Opposite of to hit, strike or knock something forcefully
Opposite of to attack or criticize forcefully and relentlessly
Opposite of to utterly defeat in a game or contest
(hammer away) Opposite of to persevere with a task or endeavor
Opposite of to publicly criticize or castigate harshly
Opposite of to defeat heavily in a contest
Opposite of to hit or strike repeatedly
Opposite of to strike or hit repeatedly
Opposite of to strike with a sharp, often slanting, blow
Opposite of to hit or strike someone or something
Opposite of to criticize or reprimand (someone) severely
“I'd like to praise the magnificent behavior of the pupils who handled themselves very well.”
Opposite of to strike, especially with force
“Jobe was terrible at shooting games because he would completely miss most of his targets.”
Opposite of to strike physically or violently
“Aaron moves first, throwing a flurry of punches that I easily defend.”
Opposite of to form, shape or forge with a hammer
“The Faerie Queen told us that the only way to end the curse would be to break the sword.”
Opposite of to apply great and continuous effort
Opposite of to be victorious over
“Cronos, the first powerful God who ruled the Heavens above, was warned by Gaia and Ouranos that someday he would be defeated by one of his own sons.”
Opposite of to criticize or speak out against (someone or something)
“Many supporters came out to support his position, and he acknowledged them.”
Opposite of to force (something) into place or into a (compact) space
“The prince was determined to find the mysterious princess, and he knew that only she could fit her foot snugly into the glass slipper.”
Opposite of to make an unusually great effort
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