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What does jes' mean?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word jes'? Here's what it means.

  1. Eye dialect spelling of just, representing African American Vernacular English.
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Why, Maria, if you look close ye can see jes' where the ants crawl in and out.
But, Hagar, ye can't do nuffin but jes' trust de Lord, nohow.
Dey march 'round de table, jes' scoopin' up meat and 'taters and grabbin' cornpone right and left.
He weren't no farmer, jes' truck farm to raise de livin' for he household and slaves.
Der's plenty mo,' jes' as good and better, too, and you'll meck her sorry some day.
I was jes' finkin' I was wiz her, and she was divin' me somefin' dood to eat.

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