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How to use put into practice in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "put into practice"? Here are some examples.

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Unfortunately, it often appears that she is unable to get her free-market ideas put into practice.
Many will greet such noble intentions with two cheers, having heard them before and waited too long to see them put into practice.
In theory it may seem like a great idea but, in theory, so do so many ideas until they are put into practice.
The rules for surrendering are simple to understand but are deceptively difficult to put into practice.
It was put into practice at the centre nearly two years ago and has proved its worth.
Far fewer writers overtly subscribe to the position that the principle of objectivity can be put into practice than in the past.
Skills they would no doubt put into practice without hesitation should any member of the public need their services.
As women we need to remain vigilant and watch how our South African Constitution is put into practice.
However, Elliott warns that it still needs to be evaluated before the theory is put into practice.
In fact, Social Credit is no longer only a theory, but is put into practice in these countries, with local debt-free banks multiplying.
The best thing we can do is to get the bills passed so that their aims and intent can be put into practice.
These meetings put into practice and hold out hope for a utopia based not on economic but spiritual prosperity.
Here he saw and put into practice the task of exegesis as listening to the text as apostolic testimony to divine address.
He said some recommendations had been put into practice while others were being implemented.
The utility has monitored some of the car washers who took part in that Big Wash and found many of them put into practice what they had learned.
They worked hard, ran hard and trained hard, all the time trying to put into practice what their coaches were telling them.
Not only are they divisive, but they might actually either have to be put into practice, or they might have to be changed.
As for the possibility of these suggestions being put into practice, that stage has not yet been reached.
The third stage is actually to put into practice what we have heard and what we have contemplated.
In the challenge of his new role he found an opportunity to put into practice theories which had long been forming in his mind.
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Examples from Classical Literature
As for the new features, the syndical courts proposed by Laffmas, they were not even put into practice.
Even their propounder pointed out that they would be extremely difficult to put into practice.
Emil Zafirovski in Nova Makedonija comments that after many struggles, the lustration law will finally be put into practice.
Hallaq imagines the medieval era as the time in which divine law was put into practice.
Birmingham council leader Sir Albert Bore is to meet Lord Heseltine to discuss how his proposals can be put into practice.
Ten months later, the two presidents' decision has not yet been put into practice.
Some say the consensus does not meant that the draft will put into practice because there are technical and political restrict ahead to implement it.
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