Yet conscience continues to prod us over past unreconciled differences, and memories betray our self-assured surface. |
The young king died in 1183, unreconciled with his father, on whose death the crown passed to his next son, Richard the Lionheart. |
The city now faces the dilemma of how best to live with a core of defeated yet unreconciled secessionists. |
Then he returns, unreconciled, sword in hand, and slashes his way through everything. |
In addition, there are also some disputed territories which are still unreconciled. |
There were in 1991 serious problems in reconciling customer margins, with many large outstanding unreconciled balances. |
I write, because I am really unreconciled with what passes for reality. |
It is the only strategy in town, but you can almost hear the spluttering indignation from the many Tories who remain unreconciled five years after the party's U-turn. |
The Maoists, stung by this defeat, and with unreconciled radicals in their ranks, will shun the compromises needed to lead it. |
You still need to validate service, LTIP, ESA and confirm the final balance to settle your account for unreconciled years. |
Some of the problems include inconsistent definitions of indicators, unreconciled data, and insufficient attention by senior management. |
March 2002 student loans remain unreconciled as of October 2002, seven months after year-end. |
In most instances, operationally completed projects of previous country programmes will be closed by writing off unreconciled amounts. |
The Board noted various unreconciled differences between the amount in the general ledger and the global payroll. |
Some of the different philosophical and ideological positions expressed around the causes of poverty remained unreconciled. |
My CFO told me that there was an unreconciled difference with our segregated accounts. |
Even near the end he was unreconciled, unappeased, uncontent, undefeated. |
It is a matter of historical record that free will and determinism have for long periods been either reconciled, unreconciled or complicated in different cultures. |
The occupation of the capital left him unreconciled to defeat. |
Harrison died in 1776, unreconciled with Maskelyne to the end. |
Evidently, a fair number of inhabitants remained unreconciled. |
It frequently happens that much interior tension, sadness, cynicism and lack of self-esteem have their origin in unresolved and unreconciled episodes from the past. |
Due to the large unreconciled balance, UNOPS, in coordination with UNDP, carried out a special exercise to identify and correct the unreconciled amount. |
Based on the above and pending completion of the work, UNOPS has made a provision for approximately 50 per cent of the remaining unreconciled balance. |
Identified arithmetical errors are not necessarily corrected. Where information in a financial statement attached to a return does not match the data in the return, the discrepancy in the file could remain unreconciled. |
Relations cannot fail to be conflictual as these are two objectives which are contradictory when left unreconciled politically: the economic freedom of service provision and the obligations of public service. |
The existence of material unreconciled items would either result in withholding disclosure of Sources of Earnings until the differences are reconciled, or would result in disclosure of the unreconciled amount. |
But many fear that France, the traditional co-leader of the European Union, remains unreconciled to enlargement. French reservations are easy to understand. |
Descended from East Germany's Communist Party and unreconciled to Germany's capitalist system and its Western alliances, The Left remains strong in the eastern states. |
In the scramble for alterity that followed the demise of apartheid, forty unreconciled Afrikaner families, led by Verwoerd's son-in-law, retreated to Orania, an enclave established in the northern Cape. |