Opposite of present participle for to dry, or become dry, such as from heat or lack of moisture
Opposite of present participle for to be quiet, or to stop talking
Opposite of present participle for to diminish or dwindle, especially to (virtually) nothing
Opposite of present participle for to be, or cause to be, wet or waterlogged
“Wash and dry your hands before you come to the dinner table.”
Opposite of present participle for to become popular or come into fashion
“It appears that denim is one of those things that will disappear for a few years and then become fashionable again.”
Opposite of present participle for to give what is needed or desired
“You can bring some food for the party, and I will gladly consume it.”
Opposite of present participle for to flow or move in a stream
“You can run the hairdryer over the wet patch on your dress and it should dry up pretty quick.”
Opposite of present participle for to inundate with a great quantity of something