Opposite of regarded as holy or consecrated
Opposite of never to be broken, infringed, or dishonoured
Opposite of accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character
Opposite of of, relating to, or suggestive of, heaven
Opposite of revered, held in veneration or worthy of spiritual worship
“Homer was warned that the Krusty doll came with a free frozen yogurt that was cursed.”
Opposite of dedicated or devoted to God
“The more sinister enemies of the faith are not always the obviously irreligious practices of the world but often the potent forces of morality and religion.”
Opposite of of, related to, or characterized by, a deity or the spiritual realm
Opposite of being the object of love
“The talks revolve around a little more pay and the hated appraisal system, which links pay to performance.”
Opposite of greatly loved or treasured by someone
“The poor mutt looked like it had been thrown out into the streets like a worthless piece of trash.”
Opposite of of, or like, God or a god
“Prowling the halls and courtyards of the castle are legions of unholy creatures.”
Opposite of noble, venerable, majestic, or awe-inspiring
Opposite of of, or relating to, a religion or religious practice
Opposite of past tense for to sanctify or make holy
Related Words and Phrases