially that of the air
Opposite of a state of depression or despondency
(fluidity) Opposite of a measure of the quantity of matter contained by a unit volume
(sparsity) Opposite of a measure of the quantity of matter contained by a unit volume
“The layers would reflect the relative sparsity of the crystals and the order of crystallization.”
Opposite of the state or quality of being unwieldy or cumbersome
Opposite of characterized by storminess or agitation, especially of the elements
Opposite of the force per unit area exerted by a fluid against a surface with which it is in contact
“The amount of general anesthesia using muscle relaxants helped the easing up of airflow during expiration and inspiration.”
Opposite of one's social standing or eminence, or the state of having a high social standing
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