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How to use solon in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word solon? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Solon makes the point that a success which is delivered by Lady Luck can also be taken away by luck.
In his role as archon, Solon cancelled all agricultural debts and announced that all slaves were free.
Solon also prohibited the mortgaging of land or of personal freedom on account of debt.
Solon was inspired by a Chinese celadon case decorated with embossed flowers that he had admired in the museum at Sevres where he worked for a time.
How many lawgivers has the world seen from Solon to this day?
Solon was the founder of democracy in ancient Greece.
Composers associated with traditional Cypriot music include Solon Michaelides, Marios Tokas, Evagoras Karageorgis and Savvas Salides.
Second, Solon allowed appeal to the hēliaia, or popular law court.
Solon, the great lawgiver of ancient Athens, remarked: The city is best modelled where those that are not injured prosecute and punish the unjust as zealously as do those that are injured.
In 594 BC Solon, the ruler of Athens, created the new Solonian Constitution.
Stratos, which is headquartered in Solon, Ohio, provides operational resources and a professional support team for more than 140 independent advisers around the country.
Timocratic systems, like the one introduced by Solon in Athens.
Examples from Classical Literature
Between the eupatrid oligarchy and the rule of Peisistratus there comes the timocracy of Solon.
Thirdly, if Draco had instituted a hoplite census, Solon would not have substituted citizenship by birth.
Whereupon Solon reverts to his old principles, and finally emigrates to Icaria.
Solon is an unpleasant little cantonment, but it has the advantage of being cool and healthy.
For Solon said well to Croesus, Sir, if any other come, that hath better iron, than you, he will be master of all this gold.
The genealogies which you have recited to us out of your own annals, Solon, are a mere children's story.
Tell us, said the other, the whole story, and how and from whom Solon heard this veritable tradition.
I have told you briefly, Socrates, what the aged Critias heard from Solon and related to us.
But after the time of Solon among the Athenians it was limited to cases of intestacy.
Supt. Solon was sent to a store near the theater with an order for as many lanterns as might be needed.
He came to Athens in pursuit of knowledge while Solon was the lawgiver of that city.
The doubt of authorship which hangs over all the gnomic fragments warns us, therefore, to be cautious in ascribing them to Solon.
He was a preacher as well as a teacher, and at one time filled the pulpits at Solon and Newberg every Sunday.
For two days, so Solon vows, they ate the herrin' and the other two they chewed the sticks.
Critias returns to his story, professing only to repeat what Solon was told by the priests.
Solon, regardless of his cooling kitchen, stood at the door and watched her.
Solon continued the name of the assembly, but remodelled its constitution.
This probably alludes to the government of Solon, when archon of Athens.
Such is the general statement that Solon instituted the Areopagus.
Solon was enjoying his certainty that he held the key to the situation.
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