He said there were plans in place to refurbish the showroom and re-establish the site as a retailer under the auspices of the new company. |
Unless scientists and teachers can re-establish a sense of science as a progressive social project, we will not be able to halt the slide. |
Then re-glue and clamp it with hide glue to re-establish the original veneering. |
Bill C-21, is an important piece of legislation that would re-establish the proper balance in the area of firearms control. |
Curled slab edges will lift off the soil bearing along the joint edges and should be grouted to re-establish the proper bearing. |
Steps have been taken to re-establish confidence in our measurements once the problem had been resolved. |
I am happy with what you have said and I hope that we are able to re-establish constructive dialogue and maintain our relationship of trust. |
On January 3, 1990, he signed a law to re-establish a multiparty political system in Romania. |
Europe presently needs to re-establish a sustainable growth that benefits its population as a whole and all its territories. |
Rebuild the Saints and seek revenge against rivals to re-establish your crew as the rightful kings of Stilwater. |
Commr Conroy added that maybe now was the time to re-establish the post of town clerk in Mountmellick rather than in Co. Hall in Portlaoise. |
If it has not been respected, the budgetary authority may take such corrective safeguard measures as are appropriate to re-establish equivalence. |
Ratification of the new cooperation agreement would allow us to re-establish the full cooperation dialogue with the new government. |
Contour was programmed to re-establish telemetry contact with the ground following the burn, however, no signal was received. |
Eventually, the astronauts re-establish communication having decided to continue on their Plutonian path. |
A more general idea might be to re-establish the traditional feeding pyramid of this area. |
We were pleased to read recently that efforts are being made to re-establish an almost extinct species in Kerry. |
The legacy of broken economic and financial relations can take many years to repair and re-establish. |
In order to increase citizen service, we should not re-establish the draft. |
In the language of the scriptures, becoming a son or daughter of Christ is to re-establish that familial relationship which was destroyed by sin. |
Once the state has alienated any parcel of land, it can never re-establish its original claim. |
Pilocarpine drops may be used to constrict the pupil and re-establish circulation of aqueous humor. |
I explained to him that I needed to turn around and fly a reciprocal course to re-establish communication with a soldier in distress. |
They hoped that the president would re-establish law and order, and that normalization would follow. |
A series of reports had since been prepared as quickly as possible in order to re-establish cooperation with the treaty bodies concerned. |
The priority at the moment is to re-establish a water supply system that is channelled from the hill. |
But, after two years in the wilderness, he has got the chance to re-establish himself and enhance his long career with an Indian summer. |
Many were heavily indebted even before the disaster and have no money to re-establish themselves. |
This recognition will restore our values and will allow us to re-establish or co-existence based on new rules. |
And I again insist that to re-establish a strong conception of duty, it is not enough to preach from a holier-than-thou position. |
Some chromosomes may be unable to re-establish homologous synapsis after the insertion. |
The noble falling fourths, echoed by the piano, re-establish the tonic key unambiguously. |
Educational crisis strategies are being developed and implemented to re-establish basic education services, reducing the traumatic effects and enabling early return to normality wherever conditions allow this. |
For them, having a meal again as part of the family is important, and helps to re-establish normal patterns of social contact. |
There is a movement to re-establish the laws of free competition, to promote globalization, to pare down the size of government. |
How will they re-establish their credibility on the issues that caused them to lose power through their own fault? |
It helps realign chakras, and re-establish your cerebrospinal fluid rhythm, resulting in a deep state of wellness and relaxation. |
Primary prevention also needs to re-establish its place alongside secondary prevention, which has dominated the discussion in recent years. |
We also hope and want to believe that European Union's voice will ring out loud and clear and help re-establish a spirit of hope. |
Though bringing about the fall of the apostate Church, the French Revolution didn't actually re-establish truth. |
For decades, declaring bankruptcy has been a last-resort measure to re-establish financial standing for economically distressed individuals and families. |
Efforts to re-establish populations have focused on improving water quality through pollution abatement and remediation efforts such as liming. |
Roughly seven weeks ago the City of New York released four bald eagles in a park at the northern tip of Manhattan, hoping to re-establish the bird as a local resident. |
Ecosystem restoration is needed on many of our national forests to re-establish healthy, fire adaptive forestlands and to increase water resources. |
As the Republic scrambles to re-establish order, the Sith Empire moves quickly to consolidate power within its new dominion. |
So, about every five years you've got to kind of replant and re-establish your seed bank, because the seeds eventually do die. |
Djokovic needs to re-establish himself here. |
Will the Prime Minister respond to the arguments of these international promoters who are confirming how effective those programs are and re-establish the funding for those programs? |
In Liberia it constructed five county administrative buildings on behalf of UNDP, with support from the Governments of Liberia and Sweden, to re-establish central government authority and operational capacity in the country. |
The purpose of these amendments was not to make new law, but to re-establish the balance that had existed before the C. C. Q. and to cover the situation that had prevailed since that time. |
With a few exceptions, these organizations were able to safely and quickly relocate and re-establish their operations after the September 11 attacks. |
We need to re-establish a climate of trust and cooperation. |
