The heroines could be divorcees with even a child or two, and the men they admire and seek to be with need not always be playboys on the prowl. |
Postmodernism and social constructionism remind us to be suspect of any constructs that seek to establish themselves as decontextualized truths. |
Shermer asserts that whereas scientists seek to minimize the effects of observation on the observed, pseudosciences do not. |
The vaguely worded bills seek to criminalize safe and common abortion procedures throughout pregnancy. |
They seek to dissolve all concrete issues of history, politics and economics into the ethereal mists of moral platitudes. |
The set of questions, mostly aimed at the intelligentsia, seek to form an opinion on migration of Sikhs from Kashmir. |
We should argue about how things are, not seek to win arguments with vacuous comparisons designed to evoke revulsion without thought. |
Will the campaign then seek to campaign on, say, abortion, divorce, capital punishment, and other traditional family values? |
When regional or global intergovernmental organizations become the focus for policy-making, then NGOs seek to influence the proceedings. |
Critics will say NGOs aren't simply gallantly stepping into the breach, rather they actually seek to perpetuate their power in crises like this. |
Alternatively, the government may seek to borrow the money, by issuing Treasury bills and bonds to the public. |
Applied sociometrists seek to help their subjects expand and develop their social networks. |
Some members of Congress seek to create a single voice for space, consolidating all Department of Defense space activities. |
Rather we should seek to understand how these groups of peoples together ordered their society. |
Finally, science moves forward because scientists seek to develop logically consistent theories. |
Within this setting, some firms seek to nurture different brands of products that are geared to different retail channels. |
Patent laws restrict what we may do with the raw materials we buy and seek to transform into products in our factories or machine shops. |
Academics are interested in ideas, whereas intellectuals seek to bring ideas to an entire culture. |
The separatists and the integrationists both seek to make a difference and, in the process, make a buck. |
Food producers claim that their biologically engineered products are unique when they seek to patent them. |
We seek to fill our empty spaces with objects, titles, and transitory self-images of youth and trimness. |
With a diverse mix of issue and feature based stories, the series well seek to entertain and provoke in equal measure. |
We should be grateful for your confirmation that you will not seek to pursue the matter further. |
Some fishes seek to compensate at low swimming speeds by extending their fins to increase area and hence the trimming force. |
And even as I seek to insulate her from those influences, I am not sure that I can. |
The Greens seek to appeal to confused and disoriented elements from the extreme right, as well as the left. |
It is a national characteristic that even when there is a cause to celebrate, we seek to undermine it. |
He did not seek to rationalise, justify, or otherwise try to hold on to his appointed position of trust. |
Yes, because that does not seek to protect only confidential information or trade secrets. |
And today it is that very dependence on black gold that puts money in the pockets of the terrorists who seek to bring us to our knees. |
What they really seek to know is, how do they find someone who can actually exert some traction to help pull them out of the pit of depression. |
They are cowards and turncoats who seek to work within a system that is morally bankrupt. |
At the same time the European governments seek to conciliate with Washington, they pursue their own imperialist projects. |
The division and splintering of local communities continues as the monoliths desperately seek to control and dominate. |
On the other, the victim gays seek to deny the power of the pink pound and prefer to present gays as poor and downtrodden. |
It should not, however, seek to usurp the power vested in the elected government of the day. |
Each note expresses the emotion of the band as they seek to capture the mood and personality of their recording environment. |
They seek to play on the public mood of fear and mistrust to demand that we change our lifestyles to fit the new conformism. |
All seek to offer hope, whether phrased as the vision of God, blessedness, eternal life, the greatest good, perfect happiness, or holiness. |
At the same time, levels of excess female child mortality have been rising, as parents seek to ensure having sons. |
Insofar as you seek to raise arguments concerning that matter, they have no prospect whatever of succeeding. |
So why would any sane recreational diver seek to dive in such an inhospitable environment? |
By pointing out the discrepancies within my country, I do not seek to pin the blame on any one side. |
The indictment will not seek to prove that the war was justified or unjustified. |
As much as possible, designers seek to piggyback on existing patterns and concepts instead of starting from scratch. |
