Opposite of to become something different
“As the years pass by, the old castle's condition stagnates and remains unchanged.”
Opposite of to change the form, character, or function of something
“I would like to keep the room as is instead of converting it into a theatre space, which is what my late father would have wanted.”
Opposite of to change another's belief, especially regarding religion
“The sociologist studying Mormonism is not out there to deconvert people, engage in historical or theological debates, destroy worldviews, or the like.”
Opposite of to reconstruct or renovate into a different form
“We will evaluate your building and come up with a plan about how to best maintain the original building's structure and overall integrity.”
Opposite of plural for a person who has adopted a given faith or belief, especially newly
“The third is Clement, who was the leader of the church thirty years later and wrote an Epistle to the Corinthians which we have already used.”
Related Words and Phrases