He came from High Times magazine, where he sat around and played video games and contemplated his navel. |
Cell phones and video games exploded in popularity as computers remained out of reach. |
We had no TV, no video games and the like, but we accepted life and got on with it. |
Playing video games, including violent shooters, may boost children's learning, health and social skills, according to a review. |
The US government has seized a Web site that helped people bypass anti-piracy technology to play illegal copies of popular video games. |
And now I look at my kids with their little, you know, video games every day, and they don't speak a lick of Spanish. |
Go tell your brothers to do their homework since I know they're playing their good-for-nothing video games. |
Oh, also, I want to write a fun little article about the heavy presence of Jung's archetypal figure, the anima, in video games. |
Our television shows, our video games, our music, and our movies all glorify violence. |
One minute they're playing video games, the next they're acting as lookouts for patrols of militia men. |
You find yourself inside a rumpus room, with some old video games, bumper pool, foosball, and some other things along those lines. |
This level of attractiveness seemed to catch the eye of the people who used to pour scorn on video games and those who played them. |
The company has been criticised for not securing exclusivity on popular video games. |
While basketball, snowboarding and video games rule, Karaoke and mah-jongg are just as popular. |
The problem with Jeff is that the production sounds like it was intended for sports highlight reels and video games. |
Consumers cited telecommuting and online video games as two important factors in their decision to sign up for broadband access. |
Thus we get images of dollar bills followed by cheering crowds, or scenes of violence matched with screenshots of video games. |
They sent in secret shoppers to see how many kids could buy some of these mature-rated video games. |
Personally, I think our male audience is thrilled to see women who love video games. |
Of course, the print media of today has to compete with a lot more distractions, from video games to the Internet. |
At night, his teammates help him pass the time in his house, playing cards, dominoes and video games. |
I'm talking embroidered toques, hand-stitched underwear, mugs, key chains and video games. |
Or, say the liberals, we waste our money on video games and trashy novels while the fine arts totter on the brink of extinction. |
In a way, it isn't too dissimilar to the intellectual property conventions that exist for video games. |
Yet it is a fascinating museum and showcase of video games, which the enthusiast will greatly enjoy. |
Some people are blaming the trend on a violent youth culture, now exported worldwide through animation, comic strips and video games. |
I honestly believe video games are one of the best methods to rid your mind of a bad mood or of a bad incident. |
We now have a generation of kids and young adults who have been weaned on video games, Web browsing, and other new information tools. |
It's also very hard to quit cold turkey from the computers and video games that our generation was weaned on. |
It also helped that I play a lot of video games in a similar effort to infuse my life with nonstop action. |
Luckily, a number of practical and technological advances are allowing developers to span the Uncanny Valley in video games. |
Consumers still want the latest in digital cameras, cell-phone cameras, MP3 players, and video games. |
They are people who make it their goal to keep a skateboarding tradition vital and vibrant in these modern times of wooden ramps and video games. |
Should I not be so frightened, or am I completely justified in wanting out of a culture of video games? |
In addition to its Nautical theme, this bar features much to keep you entertained, such as dartboards, pool tables, and video games. |
Today's children are bombarded with information from television, computers, and video games. |
He's not even a video game guy, he's just some random finance guy who occasionally offers incredibly ill-informed opinions about video games. |
Everyone raced home to play on their video games or slot car set depending on how lucky they were! |
What I need is to get away from the dull world of capitalism and the motivation killers of video games and needlecraft I have at home. |
Their minds were determinedly set on socializing with friends and playing video games over the coming weekend. |
Some of them admit they're afraid that social justice warriors will ruin video games. |
If you like portable video games as much as most trend-setting nerds, PortaGame.com is the blog for you, bucko. |
Whiplash is a truly comic experience, rare enough among today's video games, and brutalising a bunny is refreshing fun to begin with. |
Instead, exams will resemble interactive video games and will be set and marked by computer. |
The technology isn't nearly as sophisticated as video games, because most developers outfit advergames to accommodate slow modems. |
The evidence for a causal link between video games and violence is nowhere near as solid as Grossman maintains. |
For example, it's standard practice in video games for the player's character to be much harder to kill than her or his enemies. |
Main standby offenders in Irish homes are TVs, video recorders, DVDs, video games, satellite decoders, stereo systems, PCs and microwave ovens. |
Not all video games star muscle-bound, gun-wielding action heroes out for vengeance. |
Putting aside the accurate truth that modern video games are all about community and online socialising, let's look at the current state of play. |
I pass the video games and unattended snack bar, noting that there are candies on display. |
The boffins in white coats talk as if this huge, multi-million dollar machine is the mother of all video games. |
It shows that video games are not just about high-end graphics or sophisticated representation. |
An upcoming ad campaign will promote this upgrade for DVD players that lets users play high-resolution video games. |
Deep in this wilderness, cheechakos are far away from computers, television, and video games. |