This is the issue which we seek to raise by the written submissions to which my learned friend referred. |
We seek to maintain and deepen competitiveness, especially by addressing infrastructure deficits. |
Our movement does not seek to conceal the hard truth that there is no simple and uncomplicated answer to the great problems of our age. |
His analyses of objects, media and other signs often seek to debunk the myths, or false representations, that surround them and appear natural. |
Why indeed would Mr Francis leap so ungraciously at distortions and seek to damage my career and undermine my livelihood? |
From this maelstrom emerge the great art and literature which seek to justify or to resolve the inescapable problems. |
The government must now seek to cut the rising business costs faced by companies operating in the sector, he said. |
All of these common heritage resources are under tremendous strain as corporations seek to privatize and commodify them. |
Unlike most poets, O'Hara did not unfailingly preserve or seek to perpetuate the products of his encounter with the muse. |
He has then given an undertaking that until the wife goes back to court, he will not seek to take the child from the wife's control. |
Author of several books on Hinduism, his writings seek to contrast the generally flippant and dry academic presentations of western Indologists. |
It is a commandment we obey or a proposition we seek to uphold, not an indisputable natural fact like gravity. |
However, if pressed to defend this common-sense approach, few pure mathematicians would seek to do so. |
If, however, the fugitive is committed to prison, the Act contemplates that he may seek to challenge that warrant by habeas corpus proceedings. |
In other instances, institutions may seek to commercialize materials that faculty produce for regular courses. |
These agreements seek to apply commercial rules to all areas of policy, paying little regard to social or environmental impacts. |
Is it a surprise that a player out of favour with his international coach would seek to reinforce his self-belief any way he could? |
He does not seek to be fashionable, yet his incisive analysis of social and political realities reflects a distinctive outlook. |
National threatens to dismantle workers rights to contest dismissal and also seek to reduce holiday entitlements. |
As a result, we seem to traffic in such meanings even when we seek to contest them. |
They can either follow the president's lead or seek to put their imprint on presidential policies. |
That's an issue that is becoming increasing sharp as employers seek to undermine collective bargaining. |
As a fair trade organization, we seek to market the crafts of Third World artisans and to inform Americans about those artisans. |
Or will the children believe they have achieved everything there is to achieve in sport, and seek to rest on their laurels in perpetuity? |
Men should always be cognizant of the fact that the women they seek to court are daughters, sisters, or even mothers. |
History was a realm of illusions, a dream or a nightmare from which the wise seek to awaken. |
A man must not seek to compel his son to love him for it may be impossible for a thousand illogical impulses. |
The point is that when we codify the common law we seek to bring consistency. |
Similarly, in scientific data mining, algorithms seek to cluster, generalize, and classify patterns and correlations in databases. |
Human beings seek to ascertain their place in the pecking order and then ascend. |
No one would seek to deny the link between educational achievement and social conditions. |
There is something pathetically sad about people who would seek to honor something so dishonorable. |
Within the limits of the laws and regulations that govern our work, we seek to provide the highest level of customer service. |
However, like people high in authoritarianism, those high in social dominance seek to derogate members of out-groups. |
Conciliation officers will seek to resolve disputes by agreement between the parties. |
At the same time, the number of people seeking private treatment is growing, as couples seek to circumvent long hospital waiting lists. |
The abductions give militants the high-profile publicity they seek to show they are still a force to be reckoned with. |
She is also comfortable following a traditional line with novels that do not seek to challenge or provoke the reader. |
They will also seek to engage the New Zealand front five in a war of attrition. |
We seek to nurture these young people so that they can fulfill their true potential, both academically and socially. |
This has the advantage of presenting the texts in rather large chunks rather than the gobbets with which Walter et al. seek to satisfy us. |
Be assured that my responses will in no way seek to diminish or ridicule contributors. |
Today's evangelicals, like 16 th-century Protestants, seek to proselytize and convert in ways that today's mainline largely does not. |
Even if this is successful, Britain's media will undoubtedly seek to circumvent the ruling by fair means or foul. |
It doesn't seek to keep up with the Joneses, it seeks to destroy what the Joneses have so that they can be as miserable as the envious one. |
