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How to use videos in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word videos? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Preventing people from seeing videos in a timely fashion is the summit of her achievements so far.
Their web site is also an excellent resource for books, videos and back issues of the magazine.
The seven-inch screen can show videos with sound because speakers are also included in the pack.
All the hand signals are based on British Sign Language, with music videos to accompany the 10-week course.
In addition, actors were used by 15 schools, volunteers by 14, manikins by all 19, videos by 11, and simulators by four.
He became one of the world's best bridge players, with a raft of teaching videos and CDs to his name.
The series itself was high-concept, even if its constituent videos sometimes were not.
They have seized thousands of pounds worth of property including televisions, videos, hi-fis, jewellery and mobile phones.
And though the movement vocabulary was unmistakably balletic, the visual appeal of the work may more often be associated with rock music videos.
There are also some other really funny videos made by the same guys on there.
He opened a cupboard which was filled, ceiling to floor, with rows and rows of DVDs and videos.
There may be CD-ROMs, videos, audio cassettes and computer games available.
Amara has announced a new platform that allows YouTube publishers to crowdsource subtitles and translation for their published videos.
The current rage of freeriding and urban assault mountain biking has produced a gamut of videos documenting the latest and greatest feats.
Plenary sessions and workshops were also held in conjunction with the screenings of films and videos, and there was plenty to celebrate.
Just sign up for an account and use our upload tool to send your videos to Google.
Thousands of hopefuls have sent in videos of themselves and have been whittled down to a hundred.
A selection of religious books, bibles, newspapers, videos, prayer books, leaflets, Mass cards etc. is now available.
There's a whole series of videos chronicling what happens when he force-feeds his students homemade root beer, for god's sake!
You can mail the photos or upload the videos as social sharing is very easy nowadays.
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