They need to ride their bikes and play hopscotch or just sit around with a few buddies playing video games or watching movies. |
And though hyperkinetic video games beat board-game sales seven to one, Hasbro and child-rearing experts say the old games are far from doomed. |
For they are vacuous, ill-bred fools who know less about video games than they do about recording interesting music. |
He shouted at her over the beeps and dings of pinball machines and video games, pointing toward the back. |
It's really no huge surprise that advertisements eventually found their way into video games. |
Ed is a lump whose idea of social intercourse is playing video games and practical jokes. |
Too much emphasis is placed on solitary activities such as playing video games or watching television. |
But it didn't take many years of experience to realize that glibness is a minor talent, like being good at video games or foosball. |
During this dark time for video games, only one company seems to have noticed which way the wind is blowing. |
By age eighteen, most have witnessed thousands of murders on television and video games. |
The problem with reissuing video games is that they rarely stack up to your memories of them. |
There are Times Square like video screens, and seven story shops selling all manner of DVDs, CDs and video games, with bowling alleys lit in fluorescent blue on the top floor. |
What is the difference between playing pinball games and video games, snowboarding and surfing, or reading cyberpunk vs. traditional science fiction? |
Film adaptations of video games have a bad track record to date. |
For some of these kids, video games are a way to passively experience the shock and awe of combat. |
For boys, reading comes after TV, listening to CDs, tapes and the radio, playing computer or video games, talking on the phone and visiting the Internet. |
They promote online casinos, video games and keno, as well as betting. |
Comic books would seem to be the perfect breeding ground for video games. |
Protesting misogyny in gaming by not playing video games is misogyny working. |
You won't learn how to bake a cake or wallpaper the kitchen but you will have a thumping, pumping, roller-coaster ride through the virtual world of computer and video games. |
Motion capture techniques, similar to those used to create football video games, were used to record the ballet moves to animate the sugar plum fairies. |
Sam is into wrestling and baseball and playing Playstation video games. |
Who knew the little squirt would be that good at video games? |
Raised on MTV, video games, e-mail, the Internet and instant messaging, digital natives have developed cognitive thinking patterns that differ from all previous generations. |
I do believe video games are sort of at the heart of a cancer that's eating away at this culture, turning every popular art form into a pure service industry. |
But instead of blasting him with fusillades from the TV, they must reach him through hundreds of Web sites, channels, video games, even billboards. |
Mega64 is a series of low-budget, DIY comedy sketches that reenact video games on the streets of San Diego. |
There are those who accuse their games of not really being video games at all, which is ludicrous. |
The amusement arcade comes with bowling alley, video games, snooker parlour and kiddy rides while about 75 per cent of an entire floor is earmarked for food courts. |
Leaving me in bed while you go play video games immediately afterwards is highly unadvisable if you would like my behaviour to be repeated in the future. |
As video games become more and more popular, gradually leaving behind their association with geekdom, various genres of games are becoming more popular, too. |
He grew up both a computer geek in the early days of video games and an avid record collector. |
Toy makers now have to compete with an explosion of video games, interactive dolls, action figures and gadgets that appear to come alive when hooked up to a television set. |
It could be an entertaining one too with the optional TV screens built into the front headrests, enabling back seat passengers amuse themselves with DVDs or video games. |
Many of my soldiers began to treat bracelets, pictures, bibles and video games as if they had supernatural powers. |
On display on the side walks of a main street are used television and radio sets, refrigerators, clothes, light bulbs, children's bicycles and video games. |
I also like hiking, slot car racing, paint-balling and video games. |
At the risk of sounding a bit boastful, I'd like to think that I have a decent knowledge of video games, past, present, and to some extent, future. |
In all the years that Sam has known Julien, which were many by the way, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the only thing that mattered to him was his video games. |
America's addiction to video games is leading the way to a brand-new advertising platform with astounding click-through rates, play times, and peer-to-peer potential. |
It also makes me wonder whether the hardcore 'ludologists' who believe video games aren't or shouldn't be a storytelling medium at all, might be on to something. |
While some make their mark illustrating books, magazines, product packaging and so on, grads are also designing video games for the likes of Edmonton's Bioware Corporation. |
Although the company's ideas are embedded in a wide range of consumer products, from video games to mobile phones, it has never had any dealings with the public. |
The need for translatability is foregrounded because video games are sold across the world, with most games developed in either Japan or the United States. |
With six floors it covers everything from pinball machines to video games. |
A culture that ceased to value these things and got all its enjoyments from, say, video games, would not just be different from ours but inferior. |
While for some, video games conjure up the image of the socially withdrawn and uncommunicative male, the milieu of video games is intensely social. |
The beautifully constructed open-air dining hall sits right on the beach next door to a game room housing a billiard table and video games for the kids. |
Some simply headed to a shopping mall or home to play video games. |
Steve Kitchen was a fast-talking, enthusiastic entrepreneur who had developed a couple of successful Atari video games. |