She told the Evening Press that the motion proposed by her party had merely said it would be unacceptable to seek to impose such a charge. |
A Guardian ad litem may seek to withdraw by filing a motion with the court that appointed the Guardian. |
It did not seek to assert jurisdiction over any person or any asset outside the territorial jurisdiction of the court. |
In the past, the Law Society has said that there could be an involved process if it were to seek to investigate such cases. |
Some doctors seek to widen their professional remit to cover the entire range of human experience. |
The question is whether or not to seek to impose a moral straitjacket on the behaviour of others. |
One is the attitude of excellence, you know, to seek to excel and glorify God with the gifts and talents and abilities that he has given us. |
In between, souls seek to fulfil their dharma while resolving karma and accruing merit through good deeds. |
His squad were ravaged by injury, although he didn't seek to use this as an excuse. |
Persecutors will seek to deflect us from the course God has set for our lives. |
Miss Eisner's book, while not replacing Zamoyski's biography, does not seek to do so, and provides a lively and readable supplement. |
It is this understanding of kenosis we shall now seek to apply to God in creation. |
Throughout the area, we will seek to bring homeless people off the streets and into our centres. |
In contrast, qualitative methods seek to represent holism and to provide contextual knowledge of the phenomenon being studied. |
The Labour Party manifesto said that it had no intention of restricting the sport of shooting and we will seek to hold them to that commitment. |
This is interpreted to mean that we should only seek to learn the Torah from a rabbi who resembles an angel in holiness and piety. |
The plaintiffs seek to appeal against the order appointing the receiver and manager. |
Compatibilist philosophies seek to reconcile free will and determinism in a modern time. |
Even if they had paid the beneficiary, they would be able to seek to recover the compensation by certain judicial procedures. |
Your Honour, what that would demonstrate is that the plaintiff proposed to seek to proceed against Baxter. |
Their privacy should not be free from the scrutiny they seek to impose on others. |
Actions, he knows, speak louder than words as he passes on the benefit of his defensive experience to those who seek to emulate. |
Adolescents seek to relieve tension through risk behaviors such as substance use that only compound the negative psychological and physical toll. |
But won't these people who give those large sums find other ways to get around these new restrictions that you seek to impose? |
Chasselas is not widely planted in New World vineyards, which incessantly seek to copy the world's greatest. |
Those who seek to prey on their fellow humans thrive on surprise and deceit to conceal their true intentions. |
Australia expect the Kuwaitis to play a stifling, defensive game and perhaps seek to pinch a goal on the break. |
Using casual labour has become a key means by which many employers seek to evade established standards. |
We also have a mandate to lobby government, and we seek to build a broad alliance of individuals and organizations that share common goals. |
For many in our denomination, the Great Commission is used as a trump card, which they seek to play prevailingly over all other matters. |
In Congress two recent bills seek to set national subprime lending standards. |
Although phrased in diplomatic language, this was a clear warning to China not to seek to retake Taiwan by force. |
The Shakta yogis seek to awaken the sleeping Goddess Kundalini and unite her with Lord Shiva in the Sahasrara Chakra. |
The murkiness and partial rationality of shifting, renegotiable settlements are the vices of politics that legalist liberals seek to preclude. |
It would not be practical for the council to seek to amend the text in the kind of detail required to make the document acceptable. |
They thrive on disruption and chaos, and seek to complicate any chance for a negotiated solution. |
One would seek to undercut or outmaneuver countervailing coalitions, a latter-day British grand strategy, so to speak. |
Rather than seek to round it out or fill it in, the best managers do everything they can to sharpen and amplify that uniqueness. |
The main genera of relativism can be distinguished according to the object they seek to relativize. |
Many couples with a family history of deafness or disability seek to have a child without that disability. |
This structure was chosen because it is situated between sporting ovals, where spectators seek to shade themselves. |
Through this essence, these people, whether immigrant or still resident of the homeland, seek to anonymously eternalize their own existence. |
He is a man who should seek to gain some greater insight as to why this legislation is not working. |
The legal system can seek to limit family members' antagonism towards one another, particularly when relationships are ending. |
They do not seek to incriminate, since practices such as subletting offices and employing relatives do not actually break any rules. |