Under these conditions the liver stops consuming glucose and becomes metabolically gluconeogenic, producing glucose to re-establish normoglycemia. |
Endangered black-footed ferrets are extremely susceptible to sylvatic plague, a disease that has seriously hampered efforts to re-establish ferrets to their historical range. |
Some Islamist groups today claim to want to re-establish the post, but their discussions lack rigor, are desultory, and thus far have no wide appeal. |
If a commercial breed were to be hit by a devastating epizootic disease, the genes of a hardy rare breed could be used to help re-establish the immunity of a commercial one. |
But today only weedy species have the capacity to migrate and re-establish thriving populations in new habitats, which invariably are human-disturbed areas. |
A cup of valerian tea an hour before going to bed can help to re-establish a normal sleep cycle, and is safe to take in conjunction with any prescribed medication. |
In most cases, the physiological effects of acute stressors are reversible owing to the amazing ability of the human organism to re-establish allostasis. |
For while the sun finally shines on Arvay, it only does so once she can re-establish herself as the good mother, the benevolent angel in the house. |
Some even felt that in such a situation, the only honourable course would be for the government to call an election to re-establish a mandate for a change in course. |
To re-establish chivalry the king resorted to nobiliary archetypes from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and placed himself as a mirror for the nobility to imitate. |
I just wanted to re-establish myself and I was buzzing whenever I played. |
Further, reciprocity can be interpreted as flowing from the individual's desire to outbalance rule violations with offsetting moves in order to re-establish regularity. |
Pickerelweed can be cut and the rhizomes can be dug up but physical control is difficult because it can re-establish from seeds and remaining rhizomes. |
Troops were deployed in the violence-ridden province to re-establish law and order. |
Since these factors depend to a great degree on measures taken outside our borders, the Bank is working intensively with our international colleagues to re-establish confidence in the global financial system. |
In accordance with its self-perception, Switzerland must do all it can to prevent the outbreak of hostilities, to protect victims, to help re-establish peace and to fight the causes of violence. |
The Conservancy will also expand the size of the existing duck pond to surround the newly renovated skating shelter and will re-establish the pond as a naturalized wetland system. |
Rehabilitation of the line will allow KCS to re-establish rail service along the line, which has been out of service, but never abandoned. |
He was particularly well known for his efforts to re-establish handmade papermaking in the United States. |
As part of this global network, in Canada the Canadian Red Cross Restoring Family Links program helps people re-establish contact with immediate family members after separation due to war and other humanitarian crises. |
If we are to re-establish a modicum of reality in this debate, we have to bear in mind that human fallibility and human culpability are not the exclusive prerogative of any one single ethnic group. |
The long term implication must be part of the compensation decision making process because once we depopulate a particular farm the farmers need time to re-establish, refurbish and repopulate their farms. |
They exchange information and quickly re-establish a past connection. |
After the war ended he was called to Flensburg in Germany to help re-establish civil law. |
It will participate in crisis management in order to help where there is war or situations of conflict, to re-establish calm and to take the heat out of these situations and also to avoid them. |
After World War II, the newspaper industries of the belligerent and the occupied nations lay in ruins,in many cases deprived of the means to re-establish their independence and economic viability. |
The police alone cannot re-establish order, says Yvon Neptune, the prime minister. Mr Aristide also seems to have underestimated the groundswell of anti-government feeling. |
The reinforcements from Brunswick made it possible to re-establish the dragoons and grenadiers, and to increase the number of infantry regiments to five. |
Biologists believe that this wild turkey release is sufficient to re-establish the population of this bird which historically naturally occurred in the Detroit River watersheds. |
These dams will encourage water retention, enabling plants such as bog asphodel, sundew and sphagnum to re-establish. |
I should like to salute all the staff of the companies who have worked relentlessly and selflessly to restore services, to re-establish electricity and telephone lines and to rehouse families affected by the disaster. |
Although their form reflects a new stylistic departure, the works were not created to glorify the artists but rather through their giant size and intimidatory shapes to re-establish the sacredness of the Grove. |
However, for reasons of international trade restrictions the vaccinated animals were subsequently killed in order to re-establish the health status of the country without delay. |
But to those who seek to use these setbacks to re-establish an iron curtain, I would quote Robert Schuman, who said in 1949: I have no intention of drawing a geographical line of demarcation between Europe and non-Europe. |
The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and MONUC count on the Council's support in the weeks and months to come to re-establish lasting peace in the eastern part of the country and throughout the region. |
Moreover, the longer the period of disruption, the more difficult it becomes to re-establish contact without special measures to assist re-integration. |
The facts that he died as a malefactor, a disturber of the peace, and that he was made of no reputation, held forth no hope of enviable fame or earthly advantage to those who should attempt to re-establish his doctrine. |
Rather than appeal, Lynch, 33, has chosen to ride as a freelance in Spain, where he hopes to re-establish himself before reapplying for a British licence. |
Ben Aissa, has decided to undertake the appropriate legal recourse against SNC-Lavalin in order set the record straight and re-establish his reputation. |
Since then, much progress has been made in India to re-establish their use, though sadly many dyers use chemical alizarin and indigo instead of madder and natural indigo. |