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How to use unwary in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word unwary? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
When the drill strikes water, there is a river of thick yellow ooze that will trap an unwary two-wheeler or a small car, in no time.
They'll use letters, postcards, telegrams, cars and whatever other technology is at hand to snare the unwary.
They say one in every five bombs, bomblets, and artillery shells doesn't go off, and lies in wait, sometimes years, for the unwary or unlucky.
In the hands of the untrained and unwary it can cause untold damage to your wealth.
With no water visible, this stretch of the canal will be a danger to the unwary walker and young children.
A gilded silver twopence might well pass for a gold half-crown to the unwary.
Hidden in the shadowy cover of the canopy, he waited, silently stalking his unwary prey.
The road was uneven, often concealing deep chasms, all too ready to welcome unwary travelers into the darkness of some unseen cavern far below.
Sharper than the most finely whetted blade, this tooth can slice through an unwary pioneer's fingers in an instant.
There's plenty here to trap the unwary and baffle even the inveterate gambler!
When that is coupled with temporary blindness by the sun, a hidden trap lies waiting to ensnare the unwary driver.
I should say, it's meaningless goop that some poor soul spent a whole lot of time creating in order to dumfound the unwary.
The Forest of Dean has dangers enough for the unwary stranger, without these.
In the early '50s, Bate's parents, Bev and Viv, swapped him to unwary tinkers for a three-legged dog.
More like a liqueur than an aperitif, only the unwary would approach it with abandon.
Reddish brown to yellowish tan, they partly cover themselves with sand or mud to disappear from the view of their unwary prey.
That there are dark undertones to everything, that bide their time and lie in wait for the unfortunate and unwary.
Her power is unmistakably sexual, but it strips unwary men of their manliness.
Documents rarely set out to trick historians, but they can bamboozle the unwary at every turn.
It was just light enough to see, but not to read, the signs in the sand dunes that warn the unwary beachgoer of snakes.
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Examples from Classical Literature
It had been a famous joke to drag that light card-table before the pier glass, which reflected the hand of the unwary gamester.
The hunting of such an extraordinarily unwary animal as the barren ground caribou calls for extremely little skill.
Sales, however tempting, should be avoided by the unwary shopper, for they are dangerous as spiders' webs.
Where trout are so plentiful and so unwary, there is no call for the preparatory work of the evisceration school of anglers.
Yet the sands are by no means without danger, especially to the uncautious or unwary.
An ant lion will dig an entrapment, then hiding behind a blind, await the unwary.
You have deceived the ignorant, betrayed the unwary, lied to the simple, and robbed the poor.
I was not long in becoming an efficient in the arts these men practiced on the unwary.
Not pastes only but clear crystals have long been palmed off on the unwary for diamonds.
The spider uses its silk to build cunning traps for unwary flies.
He said Eliphalet Congdon had taken a bagful to pass on the unwary.
Here also the unwary stranger might have fumbled for a spare coin.
They are the ones chiefly dangerous to the unwary pursuit pilot.
You are waiting in your lairs, ready to pounce on the unwary hunter.
Otherwise the angles might inflict on the unwary Feeler irreparable injury.
A low grunt was his only response, and a moment later he had leaped nimbly upon a small and unwary rodent that had been surprised at a fatal distance from its burrow.
Well, so I should, only I know there are a lot of traps for the unwary, and that stones may be of any size and yet of little value where color and consistency are clean off.
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