Journalists seek to profile any engineer or scientist who claims to turn gallium into gold. |
There are various reasons, then, why many citizens have supported right-wing parties which seek to retrench the welfare state. |
By retrodiction of the effect we seek to trace back the hypothetical cause. |
The best we can do is to use moral suasion and seek to persuade the U.S. from its chosen path. |
It's the very economic powerhouses that they seek to cripple that will be our best hope for salvation if things do start to go wrong. |
Affluence also creates an ever-growing class of well-off consumers, many of whom seek to emulate the crudities of consumption of the elites. |
Smith and Jones independently seek to confirm the newly formulated law of refraction. |
I seek to change the focus of politics in Ireland away from money and back to families, where it rightly belongs. |
Whatever you do, don't seek to change a booking because you will be ripped off. |
They seek to define the rising generation of artists, who, it is presumed, will shape the next chapter in contemporary art. |
Historians still seek to impose linearity and causality on events that are frequently characterised by chaos. |
If an employee wants to take the matter, they can seek to have someone more senior than their line manager make the decision. |
Rogue states and terrorists do not seek to attack us using conventional means. |
The Germans and French will seek to maintain the status quo but McCreevy is no stranger to bruising political battles. |
He did not seek to enter the political arena which is where you would seek to place him, with all its attendant risks. |
Like their counterparts in the drug trade, the people smugglers seek to make a living from other people's misery. |
Everyone, or nearly everyone, has shared in the boom, and opportunity knocks for all who seek to better themselves. |
Formalists seek to express mathematics as strictly formal logical systems, and to study them as such, without concern for their meaning. |
We do not seek to be considered superior to heterosexuals and lord it over them. |
All war is asymmetric in the sense that states engaged in conflict seek to fight each other on terms least conducive to their opponent's success. |
If you are a force for change in the universe, what do you seek to change and how? |
By the use of that euphemism it is assumed you seek to address those lukewarm, apathetic or lapsed individuals who think as you do. |
A symposium will seek to cover the waterfront of issues that bear upon modern Tamil drama. |
We seek to follow Jesus, acknowledging that we are all learners and flawed. |
We also expect sale and leaseback to prove popular as companies seek to realise maximum value from their assets. |
In obeying God's commandments, we seek to bring a similar harmony and closeness between ourselves and God. |
The humans and elves fight against the monstrous orcs and ogres while the third group, called the Zerg, seek to destroy both of them. |
This means that they must, legally and constitutionally, seek to offload as many of their costs onto other people or the environment as they can. |
Government officers should see public property as their own and seek to protect it. |
He would still attack Bradford, but would now only seek to slaughter those who offered real armed resistance. |
To optimize these decisions, business managers need to know their customers' requirements and seek to satisfy their needs and desires. |
We would seek to avoid obtruding on to the slopes traditionally used for sledging, or to restrict the area used by horse riders. |
The process is the means through which they seek to attain their objectives. |
Sometimes a firm flounders, and its owners seek to recover some fraction of their investment by selling the firm. |
Hindus seek to find God on the inside while also worshiping God in the temples. |
Retailers also seek to provide alternatives to plastic shopping bags, such as calico or paper bags. |
Extremists seek to terrorize innocent men, women and children, whoever they are and wherever they may live. |
More than that, such regimes seek to purchase ballistic missiles and other vehicles to deliver MDW to certain regions. |
Still other revisions seek to update Animal Farm by cleverly linking it to topics such as animal rights and vivisection. |
In the present analysis, we seek to develop a method suitable for a broader range of chemical environments ranging from ionic to covalent. |
Such visual adverts seek to mobilise hopes which their very existence has helped extinguish. |
Enough forces conspire to keep the architect 'on message', even when they seek to be pluralists. |
Understanding the way karma works, we seek to live a good and virtuous life through right thought, right speech and right action. |
It does not seek to define rights within the marriage or rights at the break-up of the matrimonial tie. |
By using personal coaches and mentors, they seek to accelerate the natural process of maturation. |
What we'll do is lower the production and seek to harvest more mature grapes. |
They seek to establish their own state to oppress people, legally and officially. |
