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How to use taken into consideration in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "taken into consideration"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Gender, age and body mass index were taken into consideration as cofactors or covariates.
Differences between applications, such as frequency of use or degree of access or egress required, are not taken into consideration.
As well, neatness was taken into consideration and contestants had to lick their plates clean to advance.
Quantum mechanics and information theory both demonstrate that in any assessment of reality, the observer has to be taken into consideration.
If it comes to the situation when it's up to me to make the decision, then naturally this will be taken into consideration.
This geometry should be taken into consideration when specifying a lens or telescope to image onto the slit, to prevent vignetting.
Second, changes in the purchasing power of monetary units were not taken into consideration by current accounting rules.
Factors taken into consideration include the saleability and rentability of the property.
She admitted robbery and three charges of shoplifting and asked for five other offences to be taken into consideration.
Dirt bike racing is a contact sport that can take away lives thus extra protection and precaution must be taken into consideration.
The courts will be advised when a defendant has surrendered of their own accord and this may be taken into consideration when sentencing.
They must always be taken into consideration, especially where you are passing channels from ocean inlets, deep creeks or rivers.
For doing all such activities and acting as an important functionary for the government, the monthly wages being paid to him are too meager to be taken into consideration.
Also, elements to be taken into consideration are the ancientness of the pathology and the assessment of adaptive capacities.
However it must be taken into consideration that a week of this last course can take place in Beijing to get acclimatized.
When this is not taken into consideration, it makes it impossible to understand certain attitudes that seem contradictory.
The psychosocial environment of the work station is also taken into consideration.
In order to understand the pharisaic movement these structures must be taken into consideration.
Only where employee objections are based on well-grounded concerns that their rights will be affected can this be taken into consideration.
In all cases, the effect of perfect downlink and uplink power control is taken into consideration.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Wild or cultivated, the mahaleb is a shallow-rooted plant, a fact that must be taken into consideration in its use as a stock.
Then follows Ann's reply, which may be judged not unconciliatory when her fierce temperament is taken into consideration.
Value as established, Dewey continues, must be taken into consideration in making a value judgment.
Therefore, before deciding upon the removal of a tumour by colpotomy, all the above points must be taken into consideration.
This element of air resistance must be taken into consideration in determining the engine horsepower required.
There is always the colubrine equivalent of the personal equation to be taken into consideration.
There exists a sensory culture, which is not generally taken into consideration, but which is a factor in esthesiometry.
The large organ of the flabellum and the branchial organs he has not taken into consideration.
These were all factors which had to be taken into consideration, and yet none of them got quite to the heart of the matter.
The shape of the loaf must also be taken into consideration.
They are taken into consideration during a court process, but are still not legally binding.
The 6 factors taken into consideration were activities, food, nightlife, shopping, sightseeing and ease of transport at these locations.
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