Much of the city's old heart was left unreconstructed, until the end of the Cold War. |
Terry remains an unreconstructed working-class man, revelling in the old macho drinking culture of the North East. |
Every time a neo-con or old-time unreconstructed reactionary writes or speaks of left-wing media, it boggles my mind. |
Two, he is an unreconstructed leftie attempting to hoodwink those in favour of reform by talking their language without actually acting on it. |
Say what you like about tired old unreconstructed eighties lefties, but one thing remains true about their creaking, archaic value system. |
He is an unreconstructed Eurosceptic, unlike others in the British Labour party. |
A devotee of the sexual revolution, he remained in many ways an unreconstructed, 1950s male chauvinist pig. |
The bizarre incident nevertheless solidified the widespread public view that the Opposition Leader was an inept lummox and unreconstructed thug. |
The Settler was an unreconstructed Jacobite who fled to Maryland in the dark days following the Glorious Revolution. |
They have brought with them from the trade union covens the unreconstructed prejudices of an underclass. |
Only about one per cent of the prison population, he calculates, are unreconstructed psychopaths who would beat you to a pulp for a fag-end. |
He has been painted by the Western press as a drunk, a psychotic, an unreconstructed Stalinist, and a guy who cheats at golf. |
Eclair's writing is spiteful and vindictive, her agenda unreconstructed and male. |
Traditional, unreconstructed local pubs such as this are becoming hard to find. |
In his boyhood, the autobiographer is an unreconstructed rustic who might have stepped out of a pastoral elegy of Virgil or Theocritus. |
It's no surprise that some unreconstructed critics of capitalism are looking smug. |
Oh, it didn't keep them from voting Republican, usually in the national elections, but they lived and died registered, unreconstructed Democrats. |
Is this just a cheap shot at unreconstructed public choice theory? |
I may be an unreconstructed teenage rebel, but a law that bans smoking by consenting adults in tobacconists seems to me to be a bad law, and one worth disobeying. |
We are supposed to think that they're adorably life-affirming, unreconstructed old scamps, but I have never seen a more charmless and conceited bunch. |
A suitably technical item to wheel around could mean that even the unreconstructed dad won't feel compelled to push the buggy with one hand. |
At least one National MP is an unreconstructed right-to-life fanatic. |
He hated the Tories with a passion, but some of his views were also quite unreconstructed. |
Gorbachev is neither an unreconstructed Communist fundamentalist nor a Western-style pragmatic politician. |
The exception is Foguang East Hall which with its statues has remained largely unreconstructed since the Tang Dynasty. |
Benefits remain largely unreconstructed from the past when there was little income differentiation and uniform payments made sense. |
In other words, the sell-out centrists have a higher number than the unreconstructed lefties! |
Some nurse an unreconstructed Confederate grudge, while others harbor a thinly disguised racism. |
A man of powerful intellect and great energy, Casey was an unreconstructed Cold Warrior with a penchant for action and a fascination with covert operations. |
Like many on the left today, he is an unreconstructed materialist. |
The approval is predictable, as is the use of the success of an unreconstructed social conservative to deride UK politicians for their refusal to enter the debate. |
As he ponders his native state, ruined and under federal occupation, Lee expresses some of the concerns of the unreconstructed agrarian poet seventy years later. |
When this dispute ends the government must take steps to ensure that it can never again be held to ransom by a militant, unreconstructed trade union. |
By that stage the member had moved from reasoned debate and the National Party research unit's speech notes through to pure, unreconstructed ideology. |
But, contrary to the way outsiders love to categorise the unreconstructed left, they treated those who did not share their belief system with much good-humoured tolerance. |
This one is based on the cheerfully unreconstructed Soviet staging, with its ebulliently tweaked storyline and substantive, beefed-up dance numbers. |
Madam President, one thing that makes my heart very glad is to hear the last unreconstructed Tory of the seventeenth century agree at last that freedom is a good thing for Ireland. |
Even Vladimir Putin, the modern-day heir to Teddy Roosevelt's unreconstructed action-man tradition, was often photographed looking cosy with his black labrador Koni, until the animal's death last year. |
Surely, an unreconstructed snob could misconstrue much more. |
This is proper unreconstructed, unsolicited bid activity, with Pfizer looking to get its hands on Astra's immunotherapy cancer treatment. |
The danger to Ed comes not from the likes of me, but from the unreconstructed Blairites in the party who have never forgiven Ed for winning. |
Barbara Boxer, who survived an at first powerful challenge from Matt Fong to keep her Senate seat, is an unreconstructed liberal, a devotee of high dudgeon and big spending. |
As an unreconstructed Old Labourite, I suppose I should welcome the colonisation of TV by those who speak in the accents of the common people. |
We are dealing with a bunch of unreconstructed Stalinists who are completely driven by political dogma. |
We also discovered, no doubt to the delight of some unreconstructed Aussies, that we're not the only ones who have difficulty fitting in. |
I didn't think it at all strange that a thirteen-year-old boy in the unreconstructed Southern town of Stamps spoke with an Englishy accent. |
Shachtman insisted that Cannon was never more than an unreconstructed Zinovievist, shaped irreversibly into a bureaucrat by his experiences in the degenerating Communist International. |
Eddlem's background, as I would guess he in an unreconstructed Southerner. |
Now, she is thrown in at the deep end by the most unreconstructed man. |
This should not pose a problem to anyone but the most unreconstructed Skinnerian, but it does reveal the contemporary concerns that underscore Emon's project. |