It was as alien to the Greeks as it was commonplace to the mechanists that one should seek to interfere with nature. |
It is a mechanism through which societies seek to achieve political objectives. |
There are at least four central questions that the contributions in this book seek to address. |
In civil society and the public sphere, myriad groups interact and seek to influence each other. |
The arrangement will seek to ensure the timely flow of collections from the dealer. |
A real Digital Britain strategy would seek to change the law to legalise noncommercial, transformative use. |
Other mergers seek to make cost-savings by integrating operations, sometimes on a world scale. |
Second, the letter does not seek to make submissions on the merits of the proposed judicial review application. |
These teens manifest a conspicuous sensualism and seek to push the pedal on life's enjoyments to the max. |
They publish handbooks, newsletters, and websites that seek to address charter schools' concerns, from soup to nuts. |
They eagerly, even desperately, seek to create or receive such interventions. |
The Atlanta natives seek to convey messages of love, peace, respect and family togetherness. |
The problem with many of the criteria is that they either assume what they seek to prove or simply beg the question. |
In ignorance, they seek to belittle it and minimise its importance to the individual. |
At first instance the plaintiff did not seek to make out a case of an attempt to pervert the course of justice or of contempt of court. |
Addicts seek to escape the real world in a drug-induced haze. |
Of course I do not seek to put the trial judge in a straightjacket. |
I get lifted by yearning, as if I were going to melt into him again, then I awaken to reality and seek to quiet my feelings. |
Abortion-rights advocates by no means seek to detract from LGBT movement or begrudge it victories. |
He did once seek to reunite Belarus with Russia in the hope of ruling the union for life. |
Successful politicians seek to marry a triumvirate of charisma, certitude, and leadership. |
Not all the wishful thinking in the world will change the fact that fundamentalist fanatics who do not seek to make an accommodation with us have declared war on the West. |
In this grotesquely acquisitive society, all cultural markers are subject to violent revision as the inhabitants seek to fulfil their various appetites. |
It would seek to cut off the main Allied lines of supply and communication. |
They clearly seek to exercise power in whimsical and arbitrary ways. |
We at The Daily Beast seek to provide a counterweight to all this sanctimony. |
I also do not consider it improper for counsel to seek to recover fees paid to experts that they consulted but who did not file affidavits on the motion. |
Let us, through persuasion and education, seek to improve institutions we deem defective. |
Yet in his speech tomorrow he will defend his judgment rather than seek to explain it away as a temporary lapse which was never intended to be aired in public. |
He said if any staff member is penalised due to late payment of a loan due to the delayed salaries, they would seek to have this penalty money refunded by the employer. |
The rover Opportunity will seek to determine how the layers were laid down, and look for evidence of water from hot springs, which could arise out of local volcanic warming. |
It consists of wave after wave of manifestos and other declarations which seek to analogize disparate events, from the Watts riots to the war for Algerian independence. |
As businesses seek to restock inventory as well as meet new demand, factory production will speed up, creating new jobs, more profits, and bigger wage and salary increases. |
There is, as it seems to me at least, nothing in that judgment which the court should now seek to vary, modify or retract, assuming that it were open to the court to do so. |
In the longer term, one can envisage that they seek to institute their metaphysics as social law and incorporate their organisations within government structures themselves. |
Second, while many festivals seek to preserve the Delta blues, most feature a variety of musical styles, including rhythm and blues, soul, gospel, and rock and roll. |
We may seek to lighten the burden of all parents once they become parents. |
It's always been thus as the various vested interests, lobby groups and politicians seek to have their view of the world represented in the budget for the coming year. |
These enemies will seek to attack the United States not with conventional military forces or an American-style way of war but with asymmetrical warfare. |
Following Christ's example, Evangelicals will seek to live sacrificially. |
Meanwhile, they would seek to attrit the US Air Force through the use of air defense guns and missiles that could fire rapidly and then immediately move. |
White made no bones about how they would seek to beat the Welsh yesterday. |
Another chilling recipe for injustice and resentment by closing down the open society you seek to promote. |
So, just as theology leads to worship, so worship leads to further theologizing as we seek to correspond to God's Word and Spirit rather than the words and spirit of the age. |
