And every week he has three of us who will be on the broadcast telling a story. |
I love telling a story visually, with plenty of freeze-frames, slow-motion, montage, sound and music. |
Like writing a novel or a short story or a poem, songwriting is the art of telling a story. |
Scott is not simply telling a story, he is propagandising for a particular political position. |
Both have great natural charisma and both are masters at telling a story in the ring. |
The ordinary and prosaic details of a work of art often end up telling a story independent of the one the author intended. |
The monk starts telling a story about a man who has an incredible experience with magic and love. |
She thought that he was the greatest master of the art of telling a story in pictures without words. |
I think there's joy in telling a story for children and for adults too, who live through a second childhood when seeing this show. |
For me, it was just telling a story and relating the adventures and hardships while on Everest. |
Interactions such as sharing a picture book, telling a story, and talking about experiences are central to emergent literacy. |
It is therefore important to provide sensory details when a host or character is telling a story or making a point. |
She continued, with great energy, telling a story about how five people, booked in by the concierge of the Grand Hotel du Cap Ferrat, never arrived. |
Whether you're dressed as a sparkly blue elephant, telling a story or learning to yodel, drop those inhibitions and get creative! |
Sometime in the mid 1940s an elderly man approached them, telling a story of an old rifle range on the farm, used by soldiers camped on Marsland Hill. |
I remember hearing a British raconteur telling a story a few years ago about a friend of his who had been late for work. |
Shelton is less concerned with telling a story than with finding answers. |
If a series is telling a story that matters to us, the loss of a main character can be jarring but generative. |
Or record yourself on audio cassette telling a story or singing a song. |
Rather than being schematic, it is telling a story through its characters. |
I was actually telling a story, and line by line when you put it all together it forms a long-form narrative of the trip. |
Later, dancers gathered around Mr. Osorio, who resembled a summer camp counselor telling a story by the fireside. |
Creating an identity, whether it is a new brand or a fictional character, is above all telling a story. |
There are no two stories alike and there is no one right way of telling a story. |
It introduces readers to the craft of telling a story aloud, especially family stories, without benefit of a script. |
The work seeks to unpin the mythologies that blanket both colonial and Indigenous Australia, telling a story filled with vibrant character interactions and historical detail. |
A combination of slapstick, dance and shadow play, Rough House is an example of physical theatre-the art of telling a story through body movement. |
Somerset Maugham, whom I admire immensely for his power of telling a story straightforwardly and without frills. |
That was my first experience of telling a story before I started using my dad's 8-millimeter movie camera and telling stories that way. |
Fiction became a means of telling a story whose essence was not of one or even a group of particular living individuals but a way to search out something universal. |
It's heavy stuff, with Nono drawing on the hopes and disappointments of failed revolutions for this opera, telling a story of defeat from the female perspective. |
In any case, what interested me most when telling a story such a Josie's on film was getting across the idea that something precious can be lost if you don't cherish it. |
Prior to bedtime, allow no TV or games, no roughhousing with the kids, just a quiet time, perhaps reading or telling a story to them. |
From bisque through to misty rose and fuchsia, the strangely lobed petals with their cryptic loop, wiggle and spot marks in thistly script, were telling a story. |
Similarly, when telling a story about someone, the deictic center is likely to switch to them. |
The basic endeavor is to seek out ways toward a specific theater form that is capable of telling a story while using the most diverse themes and resources. |
He mocked himself, talking fondly about his wife and telling a story about his five-year-old daughter complaining about being told to shush while her father did yet another radio interview. |