Although they sell well, licensed video games are seldom critically acclaimed. |
The studio specializes in applying motion capture technology in film, television and video games. |
This looked incredibly cool, and borrowed visually from video games and from the YouTube microgenre of shopping-cart crashes. |
Most of the midteens in the survey were interested in video games and films. |
Seatbacks now often feature small colour LCD screens for videos, television and video games. |
The character has also been adapted for television, radio, comic strip, video games and film. |
Since then, there have been numerous video games either based on the films or using original storylines. |
Holmes has also appeared in video games, including the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes series of seven titles. |
The success of the films has also spawned numerous video games and many other kinds of merchandise. |
As of 2010 the Awards ceremony includes 19 categories across movies, television, video games and online content. |
Cultural depictions of her have continued in films, theater, television, video games, music, and performances to this day. |
The first song's title was a reference to the video games Shinobi and Bad Dudes vs. |
The character is also featured in novels, comics, video games, and other media. |
Back then, kids didn't have TV or video games, so I guess slaughtering your mom and dad was a bit like the Playstation of its day. |
Montezuma is a playable ruler for the Aztec in several of the video games of the Civilization series. |
Fictional plants have been featured in a number of books, movies, television series, and video games. |
Yesterday night, my mom told me to stop playing video games, lest I become a killer. Such prejudiced stupidity really rustled my jimmies. |
The violence in these video games sits awkwardly with their stated aim of educating children. |
There are violent video games and television shows, he said, that expose children to unchildlike behavior. |
Conversation and camaraderie at the foosball table won out over solo, zap-em-up video games in 1994, according to industry experts. |
We're extremely excited to be working with Japanese games artists on Xbox to pioneer new dimensions of creativity in video games. |
For 40 days, these children plan to shy away from such things as television, video games and even pizza. |
This beervana is enjoyed by a surprisingly young and collegiate crowd, which explains the row of video games now in place. |
Phones with video games, address books, organizers, e-mail, text messaging. |
Many local teens spend their spring breaks playing video games, riding skateboards or hanging out with friends at the mall. |
Sudoku, puzzles, riddles, board games, video games, card games, and similar activities increase neuroplasticity. |
To view engagement unidimensionally is to miss the point of Clare Bradford's article on video games and player positioning. |
For years, psychologists have been telling us that video games are just junk food for the brain. |
All the while, he filled his spare time playing video games and building robots, which he learned to control using a computer. |
What we're seeing are movies being made out of video games as well as video games being made into movies,'' he said. |
Key drivers are spurring the adoption of video games both online and offline. |
The unions point out that nine of the top 10 best-selling video games in 2004 were produced under union contracts. |
Highlights historical and current pricing strategies for previous generations of video games consoles. |
Cowboy is a group of developers from Finland that have been around for many years and have done extensive work in video games and the demo scene. |
The violence is goofy and totally unrealistic, the type you see in video games and old Road Runner cartoons. |
Perreault found that all of these video games problematize religion by closely tying it in with violence. |
They were given the award at this week's InDin, the computer and video games industry's annual dinner. |
The appeal of video games has always been escapism, so it fits perfectly that people can do things in games that they may not be able to do in the real world. |
DiStream, a provider of on-demand technology, today announced Game xStream, the first streaming on-demand service for playing graphic-intensive video games online. |
The Coast Starlight trains will be adding new amenities beginning in June, including an arcade car with video games and a refurbished parlor car, she said. |
The article gave the impression of a new counterculture that had somehow bridged the gap between dorks and dope-heads, playing video games on the military's dime. |
I usually go for the nerdier guys, who wear glasses and play video games. |
The Soldiers' tunes are cropping up on teeny-bopper TV shows, in big name video games, on vinyl records and on radio stations in Los Angeles and Seattle. |
The game is laced with quips that break the fourth wall, calling out tired conventions of video games, such as repetitive fetch quests and disembodied narrators. |
Horn's work in comic books has opened up opportunities on high profile projects in advertising, video games, magazine covers, editorial, boardgames, and novels. |
Before the election, all three main parties pledged to introduce a video games tax relief so that we can compete internationally on a level playing field. |
The new store opens on Thursday, September 8, and features an unbeatable range of toys, video games, babycare items, bikes and outdoor leisure products. |
The Lord of the Rings has inspired, and continues to inspire, artwork, music, films and television, video games, board games, and subsequent literature. |
Various mythic elements appear in television, cinema and video games. |
There have been many video games based on the World Rally Championship, and due to lack of licenses, many more based on only certain cars, drivers or events. |
Numerous video games have been released to supplement the film series. |
Nolan's work has also been recognised as an influence on video games. |
Most of her books and short stories have been adapted for television, radio, video games and comics, and more than thirty feature films have been based on her work. |