For this reason, parties seek to ensure that their own voters follow the party ticket and transfer their votes to another candidate of the same party. |
However, the name Creole Formation was selected because we seek to combine the best of music's acrolects, mesolects, and basilects to form a new, interesting mix of music. |
This is why we must bind together to overcome them, as we pursue happiness, seek to improve our lives, and develop the ideal society of which we are capable. |
While many purchasers seek to convert the property into a different use, other buyers are looking for a teardown. |
But we do not see any linkage in which we seek to give on one issue and receive on the other. |
By such benefactions artists seek to pay some of their dues. |
The one-time anti-bullying champion let his attorney seek to lump the victim together with the victimizer. |
As event planners seek to position benefits and biennials and clear dates for auctions, openings and galas, they need to know what else is happening and when and where. |
The central bank is drafting a bill to be presented in Parliament during the budget session, which will seek to put a cap on government guarantees and public debt. |
They seek to interact with the subject matter, yet this is also the moment when we often arrest the growth, create a miseducative experience and anesthetize them to learning. |
As indigenous people seek to engage in a performative dialogue, there is a danger of misrecognising the generative power of their performative expressions at two levels. |
One will no longer seek to reply to them nor to silence their din, but rather to find the reason of their misshapenness, their lameness, their sightless eyes, their long ears. |
Those who think you think you do will, if unconsciously, seek to thwart your progress. |
This capability will provide a means to capture specified individuals, such as those inciting a mob to violence or enemy combatants we seek to take prisoner. |
Therefore, we shall have nobody but ourselves to blame if our children show the white feather or lack of confidence in whatever they seek to accomplish. |
And ultimately, you pursued a partisan political agenda rather than seek to unify the country and move us together. |
So, rather than seek to nullify her message, he and Farooqui sought to present a counter-narrative. |
There are black sheep in every profession and in today's society, where the emphasis is on money, there will be those who seek to enrich themselves at all costs. |
It is entirely incompatible with the domination of unaccountable private companies that seek to monopolise knowledge in the interests of their own profits. |
Ohio horsemen seek to withhold simulcasts from in-state harness tracks. |
Men often seek to have unsightly hair or skin blotches removed. |
Those of us who seek to show that the extremists are the exception, not the rule, and that mainstream practitioners pose no threat to democracy, have been dealt a severe blow. |
The complaints also seek to remove references to Lipitor in advertising materials and to eliminate computer links that misdirect patients to an illegal, unapproved product. |
It is only through the uncensored expression of such opinions that we can understand and seek to change the dogma of those that believe in extremism. |
A number of insurers seek to solve the problem of festive underinsurance by increasing their level of contents insurance cover for a nominal period before and after Christmas. |
To seek to change that part of the scheme design may mean that other parts or the whole of the scheme benefits would have to be examined and changed. |
At the same time it conflicts with theistic beliefs that many parents seek to instill in their children that life results from guided, rather than unguided change. |
Also The Hunting Bill was given an unopposed second reading and now goes to its committee stage later this month, where peers can seek to amend it. |
Enlightenment values are in peril not because these mad beliefs are really growing but because too many rational people seek to appease and understand unreason. |
Many of the poems are diagrams and puzzles that seek to look at love, womanhood, motherhood, and the longing for God in new ways. |
As we transition to paperless living it remains to be seen whether consumers will seek to cover their tracks. |
Yes, in the sense that the accused would raise the defence on a balance of probabilities, the Crown would seek to negative that beyond reasonable doubt. |
Two of our favorites, the Sony Smartband and the Garmin Vivofit seek to be your executive assistant or personal trainer. |
They seek to reduce what they see as needless clutter and eye candy, and to fashion beautifully spare pages, focusing on the most pleasing presentation of text. |
In other words, the whole can be understood by separating and defining its constituent parts, as a chemist might seek to explain life by its molecular structure. |
And those who would seek to give us that kind of politics are very happy to indulge the patronising fantasies of those who think it is all we are fit for. |
We can be millionaires, seek to extend the reach of government into the personal lives of Americans and not even have to pretend to relate to the ordinary proletarians. |
