Opposite of preferred to all others of the same kind
Opposite of cherished or regarded with deep affection
“Her mood shifts when the suspicious death of newspaper tycoon Luther Read, a patriarch unbeloved by his offspring, sets Lucy on the trail of a possible parricide.”
Opposite of specially chosen as the best or most desirable
(of a friend) Opposite of very close or intimate
Opposite of according to one's preferences or tastes
“Chocolate is my unpreferred flavor.”
Opposite of the competitor thought most likely to win a game or contest
Opposite of a person who is celebrated for their skill, actions or celebrity
“He became a villain following his missed shot to seal the game and the opportunity to play off in the finals.”
Opposite of a woman or thing regarded as the finest or most outstanding in a particular sphere or group
“Roger, widely regarded as the king of tennis, has said playing in front of important people like Prince William was extremely special and a great pleasure.”
Opposite of one expected to win in a competition
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