A royal endorsement is a timely boost to this major event as organisers seek to erase the bad memories of last year's cancellation due to foot-and-mouth disease. |
Emotional truth, not the factual kind, is what these books seek to find, and here it is the authors' lack of detachment that adds heft to their stories. |
In July 1999, after Cayuga County broke off settlement talks with the Cayuga tribe, tribal officials announced that they would seek to evict 7,000 landowners. |
And fifth, they can seek to oust legislators who oppose them. |
There is also evidence that their introduction has contributed to an increase in the size of the black economy as both employees and employers seek to circumvent the payment. |
However, the spokesman said retailers would seek to circumvent the rules. |
They seek to take advantage of each other to solve their own problems in the process of competition, which brings about some odd long-term symbioses and temporary alliances. |
It can be shown in simple exercises that we all have a propensity to seek to confirm our hunches or hypotheses, rather than seek to test and refute them. |
If this is Western society's hierarchical pecking order, it's no wonder that particularistic groups seek to court and sustain victimhood at every opportunity. |
If we seek to build a multicultural society, it might be useful to create a national body to systematise this investigation and propose changes to our systems of government. |
One commonly observed facet of the gay scene is that people often seek to define their very identities by the fact that they go to certain venues. |
But if we seek direct power and social control, we will, ironically, be assimilated into the very idolatries of wealth, status, and power we seek to change. |
Both government and businesses seek to privatize former government-owned enterprises, which is made difficult by fragmented and illiquid markets for public stock ownership. |
Instead, many Western Samoans seek to immigrate to American Samoa. |
The issue is whether we will aggressively seek to shape a new multipolar world order or whether a restructuring will be imposed on us by hostile forces. |
By suggesting that voices of protest are somehow alien and inauthentic, those in authority seek to cloud the issues and evade accountability for their own actions. |
Central to the concept is the paradox that while we believe we can tame nature we also seek to learn about our deepest desires and inclinations by communing with the primeval. |
Some organizations seek to be known and respected for the products they offer, while others seek to retain their indispensability to selected markets. |
The Court might seek to change parts of it piecemeal and over a period of time as this would appear to be less provocative towards an elected body. |
Deterrence and punishment are not rational options, and politicians who seek to inflame public feeling in these distressing cases are being forced to recognise this. |
Of course, we wish to be inscribed in the book of life, but it should be a life that we wish to be in rather than one that we seek to escape from. |
As regards the accused, it is a matter of court record that the confessions that prosecutors continue to seek to use against them were allegedly extracted using torture. |
Could I say in relation to it that it is an issue which we would seek to raise in any event by instituting proceedings in the original jurisdiction of the Court. |
Far from being a discouraging picture of evil, cinematic devils are cool, calculating and one step ahead of the mere mortals whose souls they seek to add to their collections. |
Britain should seek to recover control over all those aspects of domestic policy which do not directly impact on the internal affairs of another member state. |
With both teams including several Olympic internationals, a high quality race is expected as Oxford seek to gain revenge for Cambridge's win last year. |
Is that not the key proposition which the parties seek to controvert? |
No doubt, all counsel seek to enter a caveat of the kind just entered. |
Women Studies from the beginning was projected as a critical inquiry that would seek to expose the structures that upheld the subordination of women. |
They seek to do what is expected and enjoy fulfilling their duty. |
If it is a matter that arises, that is, if he files a praecipe and a subpoena is issued before the special leave, we will seek to have the matter determined then. |
They will also seek to get rid of dead wood in our State Parliament. |
This bill did seek to amend the Misuse of Drugs Act by inserting a new definition of industrial hemp and excluding industrial hemp from the definition of a prohibited plant. |
But Canadian researchers, scholars and writers alike have been working for years to address this by publishing a range of books that seek to demythologize this history. |
These terrorist groups seek to destabilize entire nations and regions. |
Is this something the Liberal Democrats in government will seek to change? |
I wish to take issue with the recent erroneous and arrogant statements from hydro developers who seek to devalue the true worth of the Monadhliath Mountains to the nation. |